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Minneapolis police officer charged with murder of George Floyd

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16 minutes ago, Logosone said:

That's very debatable, but the other cops should have also been charged. They were obviously part of this crime. There is video. Why were not all of the cops charged straight away?


I saw that interview with the brother "They basically executed my brother in broad daylight". Poor guy. They did, let's hope Trump makes sure those four cops go to jail.

trump should not interfere in the judicial process

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3 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I'm sure you want the looters and the folks setting fire to buildings and vehicles to be held accountable. As far  as the cop goes, we'll see after all is investigated.

The whole world has seen what the cop did. It hardly needs an investigation, it's all on film.


So are the consequences of what the police officer/nightclub bouncer did. (The rioting, looting and burning).


Any cop knows what killing a black prisoner in public view will definitely cause. According to the media violence is now erupting across the US.


Nice one Officer Chauvin. At least your crime has knocked Covid 19 off the headlines.


LBC a popular British phone in radio station has been discussing the matter of George Floyd's murder.


I for one won't be surprised if they start rioting in Brixton again if this nice weather lasts much longer!






  • Confused 1
35 minutes ago, simple1 said:

trump should not interfere in the judicial process

He should have say in it, after all he's a citizen of the USA. You've had a say so should Trump.

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17 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

Utterly shameful that racist garbage is allowed to stand on here, not for the first time by a long shot. It needs cleaning up. 


’Blacks are a lot more highly strung and excitable than whites’ ??? Really ? You know all of them right ? Followed by an absurd comparison of being murdered by a copper paid to protect you and murdered by a mugger! 

As for ‘mistreating’ a black person - he was MURDERED!! 

Thankfully coppers are treated very badly in US jails, I hope his almost certain demise will be a painful one! 

His wife won’t be at the funeral as she had just filed for divorce ashamed of him! 



This is what I typed.


"While blacks can conceivably riot each time white cops mistreat a black person."


If you're going to quote to so properly and not just those parts that suit your reply.


Thank you.

1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

Exactly, especially since Floyd did not resist arrest 

Is dropping your body weight and going to the ground while being walked by police considered resisting in America?

1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

Exactly, especially since Floyd did not resist arrest and was already handcuffed behind his back, laying on the floor and had his body pinned against the police car! 

Not only that, but according to the complaint filed by the Hennepin DA, the cops had already got him safely into the passenger seat of the police car, but then:



The defendant pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back and Lane held his legs. The defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe ”multiple times and repeatedly said, “Mama” and “please,” as well. The defendant and the other two officers stayed in their positions.


Statement of probable cause for charges against Derek Chauvin

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11 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Stands to reason that more blacks would be shot if they commit the greater number of crimes.

Doesn't 'stand to reason' if they are unarmed. A number of years ago a friend of mine, also working in sales at the same company as me, Raytheon, departed the US after a cop shot an unarmed black American 14 year old in his neighbourhood - said to me just too much s$%t for him in the US.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

trump unfortunately is President, his Office should not be interfering with or influencing sentencing as he has already to done on a number of occasions to the erosion of the carriage of Justice in the US.

OK, so Trump should not support the arrest of a murderer. I get it, cheers.


If you've spent your life on your knees praying to the lord and have realized it's futile,


don't let your training go to waste. Join the American police force...................................................:coffee1:


Some posts containing unattributed content that was copy and pasted from another site have been removed.  Please provide a valid link to the source of information when posting.  


Some posts with off topic generalizations about the UK, Australia and Thailand have been removed. 

2 hours ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

Career criminal Floyd had no business being on any street in the United States. With the 3 strike law he should be serving a life sentence behind bars! Ask the police in Houston about this criminal! He basically got run out of Houston because every cop in Houston new about Floyd! Thank the liberal judges for letting this career criminal walk!

These are the crimes he got caught, how many other crimes did he commit and get away with?

Floyd Arrest Record Houston!

1990s two convictions for theft and delivery of a controlled substance.

August 1998 theft with a FIREARM. He served 10 months at Harris County jail.

April 2002 arrested for criminal trespassing and was sentenced to 30 days in jail.

October 2002 arrest for cocaine offenses, receiving an 8 month-sentence.

2004 arrest for cocaine offenses, and was sentenced to 10 months.

December 2005 for possession of cocaine with intent to deliver a controlled substance sentenced to 10 months in state jail.

April 2009 Floyd pleaded guilty to the first degree felony with a GUN involved and was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Floyd, ‘forced his way inside the residence and was identified by the woman as the large suspect who placed a GUN against her stomach and forced her into her living room.

What’s his criminal record in Minnesota?

I did suspect Floyd was not the 'gentle giant' people have been making him out to be. It'll be interesting to hear what went on out of sight of the cameras, why he was dragged out of the car when the situation appeared to be under control etc. What made the officers go on to the offensive? 


That said, there can be no justification for the knee to the neck for nearly 9 minutes when Floyd was cuffed, outnumbered, and unable to harm any of those officers. If only one of psycho Chauvin's fellow officers had told him to stop, this would have been a non-event. Instead it seems there is almost a civil war developing in the US. 


Just heard even the Whitehouse had to go into lockdown earlier! 

4 hours ago, simple1 said:

trump unfortunately is President, his Office should not be interfering with or influencing sentencing as he has already to done on a number of occasions to the erosion of the carriage of Justice in the US.

Mr. Trump is a citizen first and a POTUS second 


3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There’s another side to this police officer killing a man who was absolutely no threat to him or anyone else, that is the impact of this officer’s vile killing on the work thousands of other officers who serve with honor and respect for the communities they serve.


Their job, which is never ever an easy job, just got a whole lot harder.


I have raised my kids with the same views of the Police as my father taught me. 


Police officers do a vitally important job, they deal with stuff that you or I hope we never see, perhaps can’t even imagine, they also frequently put their life on the line and far far too frequently die in the line of duty.


They deserve our support in the difficult job we need them to do. 


On on the flip side, they hold and may wield enormous power, including the power to kill.


Support them, but never get involved with them.


And understand if you call the cops to a situation they arrive bearing lethal power and might very well use it.





"They deserve our support in the difficult job we need them to do. 


On on the flip side, they hold and may wield enormous power, including the power to kill.


Support them, but never get involved with them.


And understand if you call the cops to a situation they arrive bearing lethal power and might very well use it".


I agree, Those few bad apples spoil the basket! The badge sure puts some in a different zone sometimes! 

It's the power of  authority  that some people just can't handle !

One could administer all the competency tests in the world to recruits and then on any given day the blank hits the fan ,jeckel and hyde appears!

My problem has always been with the higher ups,the supervisor who turns a blind eye!

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I did suspect Floyd was not the 'gentle giant' people have been making him out to be.

I was calling him a degenerate junkie from the start, before i even saw any evidence.  Just as tiger's and leopards can be told apart, as can criminal junkies and normal citizens.

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14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

indicates the Police are killing Blacks at (2.855) approximately 3 times the rate by population as they are killing Whites.

Maybe they are doing more of the crime, simple as  that, but that isn't  going to be very PC. Why not check the arrest rate for all women compared to men at he same time as  most criminality is done by men.

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16 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Maybe the looters and guys burning private property should take a breather and read



And maybe the cop, Chauvin should have taken a breather and asked Floyd if he had any underlying health condition that might prove fatal if a cop knelt on his neck for ten minutes.


I watched the whole video and did not hear Chauvin ask Floyd a single question about his health.


So you could say Chauvin was even more guilty of murder for not inquiring about the victim's health than he actually is. Most middle aged people are going to die if deprived of air for more than a minute.


Also from the internet.

It Takes Only 60 Seconds to Drown & Other Water Safety Facts ...

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