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Attorney General Barr says foreign groups, extremists stoking divisions in U.S. protests


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23 minutes ago, natway09 said:

I am sure there is a latent group in Thailand as well, ready to mobilize overnight whenever there is unrest that they can get their teeth into (for a non traceable fee of course)

Have a look at Hong Kong, it is just not in the average HKer's repetroire to resort to the violence we have seen

Quite.  Whats the purpose of the NED then Mr Aggrieved of Washington?

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When Barr was asked for proof none was forthcoming are we surprised that (trumps)AG wouldent or might I dare say couldn’t offer proof no I’m not surprised at all it’s been their mo since the start

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8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No, but you dragging Soros into the discussion rings a bell of a particularly nasty ideology.


I guess you couldn’t help yourself.

There are certain terms/names that when they suddenly pop up you know you've crossed into tinfoil hat territory.  Soros (thank Glen Beck for that one), another is AOC.  There are plenty more, but I'll let our resident Trump fans dig those up themselves.


It's actually entertaining, in a sick way, how they'll sometimes keep the trope but change the story behind it.  Who said conservatives don't recycle?  ????



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The Trump administration has been deeply humiliated by their historically inept response to Covid. With the US nearing 2 million cases, the nation that prided itself on being so great, has been outed as being incompetent, inefficient, unaware, unwise, top heavy, and utterly incapable of dealing with a national emergency. It has left Trump naked, and ashamed, though he would never admit to such. So, they put their typical M.O. to work, and deflect, obfuscate, lie and engage in charades. 


The rioting and protests have served as a double whammy. They demonstrate just how unhappy, malcontent, bitter, disenfranchised, and disappointed the American people really are, with Trump, with the system, and with racism. If you want to blame anyone, it is more likely that right wing extremist groups instigated the riots, which would play right into Trumps hands. He has likely fantasized of being a heavy handed despot, and ruling his subjects with an iron fist, like some of the men he admires so much. And it is likely he has dreamed of being a wartime president. He has said as much. It would help him to address some of the deep seated inadequacies he has carried around for the past 50 years, over his five draft deferments, that he used to avoid service, at the one time in his life his nation called upon him. 


I think Barr has earned no credibility, as one of the worst AG's, in the nations history. So, anything he says will, and should be treated with a great deal of suspicion. First hew said foreign groups had nothing to do with influencing the election. Now, he says foreign groups influenced the rioting. Make up your mind. You seem very confused. 

Edited by spidermike007
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On 6/5/2020 at 6:14 AM, webfact said:

"We have seen evidence that Antifa and other similar extremist groups, as well as actors of a variety of different political persuasions, have been involving in instigating and participating in violent activity," Barr said at a news conference.


Please feel free to share any of this evidence.


Let me guess...it  needs to be redacted.



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"Trump’s Own DOJ Finds No Link to Antifa In Protests"

"An NPR review of court documents for 51 individuals who are facing federal charges related to the demonstrations found no alleged connections to the anti-fascist movement. "

The only mention of an extremist group in court documents is in a case against three Nevada men who allegedly belong to the right-wing "Boogaloo" movement, which aims to incite a civil war.

Edited by Opl
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