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Necessary to have flu/pneumonia vaccine?


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I'm surprised no one considers out here a "shingles" vaccine....recommended in most 1st World countries. Having seen several friends with this trouble and the pain it causes I have had this vaccine.


I know some scoff at vaccines, but as you get older you are more prone to illness!


The only question I would have is the date of the vaccine capsule prior to getting it and where etc manufactured.  (ie Wuhan!)

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:50 PM, Sheryl said:

Recommended if over 65 years old (even if healthy) or any age if suffering from certain chronic diseases.


The prices you were quoted are just a bit higher than elsewhere, and for the combo, cheaper, assuming by "pneumonia" vaccine they mean Prevnar 13 - note that there are 2 pneumonia vaccines, Prevnar 13 and  Penumovax 23, should be given a year apart and both are one time injections.


It is the charge for the home visit that makes it costly


If willing to go to a clinic these are the 2 least expensive options in Bangkok:




Note too that there are 2 flu vaccines, "southern" and "northern" hemisphere, for Thailand you need Southern.

Please,  you you or anyone recommend where in Pattaya/Jomtien that I could get these vaccines.  If necessary,  I can drive myself to the location.  Thanks for your help.

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:50 PM, Sheryl said:

Recommended if over 65 years old (even if healthy) or any age if suffering from certain chronic diseases.


The prices you were quoted are just a bit higher than elsewhere, and for the combo, cheaper, assuming by "pneumonia" vaccine they mean Prevnar 13 - note that there are 2 pneumonia vaccines, Prevnar 13 and  Penumovax 23, should be given a year apart and both are one time injections.


It is the charge for the home visit that makes it costly


If willing to go to a clinic these are the 2 least expensive options in Bangkok:




Note too that there are 2 flu vaccines, "southern" and "northern" hemisphere, for Thailand you need Southern.


First, thank you for all the excellent advice and information you provide.  I had a pneumonia shot about 5 or 6 years ago, and I was over age 65.  At the time, the hospital said only one shot needed for life. But have recently read somewhere that perhaps I should get a second shot. Note that I often end up with bronchitis if I get a cold - not good.  Do you have any info on the second shot?

Many thanks,


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2 minutes ago, Paul DS said:

I'm surprised no one considers out here a "shingles" vaccine....recommended in most 1st World countries. Having seen several friends with this trouble and the pain it causes I have had this vaccine.


I know some scoff at vaccines, but as you get older you are more prone to illness!


The only question I would have is the date of the vaccine capsule prior to getting it and where etc manufactured.  (ie Wuhan!)

Many of us have had Zostavax vaccine here in Thailand but maker of Shingrix had not made it available here (and most of the world) yet.  

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37 minutes ago, UbonThani said:
28 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Flu is a new virus only been around 100 years or so.

There are no historical records of flu before then.


37 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

The term “influenza” was coined by an Italian in the mid-1700's to conote a disease resulting from miasma (bad air). The human disease is thought to have arisen about 6000 years ago. A human influenza virus was not isolated until 1933.


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On 5/16/2020 at 3:01 PM, homeseeker said:

Flu Vaccine + Pnuemonia Vaccine - 4000 thb + 900 - Service charge = 4,900 THB"

I haven't read any of the other posts, so will provide you with my recent experience.


Influenza vaccination 600 baht


Pneumonia vaccine 2,600 baht


Total = 3,200


I have an underlying condition (stent 2008) and was advised by my Dr when I was last in Sydney to get the flu vaccine here in Thailand annually and the Pneumonia shot, so I did a week ago.


When I Googled for some research on this, they say if you are in good health wait till your 65 or older for the Pneumonia vaccine, which is a 2 part vaccine, one this year for example and another the following year, then it should be done again every 5 years.


I got mine done at the local Dr's clinic in a big town in Isaan, but have to go to Udon Thani in a year as my local Dr doesn't have the 2nd dose.


If your able, shop around as I am sure you could probably save the best part of 1,000 baht.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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47 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

It's the people that insist everyone has vaccinations that are the bullies.

If vaccination works, and I choose not to have it, I'm only harming me.

If vaccination works, and you choose to have it, my disease can't harm you.


Why do you care if I want to harm myself?

They r socialists

They want to control people

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10 hours ago, Why Me said:

Jeez, another anti-vaxxer nut spewing nonsense. Is this condition correlated to low IQ? Being bullied? Lead in their drinking water? Growing up in a trailer park? I want to know.

More likely, just not a sheep. ???? 

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Been having flu shots for the last 15 years or so, and have not had a flu in that time.   Price seems excessive compared to A$10-15 in Australia.  Must be some reason for that.


the flu vaccine is based on the best guess of medicos as to which strains (usually 3 or 4) will be prevalent that flu season.  That usually varies between northern and Southern Hemispheres.

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40 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

I'm surprised no one considers out here a "shingles" vaccine....recommended in most 1st World countries. Having seen several friends with this trouble and the pain it causes I have had this vaccine.

Interesting and Thank you. I'm not big on the flu shot, but as my Mother had Shingles, I'll look into this one.

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10 hours ago, Why Me said:

Jeez, another anti-vaxxer nut spewing nonsense. Is this condition correlated to low IQ? Being bullied? Lead in their drinking water? Growing up in a trailer park? I want to know.

Jeez, another fascist who believes everyone has to think the same as him! ???? 

Low IQ, growing up a commie, fluoride in the water, I want to know? ????

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4 hours ago, DoctorG said:

I have had both shots and would recommend. Free in OZ for us oldies, but that does not help you in the slightest, sorry. ????

Not sure if you got your flu shot in Oz or not, but my Dr advised advised against me getting my shot when I was in Sydney in October, he said I needed to get my flu shot here in Thailand as the vaccines are different due to the strain of the virus being different in different countries, so no freebie for me.


If you did get your flu shot in Oz, maybe you didn't advise your Dr that you are living in Thailand ?


You might want to look into it as I believe based on my Dr's advice, the flu shot in Oz wouldn't be the same as the flu shot here, cost here is around 600 baht.

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13 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

Price seems excessive compared to A$10-15 in Australia.  Must be some reason for that.

Have you had a flu shot here, I ask because I just did it cost me 600 baht or about $30.


I had it here because my Dr back in Sydney said the flu shot back in Oz wouldn't cover me for any flu strain here and it would be best to see a Dr here as they would know which one to give me.


The above said, I am no Dr, just followed his advice and would suggest if you haven't had a flu shot here, to look into whether you are actually really covered, even though the Dr here said the flu shot doesn't protect you 100%, maybe 60%-70% and her and her Dr husband get one annually.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

It's the people that insist everyone has vaccinations that are the bullies.

If vaccination works, and I choose not to have it, I'm only harming me.

If vaccination works, and you choose to have it, my disease can't harm you.


Why do you care if I want to harm myself?

Also, just because you do not have a flu shot, does not make you an anti-vaxxer. I have had polio, BCG, tetanus, small pox and yellow fever vaccinations. And I am in the process of having tetanus boosters - third injection due in July. However, I have never had a flu vaccination nor seen the need for it. I have had flu a few times, and usually within the space of 24 to 48 hours (rarely 48) I am back up and running again. When they were promoting flu vaccinations at the office a few years ago, many staff had the vaccination and some of them seemed more poorly afterwards than I feel when I get the flu.   

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1 hour ago, UbonThani said:

Others say they never had the flu


Some people say it, others mean it. I've not had a single vaccination for anything since leaving the armed forces in 1985. I've traveled the world since then, often in some very dodgy countries and I never, ever get sick. I certainly cannot recall ever having flu. 74 now and still fit as a flea, as they say.


Some folks are just seem to be that way. Strong immune system coupled with a positive mindset is my guess.

Edited by Moonlover
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12 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Some folks are just seem to be that. Strong immune system coupled with a positive mindset is my guess.

Exactly some of us have learnt to take care of our immune system and have faith in it! Eating, supplementing and staying positive has worked for me.

9 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

tried flu shot

Never had one, had the flu once about 45 years ago, I do supplement daily with zinc, selenium, magnesium, C, Lysine, probiotics  & various other natural products & try get 20 minutes sun daily.

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18 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I had it here because my Dr back in Sydney said the flu shot back in Oz wouldn't cover me for any flu strain here and it would be best to see a Dr here as they would know which one to give me.

The same one you would have received in Oz.  There are only two versions yearly and normally two or three of the four versions targeted are the same.  But in any case Thailand flu season is the same as Oz and at that time of the year (May) it is the same version here as in Oz.

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9 minutes ago, CGW said:

Exactly some of us have learnt to take care of our immune system and have faith in it! Eating, supplementing and staying positive has worked for me.

Never had one, had the flu once about 45 years ago, I do supplement daily with zinc, selenium, magnesium, C, Lysine, probiotics  & various other natural products & try get 20 minutes sun daily.

must cost a bit

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:50 PM, Sheryl said:

Recommended if over 65 years old (even if healthy) or any age if suffering from certain chronic diseases.


The prices you were quoted are just a bit higher than elsewhere, and for the combo, cheaper, assuming by "pneumonia" vaccine they mean Prevnar 13 - note that there are 2 pneumonia vaccines, Prevnar 13 and  Penumovax 23, should be given a year apart and both are one time injections.


It is the charge for the home visit that makes it costly


If willing to go to a clinic these are the 2 least expensive options in Bangkok:




Note too that there are 2 flu vaccines, "southern" and "northern" hemisphere, for Thailand you need Southern.

Pneumovax 23 was recommended from my doctor in Holland.

Recommended when 70 years or older, it might prevent you for 5 years from  getting pneumonia, and with the current Covid pandemic, I took it from BPH

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12 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

must cost a bit

Cheaper than doctors and hospitals which I have never visited & I have quality of life, worth every Baht ???? 

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

.....I have never had a flu vaccination nor seen the need for it. I have had flu a few times, and usually within the space of 24 to 48 hours (rarely 48) I am back up and running again.


That is normally the case for younger people but as you get onto the wrong side of 60-65 things do change. And especially once over 70.


Which is why flu vaccine is not recommended for all people, but is recommended for the elderly.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

It's the people that insist everyone has vaccinations that are the bullies.

If vaccination works, and I choose not to have it, I'm only harming me.

If vaccination works, and you choose to have it, my disease can't harm you.


Why do you care if I want to harm myself?

You say you are harming only yourself.  Untrue.  An attitude like that is the reason that some diseases are on the rise again -- for example, measles.  See below:




An estimated 140,000 people died from measles in 2018, WHO says, up from an all-time low of 90,000 in 2016.  "The reason we're having increases in cases and deaths of measles has to do fundamentally with people not getting vaccinated." 


"The reason we're having increases in cases and deaths of measles has to do fundamentally with people not getting vaccinated."  There are various reasons for the drop-off.   Kate O'Brien, WHO's top executive on immunization, denounces misinformation about vaccines that's gained traction on some social media networks.  To halt a measles outbreak in any given community, health officials say they need to get 95% of the population immunized against the virus. [my bolding]

(source:  NPR December 5, 2019)

However, I do believe that it is your individual right to decide whether or not to get any vaccination.

Edited by LarryLEB
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24 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


That is normally the case for younger people but as you get onto the wrong side of 60-65 things do change. And especially once over 70.


Which is why flu vaccine is not recommended for all people, but is recommended for the elderly.

I shall keep that in mind as I am only a few years short of 60.


However, have you heard about the bad reactions to the vaccinations I mentioned. It is almost as if some of the staff started suffering from flu like symptoms as a direct result of the vaccination. 

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51 minutes ago, Why Me said:

It can. Here's the reason why. Vaccination isn't 100% foolproof:

About 3 percent of people who receive two doses of the measles vaccine will get measles if they come in contact with someone who has the virus, according to the CDC.



In other words a vaccinated person still has a small chance of getting it from a sick person. And obviously this increases the more unvaccinated and possibly sick persons they come into contact with.


So yes your disease can harm me. And it's a simple act of collective health responsibility to get vaccinated with there being zero credible evidence of adverse effects. And these are acts we do all the time from sneezing into tissue to washing our hands before handling food. Ain't nobody's freedom taken away.


So next time you see a crackpot mouthing anti-vaxx mumbo jumbo swat them on the head with a frying pan.

I think you'll find the measles deaths are all in Africa and other disease ridden 3rd world hell holes.

This is just WHO propaganda. Your chances of dying from measles are zero.

Edited by BritManToo
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21 minutes ago, GarryP said:

However, have you heard about the bad reactions to the vaccinations I mentioned. It is almost as if some of the staff started suffering from flu like symptoms as a direct result of the vaccination. 

I am not anti vac but do believe they need to be administered on a case by case basis!


There are many people who have adverse reactions to vaccines but they are never reported in the MSM as far as I can see? when you have as much money and influence as Big Pharma has you don't get adverse publicity! that's why it pays to stay informed and Question! ?


If you do have a adverse reaction you can claim, over USD4.2 Billion has been paid out too date, chump change for Big Pharma.

The US government has a website to process your claim ????

Hopefully you will never need to use it, many do - obviously!



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