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“Successful” Thailand hangs its fate on vaccine quest

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What worries me more is people here dropping logical fallacies because this becomes debate territory.

I understand this is an emotive issue for some, and i'm just trying to understand where people are coming from, but we certainly all see that social distancing has been working on a global scale.

So i guess the question is, why try to fix something if is working? and also, if social distancing isn't something you feel that is fair, then what else can we do?   

Edited by Kaopad999
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The bad news is we have never made a successful vaccine against any coronavirus. And there are a handful that affect humans - a couple cause the common cold, then there is SARS and MERS, and hundreds that affect other animals.


More bad news is that a candidate vaccines for SARS caused the disease to be worse. It was unable to stop the virus and caused the body to attack its own cells after getting reinfected with SARS.


The good news is we have never really tried very hard to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The SARS research was stopped early after the disease was eradicated. The MERS one in development hasn't been finished. No one wants to invest in a cold virus.


And with about 100 teams looking at COVID vaccine there are some chances. Some scientists are confident. The woman who runs the trial in Oxford, UK is already testing on people and says she will know by September whether it works. And she says she is 80% confident it will be effective.  But who knows whether she has caught the British government disease that affects Boris Johnson and a lot of his government including scientific advisors. Lying.

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17 hours ago, Mavideol said:

that's the good and bad thing, the virus doesn't discriminate or segregate

It seems to do just that. Over four times many black, 2.5 Asian than over white from studies in UK.  Majority who die are over 60 in white population.

    that's the figure to aim for    lock the rest up

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18 hours ago, Mavideol said:

that's the good and bad thing, the virus doesn't discriminate or segregate

Wrong. it does. ,Uk reporting. high risk of dying if your Black,Asian ,or Old.  ,old i understand.  ,why Black or Asian ,they do not understand.  ,thats in the UK. ,to me looking in from outside Thailand. ,Thailand are doing better job of keeping there people safe. than Europe.  ,

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4 hours ago, M71 said:


  I found the cure for Covid-19 !!



It's amazing what you can find out while sitting at home during lock down watching old movies.
This is the very shortened version of this 2003 movie - it's 3 minutes :
Lockdown ✔️

Hydroxychloroquine ✔️

Political pressure ✔️

China ✔️

Masks ✔️

CDC ✔️

Coronavirus ✔️


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41 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

we certainly all see that social distancing has been working on a global scale.


It is complex; many variables; garbage data;

nobody knows for sure if these restriction help in the long term.

Every year 10million die from starvation.

Knocking out the world economy

will starve maybe 200 million more.


The human body has about 7 trillion cells.

They are small.

Bacteria are way smaller and we have each

70 to 700 trillion in and on us.

Virus are way smaller yet.

They are ubiquitous.

We can't hide.



Edited by papa al
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18 hours ago, Mavideol said:
18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

If there is no vaccine, COVID-19 will ensure that all governments need large sums of money similarly, whether they are democratic, dictatorial, conservative or liberal.

that's the good and bad thing, the virus doesn't discriminate or segregate

Of course it does.  75% of the deaths occur to those over 70 years of age and in that group it's men with health issues who fare the worst, by far.  It's a respiratory tract infection with an overall mortality of .5% where the vast majority of those infected are asymptomatic and never even know they have it.


And I like the fleeting mention of Singapore in the article.  It was meant to be instill fear by showing what happens when you let your guard down and that's exactly what DIDN'T happen.  Singapore had a daily new infection rate in the double digits, showing a moderate and arguably manageable rate of increase.  They then ordered almost all businesses closed which forced their mostly foreign, low-wage work force to 'shelter in place' in crowded dormitories.  13 days later the rate of daily new infections climbed in the 4-digit range.

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IMHO the rate at which this virus has mutated in the recent  past precedes the chance of any effective virus unless researchers are very lucky and can find a stable part of the protein coat which is essential for the virus to operate. Don't pin your hopes on anything soon and it will likely be mixture of vaccines for different species and variants of the  virus. 

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At least if Thailand develops a vaccine they can make it affordable. If Int Pharma comes up with one expect some countries to be bankrupted trying to pay for it. The vaccine could be worth billions, even trillions, which is why the world's sociopaths are pushing for it to be mandatory.

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4 hours ago, Venom said:

Another 54 deaths in Thailand is very possible if there's a second wave! Once the economy is completely destroyed there could be 70 million of Thailand's poor and homeless people being herded like cattle into the food and free handout lines. Nobody knows for certain. 

I think after 7-8 weeks, it's now fair to ask more detailed questions, how many of these 55 dead people died of covid, or had any other pre-conditions or age, or even not been tested and assumed covid victims?


And what measures and restrictions are good (wash your hands, don't touch your face, don't handshake, wear a mask etc.), to keep, and what is irrational and kills of the future and business of millions of people?


At what point could we all fairly say, there has not been an outbreak?


These are not only questions I have Thailand specific, but in general, for many countries.



Edited by RedPill
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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

First, you may have noticed that these viruses disappear as quickly as they appear (it's a bit different for Ebola, but it is not a coronavirus).


SARS 1 is not there anymore, and neither is MERS, but somehow the actual SARS 2 is expected to remain with us forever...go wonder why...


There is a good reason why there is no vaccine against coronaviruses.


It is very technical and beyond my knowledge, but from what I grasped it has to do with a very specific area of the body where the virus is active, and until now impossible to efficiently reach with a vaccine.

That is correct. It is a Corona virus and there is no vaccine because the the letal disease is cellular immunity. that is the place where immunity should be produced but the cells do not cooperate.

No CORONA vaccine working for other mammals like cats.

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3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I'm sure Bill Gates is involved somehow, and will make billions!



But he already had billions, why should he do this or what is the motivation? I hear this theory a lot, but have a hard time to get my head around it.

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1 hour ago, papa al said:


Successful vaccine vs common cold virus...no hab.

Successful vaccine vs HIV/AIDS...no.

Successful vaccine vs flu virus...50/50, side effects.

Successful vaccine vs C19...n... .

papa votes lift all restrictions.

papa [old, fat] officially volunteers to be infected.

Not scared at all.




As I already mentioned, Covid 19 doesn't mutate quickly hence why a vaccine is totally possible. Those other virus you mention all mutate quickly which is why a vaccine is more difficult to produce although for flu there is a variant of the vaccine issued every year.


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2 hours ago, papa al said:


Successful vaccine vs common cold virus...no hab.

Successful vaccine vs HIV/AIDS...no.

Successful vaccine vs flu virus...50/50, side effects.

Successful vaccine vs C19...n... .

papa votes lift all restrictions.

papa [old, fat] officially volunteers to be infected.

Not scared at all.



Papa al is excused from a trial due to issues with informed consent.

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Malaria has killed millions of people across the world, far more than COVID-19 ever will. There is only one recently approved vaccine, with limited efficacy. On the other hand, Jesuit's bark, otherwise known as quinine, has been treating malaria patients since the 1600's.

There is no HIV vaccine. However, antiretroviral drugs have succeeded in giving many HIV patients normal life spans.

IMO, a preferred option for COVID-19 would be the development of treatment drugs and prophylactics.

A vaccine takes a long time to develop and test for effectiveness. A drug treatment has a much shorter path from testing to approval.

The other positive would be depriving the anti-vaxxers of another drum to beat.

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49 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Control. He is evil. His mission is to impose genetically modified organism and digital dictatorship to farmers around the world.

Regarding Covid-1984, all the videos on YouTube/Facebook/Twitter explaining this have been removed - he controls the media, including the BBC. 


Considered the fact he gaves us all those flaky Windows systems and ctl-alt-del crashes over the past decades, there might be some truth in it ????


Edited by RedPill
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20 hours ago, lkv said:

Well not in this case, apparently. 


Quick quick, let's vaccinate. Doom and gloom otherwise. 


“Successful” Thailand hangs its fate on vaccine quest - a thread title full of dramatism.

Bill Gates,his buddies the Chinese,and their 'salespeople', and potential world suppliers, the bent WHO/UN, have many thousands of Litres of vaccines to flog.

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On 5/8/2020 at 6:05 PM, mr mr said:

my god is this stuff actually happening ? that divider thing is so stupid it is laughable. so you can sit on a scooter together while on your way to eat but gotta divide while you do ? 




all of this <deleted> is becoming so mind numbing. social distancing and all that goes along with it is the biggest joke ever played out on humans. 

Similar to a new regulation of 250 passengers per BTS train. So you will have a social distancing inside the train and a total lack of one on the stations with the crowds of hundreds waiting for the next train. 

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