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18 months of pandemic pain ahead, warns govt panel

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


So the world has conspired to pretend there's a fake pandemic just so the Thai government can collapse their own economy to starve their own citizens??


Okay, whatever substance(s) your abusing, stop. And seek professional help very soon.

But it's not just the Thai government with the collapsing economy is it? The whole world's economy is being collapsed. And you think that's just a coincidence???

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


So the world has conspired to pretend there's a fake pandemic just so the Thai government can collapse their own economy to starve their own citizens??


Okay, whatever substance(s) your abusing, stop. And seek professional help very soon.

But it's not just the Thai government with the collapsing economy is it? The whole world's economy is being collapsed. And you think that's just a coincidence???

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1 hour ago, Geeyore said:

I communicate with friends and relatives abroad regularly, and they're all in a country that's been fairly hard hit.


They despise the idea of wearing masks! I gently give them Thai case numbers in a low-key manner, hoping they'll see the wisdom of masks, sanitizer, and keeping distance, which is widely practiced by 95+ percent in BKK.


No interest. Only my Asian friends abroad get it. As in BKK, the farang remain resistant. The empirical evidence is there, but the awareness is not. And that's even if one is sceptical of government numbers. It's a matter of scale, not the exact and precise detail.

But Australia and NZ have very low case numbers and deaths, and most people don’t wear masks. I’m in Australia now, and it’s rare to see anyone wearing a mask, not even higher risk employees such as supermarket cashiers. Maybe for a country with a comparatively high infection rate masks could be worn in crowded indoor areas and public transport, but having to wear one outdoors doesn’t make any sense, unless it’s in a place such as a crowded market.

Must be horrible in Thailand at the moment, like waking up in the middle of a zombie horror movie, not seeing a single human face except on a TV screen.

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Thailand must "proceed with extreme caution to avoid sparking a second-phase outbreak that could swamp the health system with a new wave of cases"; however, let's encourage the Chinese and Koreans to return ASAP! 


Edited by WhyamIhere
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13 hours ago, bodga said:


I hear you Bodga, I'm from the USA and they keep getting more n more cases, but they are testing the Hell out of the people. Where Thailand only knows the cases once the person goes to the hospital. The USA suicide rate has jumped 300% during this time mostly because of not working n the things that expand from that. The US is starting to open up but mostly on the least amount of cases/deaths. What the people hate the big places like a Tesco can open n sell everything but smaller places n mom n pop can't sell a penny!

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1 hour ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I'm a 62 yo male in reasonably good medical condition and not afraid of this CV in the least.

Good for you, chin up, that's the way. It won't kill us all.


Just like the 1917-1919 flu, it will eventually end and we can quickly forget about it until it happens again.

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5 hours ago, asiamaster said:

US, UK, Europe all well over 10% mortality. New York 20% +


Your maths is not great, take time,u can use a calculator if u wish, but u state 10% mortality in Europe! Take each countrys population and divide by 10,% or 20% that your doctor stated, it's not even close to 10-20%, example IRELAND, population 5million, 10% of that is 500,000, ! Actually deaths 1360 covid RELATED deaths!! I hope sincerely u don't work in a bank or a qualified accountant!! 

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1 hour ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I'm a 62 yo male in reasonably good medical condition and not afraid of this CV in the least. If Thai people or others are afraid they can hunker down in their homes seal the windows and doors and also draw the curtains or shades. But how many people are ready to get out and work, and live life? I believe this hysteria is  being purposely being created to control the uneducated masses.

or it could be a Gov plan to cull the uneducated and self entitled like you, Practical Darwinism.

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2 hours ago, Geeyore said:

I communicate with friends and relatives abroad regularly, and they're all in a country that's been fairly hard hit.


They despise the idea of wearing masks! I gently give them Thai case numbers in a low-key manner, hoping they'll see the wisdom of masks, sanitizer, and keeping distance, which is widely practiced by 95+ percent in BKK.


No interest. Only my Asian friends abroad get it. As in BKK, the farang remain resistant. The empirical evidence is there, but the awareness is not. And that's even if one is sceptical of government numbers. It's a matter of scale, not the exact and precise detail.

And America wonders why its numbers are approaching 80,000 dead.

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On 4/14/2020 at 11:27 AM, yogi100 said:

When and if supplies of booze are stopped all shops will eventually have none left to sell. Including the Mom and Pop shops.


But we'll then have people making bathtub gin if the regular stuff becomes unavailable for very long or gets too expensive.


Illicit alcohol was big business in the USA during the Prohibition.


On 5/3/2020 at 4:02 PM, StevieAus said:

I’m surprised that people take their car just to have the oil changed, as far back as I can remember it’s always been part of a scheduled service.

We have both a Ford and a Toyota which are serviced by the respective dealerships and at the end of the service we receive a report on various items tyres brakes etc.

I think the last time I did any maintenance on a car was when I was about 35 and I am seventy now, but horses for courses.


On 5/3/2020 at 2:09 PM, Scotssing said:

No 3 a total farce. It was reported earlier today that 1 million have left Bangkok over this long weekend. The interior ministry has ordered, ordered no less, that people returning to their provinces be kept in quarantine for 14 days and that local authorities ensure that they are self isolating.  Sometimes you really wonder about the fantasy land that people who issue such orders are living in


On 5/4/2020 at 7:19 AM, blazes said:

 I notice the survey (by landline or cell or what?) does not ask if the population thought it was a good idea to ban alcohol sales.....


On 5/7/2020 at 8:11 AM, Xonax said:

Some of the poor Thai´s are getting hungry, while the government keeps the country locked down. There is so few new Covid 19 cases in Thailand, that it is completely ridiculous to keep the country locked down. Keep the borders closed and ask Thai´s to wear masks, wash hands and keep a distance to others, so we at least can get the local economy going again.

My biggest problem is, that more and more of my favorite groceries are getting sold out and replaced with some crappy substitutes.


13 hours ago, ezzra said:

He did not elaborate 10-20 percent of what? the whole population or the number of people who got infected, in any case, the back to normal can be done wisely and with care mindful not to implode the fragile economy  but if experience taught me anything living in this country is to expect thing to be done half baked or over kill...

 Its all a waste of pea brain thinking...  nobody knows the largest number in the  formula and that is how long and how bad...  we can sit around and think forever but until we have the number facts a number cannot be derived at.. as simple as that... look at Trump and his USA back on track by easter... lol, they are all at it... waste of reading...

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They sputter news story nonsense about how tourism will be back by the fall, and other nonsense.

18 months?  Sure.  That sounds a lot more realistic than 5 months.

Remember if a treatment becomes available that may change.  

There will be no tourism in any country until this pandemic is under control, full stop.  The Thai government just doesn't want to come out and say it yet.  They need to point the finger at someone else, not themselves.

They should be worried because times are going to be extremely tough.  The marathon will be long I'm afraid.  ????

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17 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

Seriously, you are publishing this nonsense and calling the rest of the population stupid? It's sad that there are gullible disaffected people that actually believe your drivel. Shouldn't you be in a bunker somewhere snuggling with your AR-15?

Conspiracy theorists "get off" on touting ridiculous stories and then getting a rise out of people.  It's been happening for long before you were probably born, long before grassy knolls, and long before aliens.  


They don't bother me.  I get it, the whole world is wrong and they are right.  Fine with me.  

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21 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

They don't bother me.  I get it, the whole world is wrong and they are right.  Fine with me.  

I saw the Exorcist movie when I was young.

Still coming to grips with it. Why do bad men scare us little boys.

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First. There has never been a 20% mortality rate. Anywhere. Second, if they are looking at thailands data there is only one conclusion.... there is no covid problem in Thailand (if the data is wrong is another question). Third, 18 month impact is the first real truth coming out of the committee

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2 minutes ago, Cabradelmar said:

First. There has never been a 20% mortality rate. Anywhere. Second, if they are looking at thailands data there is only one conclusion.... there is no covid problem in Thailand (if the data is wrong is another question). Third, 18 month impact is the first real truth coming out of the committee

Of course the mortality rate isn't 20 percent.  Good grief, LOL.  Who's stating that?  s

It doesn't matter if it's under control or not in Thailand.  The point is moot when it comes to the original thread's news story.  

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2 hours ago, zyphodb said:

But it's not just the Thai government with the collapsing economy is it? The whole world's economy is being collapsed. And you think that's just a coincidence???

No, all the dodgy leaders from all over the world got together and decidied to destroy their country’s economy. Yep, there are actually people who believe that kind of nonsense and you don’t have to look to far to find them.

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