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It's Just The Flu.

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7 minutes ago, Brewster67 said:

We all know deats of the elderly and sick that starts with cold or flu are being added to the Covid-19 stats because they are coronaviruses.

Then how would you account for the massive rise in deaths compared to historical averages?


complain all you want about the MSM media suppressing the ‘truth’, they actually suppress much less and have less rigid agendas than the ideologically driven news on the far right and far left.

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I wouldn't say it's "just" the flu, but as Dr Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. said in "Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted" in the New England Journal of Medicine, it is "more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza":



If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2


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19 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Coronavirus pandemic: Covid-19 testing, death rates, and risk ...


Absolute rubbish - until they conduct full study the covid numbers are guesses - the flu numbers are well established over years of study.  Most people being tested and positive for cov are those unwell - most people dont get very sick. If you only counted people get get very sick from flu, then the death rates would be same. 


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31 minutes ago, Brewster67 said:

No need to post the propaganda... I don't believe any of it.... I believe Dr Andrew Kaufman, professor of molecular biology who says they actually have no idea how infectious it is, and this guy has studied EVERY scientific report that the US government follows.




Good explanations. Unfortunately not many are willing to look beyond their noses.

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

The main difference to flu is it seems someone of any age can die even without pre existing conditions. Is that the same as flu?

Yes!People of all ages die from the Flu even without known pre existing conditions.

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My niece in the UK works in the NHS as a pathologist, her job is to do the blood tests. Even SHE admits that she is NOT testing anyone for Covid-19. In fact she has been told she is NOT EVER going to be testing for Covid-19... IN FACT she doesn't even have the profile for Covid-19 and doubts that one even exists.


So what do you think of that?... She is a LIAR perhaps?


She even says that most people tested will provide a sample that will be positive for a coronavirus.... Bwahahahahaha


You lot are suckers.

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10 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Sorry, not me.

Actually i believe everything you say, and there is more we'd better not talk about.


Sorry i meant most people..... It seems.


Yes there are exceptions, people are waking up all the time.


It makes me laugh that some people are unquestioningly even repeating the wild claims that it is more lethal than flu when they don't even have the data available to even know the lethality.


Officially they have tested only 0.001% of the human population and from that they know the rate of mortality?.... To know the rate of infection and lethality you MUST have data to work off.... EVERYTHING else is pure guess work... Better known as 'MAKING IT ALL UP AS YOU GO ALONG'.


It really is that hilarious.

Edited by Brewster67
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It's particularly nasty strain of flu but it's still predominantly wiping out the old and weak.The lockdowns on the other hand are adding to deaths through suicides,mental health issues,people terrified to visit doctors and hospitals,operations being cancelled,cancer treatment being delayed not to mention financial difficulties.

Edited by Bassclomp
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4 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Here is another hint;


There is a clue in your wording that kind of destroys your argument..


3,000 people are known to have Covid in Thailand. It is common knowledge that they have been doing very little testing.

They admitted that it was just too expensive !!

Even if the true numbers are only double, fatality rate becomes 0.8%.

If you listen to the video posted by the OP, it's been very clearly explained why the tests are unreliable anyway.

And according to the good doctor, the way the deaths are counted is fraudulent. (his words)

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4 minutes ago, Brewster67 said:

Sorry i meant most people..... It seems.


Yes there are exceptions, people are waking up all the time.


It makes me laugh that some people are unquestioningly even repeating the wild claims that it is more lethal than flu when they don't even have the data available to even know the lethality.


Officially they have tested only 0.001% of the human population and from that they know the rate of mortality?.... To know the rate of infection and lethality you MUST have data to work off.... EVERYTHING else is pure guess work... Better known as 'MAKING IT ALL UP AS YOU GO ALONG'.


It really is that hilarious.

No probs mate, instead i am grateful for you posting the video, and for the fact that not everyone are sleeping.

Stay healthy, stay strong, this is just the beginning of a long story.

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1 hour ago, Brewster67 said:

It is so non-lethal that they have to LIE about the deaths.

You remind me of this genius:

A DAD who reportedly said the coronavirus was a political ploy, and called his state's lockdown "bulls***" has died of COVID-19.

John W. McDaniel, from Marion County in Ohio, was diagnosed with the virus in late March, and died in hospital on April 15.



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