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No confirmation on when international tourists can return to Thailand: PM


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3 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

I thought I lived in Thailand. I worked there for many years and retired thinking they would put me in a wooden box there. I have 2 condos, cars, banking, long term associates and friends, a perfect visa history, never had to tangle with the authorities once in over 25 years.


I thought it was my home.


Now I know it means nothing. I am stuck in Newcastle, living with and relying on relatives. I am not allowed back into my "home".


Cant wait for the ban on foreigners to be lifted so I can come back and sell it all. And offer my middle finger to the "government".


How can I "live" in a country that does not even recognize my existence?

It's a harsh wake up call to the reality but we are all just here temporarily, unless we pay taxes on income, become PR, then become citizens.


Admittedly this is out of reach of most and many are too old or not able but that is what the Thais want and it is their country, so whom are we to argue? I'm sure a good few Brits and Aussies would want exactly the same policies in their own countries.


We always have the choice to take our spouses and family back home to our own countries where we enjoy more security and the family can become residents and citizens. 

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20 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

see how wave 2 and 3 pan out over the coming months 

If wave "1" is anything to go by, I would forget 2 & 3, if they even occur...

In fact wave "1" saved more lives than any other fix tried to reduce road carnage...

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7 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

We always have the choice to take our spouses and family back home to our own countries where we enjoy more security and the family can become residents and citizens. 

Correct, pretty sure that once they have the opportunity, a lot will do.

For many, the actual situation have been an eyeopener.

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11 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

We always have the choice to take our spouses and family back home to our own countries where we enjoy more security and the family can become residents and citizens. 

Correct, pretty sure that once they have the opportunity, a lot will do.

For many, the actual situation have been an eyeopener.


Sorry 2 x !?

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27 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

Cant wait for the ban on foreigners to be lifted so I can come back and sell it all. And offer my middle finger to the "government".

Over reaction IMHO.

You knew the rules already, and I suppose you visa say "Non Immigrant"...

It's not that this country doesn't recognize your existence, but just that you are not at the top of the list.


Where will you go BTW? Just read this forum and you will see that "priority is to repatriate our citizen" is a rule applied by many countries.

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Many countries will let in nationals and residents (Taiwan, Hong Kong, many countries in Europe).

(And for the smartasses saying only with PR are you a resident: most people on retirement extension got a "Certicate of residence" when they got there drivers license. :))


There are not many countries that even refuse entry to nationals (China, Panama). Thailand is one of them. 

Before Covid,  this would have been very unusual. 

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1 hour ago, uhuh said:



There are not many countries that even refuse entry to nationals (China, Panama). Thailand is one of them. 

Before Covid,  this would have been very unusual. 

There's a lot more than that on your list of countries.  


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1 hour ago, uhuh said:

Many countries will let in nationals and residents (Taiwan, Hong Kong, many countries in Europe).

(And for the smartasses saying only with PR are you a resident: most people on retirement extension got a "Certicate of residence" when they got there drivers license. :))


There are not many countries that even refuse entry to nationals (China, Panama). Thailand is one of them. 

Before Covid,  this would have been very unusual. 

The "certificate of residence" from Immigration is merely a proof of address. It certainly does not make you a resident. You can get the same thing from your country's embassy lol.


If you are on a non-immigrant visa your status is 'temporary visitor for purposes other than tourism.'


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21 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

If you are on a non-immigrant visa your status is 'temporary visitor for purposes other than tourism.'

Not everybody's does. mine says, "Top bloke, here to teach Thai women how to have ripper boom boom".


Well I think it does.......maybe I should have gone to Specsavers.

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2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


The "certificate of residence" from Immigration is merely a proof of address. It certainly does not make you a resident. You can get the same thing from your country's embassy lol.


If you are on a non-immigrant visa your status is 'temporary visitor for purposes other than tourism.'


Listen to yourself.  "The certificate of residence... does not make you a resident". Lol.

Of course I know what you mean,  and I know that you are right - still,  laughable. 

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I've seen a few posts by people saying they can't get out of Thailand and go home.


An American friend of mine just flew out of BKK back to the USA via Korea a few hours ago.


I'm stuck in a beautiful city on the west coast of Florida. ????️  I'll get through this somehow. ????


But I am ready to return to Thailand as soon as it becomes possible. ✈️

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13 hours ago, Issanman said:

I've seen a few posts by people saying they can't get out of Thailand and go home.


An American friend of mine just flew out of BKK back to the USA via Korea a few hours ago.


I'm stuck in a beautiful city on the west coast of Florida. ????️  I'll get through this somehow. ????


But I am ready to return to Thailand as soon as it becomes possible. ✈️

There were also several pests clarifying that you can leave Thailand any time you want. 

It's no problem to leave. Flights leave every day. I know many people who left.

You cannot come back, though. 

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That's why I never bother myself to get non immigrant visa. I'm over 50years old but still go work in Europe 3months per year to make more money.

On tourist visa I lease a land for 30 years, build a house, car motorbike... Get yellow book, get pink card. What more?

Multi tourist visa is fine for me when I need to leave a country for 3'moths per year to work.

Have same rights is everyone else on non immigrant visa. If the deny me entry I can go to Vietnam and Cambodia for a while.

I never even bother marry my self. What is the point. All those marriage visa non immigrant visa are only illusions in Thailand. Give people false hope of security.

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Better to lease a land for 30 years and build or buy condominium on own name. Then marry and have everything on other people name. What happen if wife get dead ?' What will happen to the house and car?

Still much better to stay in south Asia then in Europe. At least for me. 

Get marry and think that you can stay in Thailand forever. That happen but not to often.

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By the way it is not even possible to have long terms friend here unless they are Thai. Why?'because most people come and go. 

I promise myself if I'm not drink to bottle LAO kao (Thai whisky) then I Will never buy a car again.

Must get myself very drunk in order to do it.


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On 6/7/2020 at 3:30 AM, Issanman said:

I've seen a few posts by people saying they can't get out of Thailand and go home.


An American friend of mine just flew out of BKK back to the USA via Korea a few hours ago.


I'm stuck in a beautiful city on the west coast of Florida. ????️  I'll get through this somehow. ????


But I am ready to return to Thailand as soon as it becomes possible. ✈️

After 5+ years in Thailand, i am actually thinking of Florida as a very viable alternative for the future.


The Thai racism and anti farang rubbish was worse even before Corona,

so if they make these latest visa requirements permanent, then Thailand is suddenly starting to look like to much trouble for this little duck.



Having gathered information from friends on the ground there (in Tampa, Florida)

it seems the cost of many goods and services is actually pretty close or even lower than Thailand.

Rent may be the only killer?

The weather is comparable?


There are many other comparisons to consider i guess,

(for me, the U.S visa rules for Australians)

but all in all, considering no language barrier,

a government that doesnt blatantly go about trying to constantly train the people into hating foriegners, the U.S is looking 


And Tampa people certainly know how to party! 


Maybe you might even find Thailand is to hard work after the hassle-free life in Florida?





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On 6/4/2020 at 7:50 PM, tribalfusion001 said:

I was in Hyde Park 2 weeks ago getting drunk with a friend and went around another's garden last Sunday doing the same. Had a nice cycle today practising bunny hops and got sore shoulders now. There is a dirt track I can go to and meet up with others of a similar mind.

How high can you bunny hop?

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3 hours ago, pookondee said:


Maybe you might even find Thailand is to hard work after the hassle-free life in Florida?


I am thinking along those lines, but in my case, I must return to Thailand and tie up many loose ends.


My location is very near Tampa. 


I believe that most people find Florida to be agreeable. We've got everything except mountains. It's a big state. Lots of choices.

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On 6/12/2020 at 2:56 AM, josephbloggs said:

What an odd thing to say.  Number only that you think Thailand trains people to hate foreigners, but that you thing that the US doesn't!  Er.......you have heard of Donald Trump??

Has Thailand ever announced an official "Thailand first" policy?  Is Thailand building a wall to keep foreigners out?  Has Thailand announced a "zero tolerance" policy toward immigrants that ripped children away from their families including infants and toddlers?  Has Thailand called Malaysians rapists and murderers?

Sorry to go off topic but your claim is utterly ridiculous when the US has the most blatant anti foreigner and racist president and he has brought in blatant anti foreigner and racist policies.  How blinkered can you be?


Not as blinkered as you it would seem. Seriously, you need to stop watching CNN because it is clearly rotting your brain. Not only are your points false, they are bordering on absurd. There is nothing wrong with an America First policy, just like there wouldn't be anything wrong with a Thailand First policy (which arguably there is albeit under a different name). Perhaps you would prefer to live in a country that doesn't put the welfare of it's citizens before the welfare of foreigners ? Like Thailand clearly does.


America is not building a wall "to keep foreigners out", what a ridiculous thing to say. Countries have borders and border barriers for a reason. Seeing as you think Thailand is so pro-foreigner compared to the USA, how about you try crossing into Thailand illegally and report back to us how it went. Even better, how about smuggling some drugs or participate in some human trafficking while you're at it. When you are caught and carted off to jail, please explain to the officials that they should be building bridges and that human beings are not illegal. If that doesn't work, perhaps you could explain to them that their PM is a racist because his government enforces immigration law? 


I am sure Thailand would call out all the Malaysians that committed rape and murder if their prison populations consisted of a disproportionate number of Malaysians who were in Thailand illegally and had actually committed those acts. I am also sure that if Malaysians were trafficking underage people into Thailand in significant numbers, then the Thai government would also separate them from the adults temporarily in order to determine whether they were actually related to each other or not. (And I know this doesn't need to be said, but for your benefit I will repeat it - you do know that the 'kids in cages' photo was taken during the Obama administration right.....??)


So tell me, seeing how Thailand is so pro foreigner and the USA so "racist", how many foreigners does the USA accept a year and grant them PR or citizenship ? Is it around a million or so ? And how many Americans does Thailand accept ? Oh... not more than 100. And can Thai people go to America apply for any job they like ? Or is there a list of jobs they are only allowed to apply for because the rest of the jobs are reserved for Americans only ? Can foreigners buy land in Thailand ? Can foreigners automatically get PR/citizenship through marriage or having Thai children ? I could go on.


But according to you it's America and it's president that are "racist" and have "anti foreigner" polices.


Okay, got it. 







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Re Masterton's post above, I have this fantasy of going into the Immigration office in Chang Wattana and yelling No human is illegal, I have a right to be here and I don't have to do no stinking' visa renewal you all fascists...  it would be pretty funny.


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