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Trump says he doesn't want to talk to Xi right now, could even cut China ties


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4 minutes ago, Heppinger said:

Not exactly, Coronaviruses are a group of RNA viruses (Ribonucleic Acid). Ebola is a VHF (Viral Hemoorrhagic Fever) that can be caused by RNA's

Unless of course oranges can turn into apples.


Transmissibility completely different, fatality rate totally different, located in a country that welcomes assistance and information... 


Completely different. 

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11 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

I have to agree here, I do not like Trump but it is obvious where this began and who is responsible for it. China has not been nearly transparent enough about the evolution of the pandemic (Patient 0 information access) and the numbers effected (flat out liars about their death rate). I believe the spread of the virus was SOMEWHAT (not totally) out of their control just based on how many are asymptomatic carriers and have been undetected (especially in the beginning) however, China dropped the ball in regards to distributing the scientific information that they HAD to have had that could have helped the rest of the world, the question why did they drop the ball...obviously questions the world as a whole will demand answers for.

You are such a smart, brainy, knowledgeable person. How about you tell all of us with what you can prove as to your allegations with indisputable proof from a source that is not a fake media source. Prove your allegations.

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21 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

 China has not been nearly transparent enough about the evolution of the pandemic (Patient 0 information access) and the numbers effected (flat out liars about their death rate). 

I think you will find it's not so much China hiding their numbers, but rather America inflating their numbers, why would they do this? To steal tax payer money through payments made by the Government to the medical institutions for every person who die's with a Coronavirus (with, not by)  and also a payment for every patient they place on a ventilator. I don't expect you to believe me on this, i'm having trouble locating the source of this info. as i think it's been deleted, I will continue trying to retrieve it through other sources yet need some time.

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4 hours ago, Susco said:


The biggest of those, a phone company that is seen as an icon in the US, could easily have their manufacturing cost tripled, and still make an exorbitant profit at the rip off prices they charge their naive fan base.

that phone company does not manufacture in china.


that famous american brand buys major components from taiwan and south korea.  the taiwan manufacturer sends the components to factories they own and manage, located in china, to make use of chinese labor for cheap assembly and packaging.  then the finished product is sent worldwide.


that $1000 iconic cellphone only provides about $7 to china.  the rest goes to the south korean and taiwan component vendors and the tax-free offshore accounts of the patriotic american tech giant.


it's only the old-fangled method of accounting for foreign trade that assigns the entire value of the cellphones to china, not accounting for the value/source entering china, when the majority of it should be allotted to our deficits with south korea and especially taiwan.


moving iconic cellphone production out of china won't hurt china, as they'll simply use those factories to assemble huawei or oppo 5G cellphones and systems for the chinese and indian and european and middle eastern markets.


it will move some numbers out of the "china deficit" column to the "bangladesh deficit" column, and likely end up costing the consumer more.


but wait!  there's more!  our recent trade war moves have had other great affects.  huawei is banned from buying us-made chips (sorry intel) and us-content chips (sorry samsung), and android operating system (sorry google).  so  they've developed their own chips (sorry NSA! no backdoors for you!) for cellphones and 5G systems, and now a replacement for android and the android ecosystem which will service about half the planet.


elections, and trade wars, have consequences.

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5 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

but wait!  there's more!  our recent trade war moves have had other great affects.  huawei is banned from buying us-made chips (sorry intel) and us-content chips (sorry samsung), and android operating system (sorry google).  so  they've developed their own chips (sorry NSA! no backdoors for you!) for cellphones and 5G systems, and now a replacement for android and the android ecosystem which will service about half the planet.


elections, and trade wars, have consequences.

You have touched on a very important, possibly the most important topic concerning the future and direction of world power especially regarding backdoors built into processors.  Yet scarcely, if at all, debated in the MSM.  Though it's important to note Intel is now designed and manufactured in Israel.  Just as important is the development of coding in Israel also.  

Please note: There is no trade war between Israel and China.


Cyber is the real domain of Power!!!  Benjamin Netanyhu

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

Trump only got elected because 4 million Americans who had previoulsy voted for Obama thought Hilary was such a shoo-in they didn't need to vote.

I have a very funny feeling they won't be making that mistake again come November.


don't forget the millions of us who voted "not hillary" in the last election.


the only thing that could get me to even consider voting "not biden" this time around will be if joe picks "her" as a running mate.  if that happens, just won't bother.


cause what difference, at that point, would it make?

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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Merkel and Macron are doing all they can to win prizes and acolytes from the left, to the cost of France and Germany's traditional inhabitants.

Dog whistling much? 

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9 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

the only thing that could get me to even consider voting "not biden" this time around will be if joe picks "her" as a running mate.  if that happens, just won't bother.

I saw an interview of Biden and Stacey Abrams today. He is SO far into dotage, and it's frightening. Regardless, I hope to gawd he has advisers that would tell him under no uncertain terms to leave "her" out of it. She's just too toxic, though I would bet my bottom dollar the thought has crossed "her" mind every damned day.

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2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

CCP’s favorite US candidate: Joe Biden, of course.

American liberals favorite candidate: Joe Biden, of course.


why would china prefer joe?  last election it was russiarussiarussia!, this election it'll be chinachinachina!  every candidate from president down to local dog catcher will be trying to show they're the toughest on china.


"vote for me!  my opponent favors allowing shih tzus to run free in our parks, and would allow them to infiltrate our precious domestic breeding lines!"


you think russia preferred trump over clinton?  not a chance.  clinton was compromised, was established as a pay-for-play politician, and the russians had access to everything that passed through her bathroom email server.  trump was a political unknown, whereas they knew how to deal with clinton.


trump can relax after the election, he'll have more "flexibility."  without the threat of an election, he'll be ready to make deals.  biden, and his likely successor, won't have that luxury.

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4 minutes ago, Heppinger said:

Can you refute his claim?

How it usually works is one lays out a case first - which he didn’t. One liners don’t constitute an argument. 

But for me to comment on something entirely off topic wouldn’t not be the done thing, so I’m happy simply to call it out.


Feel free to make the case on his behalf if you wish. 

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1 minute ago, Mama Noodle said:

Yep hes bad off and its blatantly obvious. Loving it. Pelosi isn't too far behind as well. Loving that too. 

I'm an Independent. I owe no allegiance to either party. Joe's dementia is becoming more evident every day. Pelosi is so far gone as well. I watch interviews of her and wonder how many face lifts has she had. She always has that "deer frozen in the headlights" look about her, and her rambling mental thread quavers to the point of distraction. Having said as much, you must admit Trump's musings that he says out loud are pretty messed up, too.

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2 minutes ago, J Town said:

I'm an Independent. I owe no allegiance to either party. Joe's dementia is becoming more evident every day. Pelosi is so far gone as well. I watch interviews of her and wonder how many face lifts has she had. She always has that "deer frozen in the headlights" look about her, and her rambling mental thread quavers to the point of distraction. Having said as much, you must admit Trump's musings that he says out loud are pretty messed up, too.


Yeah, Trump is his own worst enemy with the mouth diarrhea, but it is what it is. 

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8 minutes ago, samran said:

How it usually works is one lays out a case first - which he didn’t. One liners don’t constitute an argument. 

But for me to comment on something entirely off topic wouldn’t not be the done thing, so I’m happy simply to call it out.


Feel free to make the case on his behalf if you wish. 

I had the impression he was making a statement not an argument.  Just found it strange you would single out this statement and reply in the fashion that you did.  Unless you don't fully understand the meaning of the term "dog whistle" as i thought his comment was direct and concise. 

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1 minute ago, RJRS1301 said:

Oh really?? Some have thought differently over the past few years. your assumptions about"yalls guy"" being my pick is as far off the mark as many of your other comments and assumptions. 


Yes really. Trump is still the same Trump going back decades. Same way of speaking. Same mannerisms. Mostly same general positions. Yalls guy is in literal mental decline at the worst possible time imaginable, and yalls #2, Pelosi, has half a foot in the grave too. It'll be a good day in politics when they kick the bucket and fresh blood moves in. 

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4 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

And you do, by your blind rage and refusal to look past Trump, allow yourself to overlook serious issues and play right into Chinas hands.

You sure do.

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Just now, J Town said:

No, the cheese is sliding off his cracker as well. There are montages of his decline and if I post them they'll get bounced. You can find them, plenty of them out there.

Ive probably already seen them as I am quite active on other, more relevant social media. 

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