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Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Democrats of wishing him failure in coronavirus response

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17 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

Well the no one who recorded the event did a News interview and he was out while he was supposed to be in quarantine, diagnosed as a carrier. 

You were supplied with a reference and still ignore the truth, how pathetic!


Amazing a tv talking head draws your outrage. Yet this..


trumps guidelines says wear masks. He is asked if he will wear one at a mask making factory. He says he will if he has to.


factory has signs saying he must wear a mask. He wears goggles. Going against his own guidelines and the compulsory wearing in the factory.



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4 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


Always good for a chuckle when the left cites fringe wierdo stuff as the doing of "The Republicans" in retaliation for their top politicians open attacks. 


And Benghazi actually happened. 

Yes it happened but after 7 or so inquiries the republicans couldnt blame hilary. Didnt hear repubs comlainin too much about which hunts then.

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Citing no evidence, 


When Trump imposed the travel ban,  who was trying to block it? Was it Trump?... who was it?  Bernie Sanders was even asked directly if he would have did the ban... he said "No, we must keep our borders Open so that those who want to come into our country can come in easily"

Was it Trump that told people to go on down to China Town?

Was it Trump that told people to gather and enjoy the parades?

Was it Trump that told people to go out to the restaurants,  the food is delicious?

Was it Trump that told people to go out to the bars and enjoy, have fun?

Was it Trump that delayed the Stimulus Package because he wanted Tax Payers to fund Abortion?

Answer Me please.... do deflect or just ignore those questions... 

Was it Trump that did all those things? 

Also answer me this...  for what motivation were those done?

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24 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


And here we have liberals defending a man who's whole segment for weeks on CNN was his dramatic doomsday basement quarantine... Who flouted it, got called out by a local, got busted, then smeared the guy publicly who called him out, and then after ALL that, the very same liberals have no issue with taking Cuomos side of the argument without question. 


Its beyond ridiculous. 

Just an admission that there were nothing to substantiate the allegation will do. You may want to know that appearing on Tucker Carlson does not constitute truth. 

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10 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Amazing a tv talking head draws your outrage. Yet this..


trumps guidelines says wear masks. He is asked if he will wear one at a mask making factory. He says he will if he has to.


factory has signs saying he must wear a mask. He wears goggles. Going against his own guidelines and the compulsory wearing in the factory.



Nice deflection! We already discussed it and gave an explanation and provided you with a more absurd example which you denied as being significant.

3 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

I totally agree with you,I was just trying to discredit a troll post.

I do not think anyone could have been totally prepared for this disaster and how do you have a test kit for a virus that hasn’t yet been experienced yet?

i think excellent progress has been made worldwide since the onslaught has begun and a lot of countries will be doing a lot of things differently in the future.



Some did much better than others. Look at the case of SK and Germany. 

Jan. 12 Coronavirus genome published, Jan. 17 German scientist defined a protocol for testing, published by WHO to make it available to all. Then SK quickly started approving and producing tests and was able to conduct extensive testing early February. Meanwhile, Germany was also starting to produce testing kits and was keeping an eye on how SK was operating. When the outburst started on 24 February they already had stocks ready and were able to implement the same tactics as SK.


To be honest, not only Trump is guilty. Others, such as BoJo or Macron are also guilty of negligence. Trump is just a bit more guilty because the outburst started later than in Europe, so he had a bit more time available.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Just an admission that there were nothing to substantiate the allegation will do. You may want to know that appearing on Tucker Carlson does not constitute truth. 

And yet Cumo has not denied it, and I for one think he has plenty of access to the media.

Please don’t forget the part of his idiot brother wanting to arrest people for not wearing a mask, while at the time he was saying this he was at a crowded table, NOT Wearing a mask, you just can’t make this stuff up, the Democrats are their own worst enemies.

You should try watching Tucker, you might learn something.

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6 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

And yet Cumo has not denied it, and I for one think he has plenty of access to the media.

Please don’t forget the part of his idiot brother wanting to arrest people for not wearing a mask, while at the time he was saying this he was at a crowded table, NOT Wearing a mask, you just can’t make this stuff up, the Democrats are their own worst enemies.

You should try watching Tucker, you might learn something.

Chris Cuomo did defended the allegation. You seem to miss all that while watching Fox. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order for New Yorkers to wear mask and is enforceable. You don’t think New Yorkers should wear masks when the city has a full blown corona virus infections and deaths. I am not interested in right wing conspiracy commentators like Tucker or Alex Jones and their likes. 

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42 minutes ago, Xavnel said:

When Trump imposed the travel ban,  who was trying to block it?

Good question! Who was it? I don't remember of any attempt to block it (we are talking about the CHINA travel restrictions, not another travel ban).

Just now, candide said:

Good question! Who was it? I don't remember of any tentative to block it (we are talking about the CHINA travel restrictions, not another travel ban).


Nancy Pelosi, very loudly and very publicly along with Joe Biden and every other democrat. 

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Trump accuses Democrats of wishing him failure in coronavirus response

………...and he just keeps on delivering! :thumbsup:

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15 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

So 3 years ago we were the leader of the free world, but now we aren’t. And if we elect a democrat as president, we will resume being the leader of the free world? 

Umm take a look just there at your right shoulder, oh dear it’s China!

Shy of a devastating thermonuclear exchange there will be no way to stop the power balance in the world shifting from the west to the east. It’s already happening.

Trumps attempts to deflect this shift Is too little too late.


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This remark by DT is in sync with The rhetoric of FoxNews and many other Republicans.

I'm a good patriotic American and those dirty unpatriotic syphilitic  American liberals ergo; comrades, socialists, are out to get me and you-all too because I’m like you and I speak for you and we are the true Americans.

BS so deep it looks like a mid winter snow drift!

I think it’s a convenient grabbing at anything to paint DT in a negative light by Dems (some might say he don’t need help with this) because many Dens loathe DT. I doubt whether even in the arena of American politics that Dems wish Trumps virus initiatives to fail so they can have fuel for their anti-Trump bonfires.

To constantly pronounce such stuff is in itself destructive to the ‘good-fight‘ against Covid, the very thing Trump and Fox accuse others of doing.


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17 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Since when was citing evidence necessary?  Have we forgotten already the lack of evidence in the "Russia" debacle?  Or, need I remind you the impeachment was pushed forward by the Dems with no evidence?


Trump has as much a right to speak his opinion as any Trump hating Democrat...thank you!

No evidence ????????????


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A post using an offensive Nazi trolling comment toward POTUS has been removed.


A post using a copyrighted photo taken out of context for the purpose of trolling has been removed. 

23 hours ago, webfact said:

"Because the House is a setup. The House is a bunch of Trump haters," the Republican president answered. "They, frankly, want our situation to be unsuccessful, which means death, which means death, and our situation is going to be very successful."

Sounds about right to me. They pursued the impeachment trial to the bitter end, even though it was bound to fail. Trump has no friends among Democrats in the house.

They have certainly tried to defeat everything he has done in the past, and leopards do not change their spots.

23 hours ago, webfact said:

Cuomo, commenting on the notion that states led by Democratic governors have been mismanaged, said, "if anything," the federal government is responsible for mismanagement.

As usual, everything bad is someone else's fault.

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Flat our wrong. I am a centrist democrat, and I gave up on Obama after 6 months of repeated broken promises. It is a bit like me saying all conservatives love Trump. Many detest him. Many know exactly who and what he is. They may support his policies. But, how do you love a man like that?

You gave Obama 6 months longer than I, then. I had him pegged for a smooth talking establishment to the bone career politician that had never had a real job to know what it is like in the real world, soon as he came on the presidential election scene. He never did anything to change my mind on that. The one thing he said he'd do ( close Guantanamo ) I supported, he didn't.


IMO Trump has as many enemies in the GOP as the Dems. Unfortunately for them they couldn't, IMO, rig the system like the DNC did against Bernie.

On 5/6/2020 at 6:24 AM, webfact said:

Trump accuses Democrats of wishing him failure in coronavirus response

How does one quantify failure? 

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12 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Chris Cuomo did defended the allegation. You seem to miss all that while watching Fox. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order for New Yorkers to wear mask and is enforceable. You don’t think New Yorkers should wear masks when the city has a full blown corona virus infections and deaths. I am not interested in right wing conspiracy commentators like Tucker or Alex Jones and their likes. 

And while he issued the order in a crowded room he wasn’T wearing a mask. 

Like I said if you watch Fox you might learn something, (such as the Department of Defense opened Javits Center Hospital, not as you claimed Cuomo) 

Fox News also pointed out Cuomo’s executive order preventing nursing homes from refusing admission of people with the virus, between 20-30 % of New York’s deaths were the result of this genius move, and he was calling people not wearing masks murderers? 

If you actually wanted to make an informed decision you would be listening to both sides of a story, not just the fake news.

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