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In leaked call, Obama describes Trump handling of virus as chaotic


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14 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Really?  There were no race issues in the US before Obama was elected President?  Are you sure?

His first divisive measure was when he made the police officer and the professor sit down together at the Whitehouse for a beer.  This was something way below his purview as the President, and as much as he thought he was involving himself at the local level it set the tone for what came.  Because of his actions he fostered the hate black people had for police and emergency personnel by making it a presidential issue, when it should have been taken care of at a local level.  There has always been race issues, but unfortunately Obama's administration set things back greatly in how far we had come with our laws in trying to create equality.  Race needs to be left alone.  The US is a melting pot and we have come from all over so we are a country of many races.  Unfortunately, folks within his party wanted to capitalize on perceived race issues and take it to a national level.  Unfortunately again we now have a tool in office who can not stop tweeting and thinks being president is like his television show.  When you run a country you need to act Presidential and relegate many of the daily issues to staff to send back down to the States Governors, Cities Mayors, and this is where it should be taken care of, not in the Presidents office.  I abhor politics.  So many people start off with the right intention but then as we all know power corrupts even the best of us all.

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4 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


In purposely leaked call, with a compliant media, and after years of political silence, Obama describes Trump as chaotic ????

C'mon, cut him some slack. He's sincerely trying to be nice :dry:

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49 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I thought this was the woman who openly said that she wouldn't lie, when asked at a briefing a few days ago.


Obviously far too much to hope for, and it seems that being unable to tell the difference between truth and lies is a trump and trumpist trait.


Back in January, when US intelligence agencies first started to warn Donald Trump about the threat the virus posed, his instinct was to brush it off.


Trump did not want to spook the financial markets. Even after China finally acknowledged there was significant human-to-human transmission of the virus, he consistently downplayed the danger.


On January 22, CNBC asked the President whether he was worried about the virus becoming a pandemic.


"No, not at all," he said.

"We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine."


At the start of February, having been convinced by his staff to announce restrictions on travel from China, Trump said the problem had been dealt with. On February 2, he told Fox News host Sean Hannity partial travel ban had "pretty much shut it down".


On February 14, he suggested the virus would simply go away as the United States headed into its summer months.


"There's a theory that, in April, when it gets warm – historically, that has been able to kill the virus," said Trump.


By February 26, there were 60 confirmed cases in the United States, and that number was rising steadily. "We're going down, not up. We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump claimed, contradicting his own administration's health officials.


"As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we're going to be, pretty soon, at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time."


He also compared the coronavirus to influenza.


Trump repeatedly downplayed the virus, and dismissed fears about its potential spread in the United States as media "hysteria".


He did this until mid-March, when he finally started to take the pandemic seriously – and abruptly switched to claiming he'd known how bad it was all along.


"I've always known this is a, this is a real, this is a pandemic," he said on March 16.

"I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.


"I've always viewed it as serious."


That simply wasn't true. As other world leaders did their best to prepare for the crisis, Trump pretended there was nothing to worry about.


In summary, a complete <deleted> from a complete idiot, and Obama was right. Disinfectant anyone??


Doesn't anybody give sources anymore!

"By February 26, there were 60 confirmed cases in the United States, and that number was rising steadily. "We're going down, not up. We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump claimed, contradicting his own administration's health officials".


fauci said no lifestyle changes for America on feb 29th.How dire was that


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4 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


if that were the case, why were those health briefings classified

if "it's just the flu, bro", what do they need to hide from the public?

where do you think our health experts get much of their information on a chinese epidemic?  from china?  that's why we have multiple intel agencies.


and if they were depending on only health experts for their information, why were our congressional overlords selling their stock holdings?



i'd google some stuff for ya, but china is not playing nice today.

vpn's are spotty, and for some reason microsoft's bing does not respond.

beats me buddy I'm just reporting the facts

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course he is. Biden presumably knows all the things Obama does not wish to come out. Bernie might not be as "friendly" to Obama's legacy.

Deny, then deflect, then admit I did it So What! Time is up. The election is lost and you are needing a different tune now.

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22 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:



you are selectively not even bothering to read your own links!  there is NO indication that fauci said there was "no threat to america."


DeGette, who serves as chair of House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations panel, which oversees the CDC and NIH, said after the briefing that while the virus remains mostly contained in China, she remains concerned about the amount of time it will take to develop and deliver a vaccine to people throughout the U.S. should it start to spread here.




so buddy, if you'd like to report some "facts," start here:


Intelligence agencies “have been warning on this since January,” said a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting that was disseminated to members of Congress and their staffs as well as to officials in the Trump administration, and who, along with others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive information.




US intelligence officials reportedly warned President Donald Trump and Congress about the threats posed by the novel coronavirus beginning in early January — weeks before the White House and lawmakers began implementing stringent public health measures and as the president minimized the threat posed by the virus in his tweets and public statements.




WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.













He does that ALL the time. I think he is not worth helping

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