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China says it backs WHO in tracing COVID-19, denounces U.S. 'lies'


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All good in theory.

The  WHO is  only  able  to ascertain fact from  fiction from  data/statistics provided  other  than testimony  from  allowable  sources. The WHO is  left in a  defensive  position due  to unsubstantiated  claims against it.

The   World  can await . There will be  no  conclusive conclusion . Politically it is a question now so  contaminated  even a  virus  will stay clear ! But because of exactly that  we could expect to suffer  worse !


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12 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:

China will only back WHO as long as they don't say that the WuFlu came from China.


The minute WHO realizes (they probably already did) that the virus came from China (either wet market or lab), and grows a pair and tells it publicly. Then China will call WHO a liar or Trump servant etc etc.


China should realize this scandal is to big to be buried.

I hate to break this to you but not only has WHO said that Covid-19 came from Wuhan in China, the Chinese government agree.


I think it is misleading to call it "We-flu" as Flu (Influenza) is a completely different virus, much less infectious.

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4 hours ago, Proboscis said:

I hate to break this to you but not only has WHO said that Covid-19 came from Wuhan in China, the Chinese government agree.

Could you please provide a link to this information?

I have not read about any public figure from CCP that has officially acknowledged that the virus originated in Wuhan - but maybe you have better sources.

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1 minute ago, dastakantattaka said:

Why not in Zambade and Madagscar too? What if the chinese covid-19 virus originated from those countries? How do you know that's not the case?

Well, it has been proven that the first case so far had never been to China and had no ties to China. He is an Algerian that lives in France and he was in Algeria in August 2019 and he was not feeling well and went to a French hospital in December and they tested him for seasonal flu and the result came back negative and they did no further tests until after the virus breakout in Wahun. Now frozen samples have been retested and they have returned a positive for Covid-19. So where did this man get the virus because he had NO links to China and this was before Wahun. France and many other European countries are now checking other people who tested negative to the seasonal flu but still suffered from the symptoms around the same time or even earlier to see if they also were positive with this virus

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19 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

There are truly some incredibly naive people on here. The so called Covid-19 virus, Wuhan flu, did in fact start in Wuhan, China. Eric Loh does need to read more.


Where is your documented proof that the virus STARTED in China. There is proof from the French Hospital of the Algerian man that was tested for seasonal flu and that test was negative and he was not tested any further and after Wahun breakout, frozen specimens were sent from Algeria to France for retesting but this time they were tested for Covid-19 and the tests were positive. This man had NO ties to China and the original tests were before Wahun breakout. So that means that the virus was present in either Algeria or France before Wahun. The Algerian man had been in Algeria in August 2019. There are many hospitals in Europe looking at retesting samples that had been tested for seasonal flu only and now they are going to check for Covid-19 which was not done before Wahun breakout. It is going to be interesting times ahead when they start to get the results in to see how far back this virus goes before it broke out at Wahun and where it originated from.

Edited by Russell17au
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20 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

All good in theory.

The  WHO is  only  able  to ascertain fact from  fiction from  data/statistics provided  other  than testimony  from  allowable  sources. The WHO is  left in a  defensive  position due  to unsubstantiated  claims against it.

The   World  can await . There will be  no  conclusive conclusion . Politically it is a question now so  contaminated  even a  virus  will stay clear ! But because of exactly that  we could expect to suffer  worse !


Well said DATC,

yes one other victim other than those who have died and those who will die has been the truth.

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5 minutes ago, dastakantattaka said:

Where is the proof?

By whom proven?


Do some research and you will find it. It has been in the news all over the world. It is an Algerian man that lived in France, and it was the French hospital that released the news. The results of the test were released by the French Hospital.

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5 minutes ago, dastakantattaka said:

Yes, yes, yes.... Chinese propaganda is working on you.

It appears by your uneducated comments that you hate the Chinese


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4 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Well, it has been proven that the first case so far had never been to China and had no ties to China. He is an Algerian that lives in France and he was in Algeria in August 2019 and he was not feeling well and went to a French hospital in December and they tested him for seasonal flu and the result came back negative and they did no further tests until after the virus breakout in Wahun. Now frozen samples have been retested and they have returned a positive for Covid-19. So where did this man get the virus because he had NO links to China and this was before Wahun. France and many other European countries are now checking other people who tested negative to the seasonal flu but still suffered from the symptoms around the same time or even earlier to see if they also were positive with this virus


If he flew on an international flight, he had ties to China.  I challenge you to find a cross border flight on which there are no Chinese folks...

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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


If he flew on an international flight, he had ties to China.  I challenge you to find a cross border flight on which there are no Chinese folks...

That means that the virus was alive in France and Algeria in August 2019 according to your thinking.

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Please read & share. The Corona Virus on bats research project was a US project (NIH). it started 2014 and ended 2019. it was outsourced to Wuhan because this kind of research is illegal in the US. please read all details in Desktopmode. please download the site. payments went directly to the bio lab in Wuhan. 


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