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Covid-19: Keep the "dangerous" pubs and bars shut say the majority of Thais in poll


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9 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Good post. 

I never understand the cynical anti Chinese comments of the forum farang.

China is almost a neighbour of Thailand (unlike far far away western countries), Chinese immigrants have helped build Thailand, integrated perfectly, so many Thai ppl have partially Chinese roots. (unlike farangs who do zero integrating, are negative to the bone, and live in a bubble and are not part of Thai society). Besides this, believe it or not, but Chinese ppl (tourists) dont display the negative and cynical behaviour of farang, so its only natural that Thais would welcome Chinese ppl more than farangs.

Farangs unfairly trashing Chinese is a bit like an unwanted woman trashing her more succesfull rival! 

Thai shopkeepers do not welcome Chinese tourists. I know several who banned them from their shops, because they were pushy, crowded out other customers, and wasted hours of the shopkeepers' time haggling to try to drive the price down.

Yes, there are farangs who do not integrate. There are others who speak perfect Thai and are respected businessmen. I'm about halfway.

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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am so happy to live in Canada, where we can go buy booze of any kind at the

liqueur outlets. Now the rules have relaxed and we can have a drink at out door

patio settings, just have to social distance 2 meters apart, except for family members.

Soon the restaurants and some bars will be open. Nice to be in a democratic country

where the military is only existing to protect the country, not rule it like

Thailand.  Good luck to the people who drink alcohol in Thailand, maybe some year

the Government general and gang will let you have some beer.



The Thai government closed massage shops and stopped alcohol sales. Golf courses were closed. Massage shops are still shut down.

I can tell you I played golf throughout the ban period. A woman in my GF's village came to the house to do a 2 hour massage every weekend. I could buy a beer or a bottle of whisky  in the village shop any time I felt like it.

When rules are stupid, people find ways around them.

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If I remember correctly Bangkoks two big outbreaks where the boxing arena and a bar around thong lor. More than likely a closed up joint with a'c. Reading on the internet they interviewed someone in the know and he said stay away from loud noisey places, the louder people talk the more they are spreading the virus. No more Tawan Dang for me

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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems there are extreme few infected people in Thailand. So who is going to infect whom?

As long a no "outsiders" arrive who bring the virus the risk is minimal.

Sorry I disagree.. a "few infected people in Thailand" was all it took to spread the infection from the Lumphini boxing matches, and then they proceeded to travel nationwide giving it to family & friends creating the biggest spike....

Outsiders as you call them would have been medically tested before travel so they in fact pose less threat.

It's the threat from within which is the worry !


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19 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Now do you remember the TV soap opera which was so popular a couple of years ago - the one set three hundred or so years ago, in which everybody lived comfortably happy self sufficient lives, the rich in their fine palaces, sumptious banquets and splendid clothes., the poor scurrying around half naked and living in huts, (and the token falang - Greek I think he was - getting a kicking at the end of each episode).


Do you remember the almost orgasmic delight with which it was received, and held up as a model by those " in influence" ?


Do you remember the hysterical sight of the watchman in period costume?


I suggest this is from the same scriptwriters!




No I don't remember any of the above, but you are obviously a fully paid-up member.

Edited by hotchilli
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Close all street markets, those in East Pattaya have "never" been closed, they are more of a danger than any bar or restaurant for spreading any Virus, many shoppers close to each other, many without masks..

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17 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

thousands and thousands of lives are on the line, problem is drunkards just don't give a ****

if it is convenient have a walk around your local market /big C/ Central festival/ coffee shop/free food line/ MRTA /  you will encounter people jammed together, most will be in a group and there will be not  a lot of physical distancing or none that works, i went out yesterday, i have also walked for exercise and the same thing near everyone has a mask but once you get on a train or bus or a supermarket you are in an enclosed space and if there is a Covid carrier the virus will be present and if it is enclosed it can travel the same as you in closed space, in the open air space it is not as easy for it to travel, at least not as far in the open but for some strange reason and against every advice i have read they now say closed in is ok so long as there is no beer....

does the covid virus get attracted to beer ?  They need to inform the scientists.   

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Sorry I disagree.. a "few infected people in Thailand" was all it took to spread the infection from the Lumphini boxing matches, and then they proceeded to travel nationwide giving it to family & friends creating the biggest spike....

Outsiders as you call them would have been medically tested before travel so they in fact pose less threat.

It's the threat from within which is the worry !

How fast do these tests work?

Would you feel more comfortable with 1000 people who live in Thailand or 1000 tourists who just arrived?

The tracking app is definitely a good idea to keep the overview.

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13 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

How do you know that? what connections do you have in the Thai Government that told you this?


Or are you exercising your right to spout unfounded and negatively biased opinion as fact?



When things do open up, I imagine Thailand may favor those nations which are free of Covid-19 above those who still have high case loads. If that's China so be it. If China has a huge second wave and thats the UK or Europe, so be it.


Looking at the global stats I can see a situation whereby those from China, South Korea and Asean nations with low Covid-19 case loads to be let back in before those from Europe and the US etc with higher case loads - that just makes sense.


Additionally your point above, which seems to indicate that Chinese are favored over 'Farang' the majority of tourists from Western nations do no require a visa to enter Thailand (on a Visa Exempt stamp) yet the Chinese Tourists have to pay for a Visa on arrival - how does that fit into your 'they don't want Farang' bias ?


There are so many people on these forums writing such absolutely idiotic and bias rubbish with giving second thought to how flawed their comments are.





Yes false comment.  Nobody is being blocked but they are trusting China to make up numbers. Most countries would discourage Chinese. But LOS 

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6 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Haha, some ridiculous posts in this thread. Almost as ridiculous as the survey. Many seem to think the only bars in Thailand are the farang bars on Sukhumvit and Beach Road.


Remember, this is Thailand. A country full of Thais. There's a good deal more of them here than farangs. And you know they love to drink. If you ventured out of the farang areas, out near the factories, down the country roads, and around the moo bans, you'd see some simply constructed structures, just some metal paneling held up with a frame, decorated with Christmas lights and banners advertising Leo and Chang. Inside are many little tables, surrounded by a colorful array of plastic chairs. Yes folks, these are the Thai bars. I'd say they outnumber the farang bars 10 to 1.


According the survey, these concerned citizens want them to remain shut. But what I've seen tells a different story. Walking around the sois here on the outskirts of BKK, around empty lots and parking lots, are piles and piles of beer bottles and boxes. Haha. Our thirsty Thai friends are making their own bars wherever they feel like it. I'd say if it were up to them, they couldn't open fast enough.


17 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Haha, some ridiculous posts in this thread. Almost as ridiculous as the survey. Many seem to think the only bars in Thailand are the farang bars on Sukhumvit and Beach Road.


Remember, this is Thailand. A country full of Thais. There's a good deal more of them here than farangs. And you know they love to drink. If you ventured out of the farang areas, out near the factories, down the country roads, and around the moo bans, you'd see some simply constructed structures, just some metal paneling held up with a frame, decorated with Christmas lights and banners advertising Leo and Chang. Inside are many little tables, surrounded by a colorful array of plastic chairs. Yes folks, these are the Thai bars. I'd say they outnumber the farang bars 10 to 1.


According the survey, these concerned citizens want them to remain shut. But what I've seen tells a different story. Walking around the sois here on the outskirts of BKK, around empty lots and parking lots, are piles and piles of beer bottles and boxes. Haha. Our thirsty Thai friends are making their own bars wherever they feel like it. I'd say if it were up to them, they couldn't open fast enough.

in the last six weeks in various places in Thailand there has been beer if you want it from lots of

sources so i hear, in fact in some places you would think they are having their Song Khran as they 

stagger and swerve their way home at night. i doubt any Thai who wanted a drink did not get one.

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12 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Good post. 

I never understand the cynical anti Chinese comments of the forum farang.

China is almost a neighbour of Thailand (unlike far far away western countries), Chinese immigrants have helped build Thailand, integrated perfectly, so many Thai ppl have partially Chinese roots. (unlike farangs who do zero integrating, are negative to the bone, and live in a bubble and are not part of Thai society). Besides this, believe it or not, but Chinese ppl (tourists) dont display the negative and cynical behaviour of farang, so its only natural that Thais would welcome Chinese ppl more than farangs.

Farangs unfairly trashing Chinese is a bit like an unwanted woman trashing her more succesfull rival! 

Total and utter nonsense post.

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Here is the link to the Nida poll http://nidapoll.nida.ac.th/index.php?op=polls-detail&id=717#


You can read the overview of the survey in English but the actual download of the poll results are in Thai


I did a best effort translation of the Thai file and attached both the Thai and English translated versions.


What is interesting is the geographics of where the percentages of the polls were conducted. 


If you only ask the question in BKK (about bars, pubs and clubs) as a small percentage of the geographic polling, of course the overall weighted response from the other areas could possibly account for the skew the 78.8% respondents of "NO".


Surveys are often garbage in garbage out and also biasly constructed relevant to the outcome you desire.


BTW I am personally of the opinion that bars, clubs and pubs cannot reopen anytime soon based on the pre COVID-19 operating model, but do think outdoor bars and pubs incrementally opening up could be a good test case to evaluate. 


Nida Poll Freedom or Health.pdf Nida Poll Freedom or Health (Translated) .pdf

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It would appear that Thailand is virtually free from Covid-19, and as such it is to be regarded as near impossible to transmit the virus since nobody has it who is isn't already known and presumably quarantined.  Bars, pubs, etc, only represent a danger when an infected person is present.  At that point, yes packed, sweaty, air conditioned premises do become something of a breeding ground.  Regarding the possibility of a second wave, it is highly debatable whether Thailand has even experienced a first wave of any size.  It is therefore highly susceptible to further infection, which would necessarily have to be imported in nature.  Having embarked on elimination of the virus as a key tactic, Thailand can only pursue a closed border policy for the duration of the pandemic, or until such time that an effective treatment is discovered and ready for use. If Thailand is experiencing only sporadic outbreaks as appears to be the case, then with vigilance, and a modest measure of social distancing there is no reason why it shouldn't be business as usual, minus foreign travel of course.  Is the curfew to be taken as a social distancing measure? I rather think not, surely this is about public order and the prevention of crime due to the financial hardships many millions are facing, caused partly by a rather overly prolonged shut down.  

Edited by mommysboy
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nothing new here, Flip and Flop are still running the ship having a laugh, all they have to laugh at now, most Thais have woke up to the two of them, and want them out the new general might have to make a move soon before the young bloke gets a real toe hold and topples the army

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How fast do these tests work?

Would you feel more comfortable with 1000 people who live in Thailand or 1000 tourists who just arrived?

The tracking app is definitely a good idea to keep the overview.

The speed of the the test is irrelevant, because tourists cannot travel until they have the all-clear result and a certificate to prove it.

I'd be more willing to rub shoulders with 1,000 tested tourists than 10 Thais who have nothing.

And to prove Thais lack of responsibility and respect for others I went shopping early this morning and passed 3 Thais not even wearing masks outside... when the local store I was going to refused entry to them they kicked off saying it was ridiculous!

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11 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

Apart from Bangla Road most bars in Phuket would be pretty safe.

If there is no virus, then Bangla Road would also be safe.  


If one were take a more cynical viewpoint, then one might conclude that it rather suits a command regime to have a certain covid-19 presence at large. Fear and ignorance might allow a government to pursue policies that under other circumstances would not receive the approval of the silent majority.  A silent, invisible enemy is in fact the best friend a puritan or potentate could ever wish for, and in addition allows an incompetent administration cart-blanch to excuse any future economic failings.  The extent to which Thailand's Government is swayed by maniacal control and puritanism is a matter for others to debate, as is the issue of economic performance; I make no comment on the matter.

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25 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

I'd be more willing to rub shoulders with 1,000 tested tourists than 10 Thais who have nothing.

If the test is reliable and recent then that is obviously good. I guess there are huge differences about the quality of those tests worldwide.

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

if that is the risky behavoir you want to pursue then that is up to you


when was the last time you had an HIV test  

I don't do it, I was reacting on a silly comment from you: "open air bars are entirely different and pose less risk than a restaurant"  

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