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Handicapped foreigner conned out of ten million baht by sweet talking Thai woman


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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What can one even say? Many of us tend to use a great deal of discrimination when it comes to lending money to our close friends. Not sure how to even respond to the idea of lending money to someone you have never even met. Desperation knows no bounds. 


Do real men do something like this? I think a real man would call for patience. And face to face meetings. Get to know someone. Take your time. Get ahold of your anxiety. Let it unfold in a rather organic fashion. There is nothing natural about meeting anyone online, and you know virtually nothing about them, until you have spent some real time together. Months, even years. 


For some of us, who are not millennials, the whole concept of striking up a relationship online, then chatting and spending dozens or hundreds of hours getting to know someone online, and texting to death, without ever meeting them, just reeks of desperation, and isolation. The few times I ever engaged in online dating, my rule was two emails or chats, then a Skype type video call, then an actual meeting of 20 minutes for a cup of coffee. Lets see where it goes from there. You do not want to meet so quickly? OK. Find another pen pal please. Homey don't play that game.


The biggest part of the problem here, is the extreme emasculation that is taking place in the West. Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, like this worm Jariyaporn, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 


When my friends ask, I tell them, always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, they will reveal themselves over time. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions! I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Man up. Do yourself proud. 



Spot on.. women's rights was a mistake imo

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6 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:
7 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:

No double standards.  They need to be arrested and charged first, just as happens with the Nigerians.

What can they charge her with ?

Did She commit any crime ?

I don't know, I didn't say that she had committed a crime. 


Some other poster was suggesting that a team of RTP should be performing for the media in front of a display showing her details, photos etc., as they have done for charged and arrested Nigerians, ask him!

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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

Crazy man, thinking with the small head, instead of using his brain.


     One  thing is for sure.

He is not the first and he will not be the last ..


Edited by elliss
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5 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

Don't bother urself with it, who cares, the guy is obviously an idiot, who has more money than sense.

Which makes it even harder for me to understand. Unless he inherited, or got really lucky with the lottery or scratch tickets, it's not that simple to amass that sort of spare cash. And unless you have securities, it's not like the bank is just gonna lend you that kind of money... I forgot what the amount in baht was, and since I don't know the current exchange rate either, I went with (when reading the OP first, before replying) the rate that I had last time in Thailand, which was about 1 euro = 35 baht (how I miss the 40-45+ days..) and did a rough calculation.. if I remember right, it was somewhere just under 390k Euros.


Like I said, not rich, but not exactly poor. Especially for someone who is ~ 15-16 years from retiring (in Austria you work until you are 65ish, if you want a full pension, except the poor females, oppressed by the patriarchy, who get to retire at 63 or earlier, live longer, etc... unless you are a "heavy duty worker", such as bricklayer, then you can go a bit sooner, but not that much sooner). That kind of money will buy you a decent plot of land and a decent, newly built house (with all the energy saving stuff, great isolation and maybe even solar, depending on location) just outside of Vienna. Or a bigger plot, with a bigger but older house a bit further out (Baden, Wr. Neustadt, or even further), in a culturally unenriched (and thus quiet and crime free) area.


So yeah, unless inheritance, sheer, dumb luck, or whatever, he can't be that dumb generally speaking. Which is why I don't understand, how someone intelligent enough to scratch that kinda money together in a short period of time, can lack the common sense to protect said wealth.


Maybe it's Covid, maybe it's been a long time coming. But lately I find myself more and more unable to comprehend other people, their trains of thought, motivations, morals or lack thereof, etc. Maybe I'm just going stirr crazy. Who knows, lol.

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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

<deleted> Mills and Boon some of this sh.it


        Next edition of Mills and Boon , soon to be published .

             Thai Lady and the  old bald Buffalo ...

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53 minutes ago, Brigand said:

While it is true that this man should have done some research and been more cautious and realistic, I find some of the comments a little too contemptuous and toxic on here. If the boot was on the other foot and this happened in "The West" to some disabled guy there would be PC outrage and lengthy jail terms for the perps plus fury at victim blaming.  However, here in the Land of Delusion it seems perfectly OK to condemn the disabled guy instead of the fraudulent criminals who should be tracked down and made to answer for their misdeeds instead of just passing it off as "the norm" for Thais as there will be plenty of Thais that disagree. The heartlessness and contempt of some of the replies on here is remarkable. Just because he was naive doesn't mean he should be ripped off ... like also, just because someone had a beer doesn't mean that they should die in an altercation/accident when they nonchalantly say there was alcohol in their system as if it was a good reason for the outcome ... hmmm.

I am not sure who exactly you are talking about, or how you get to this conclusion. I know, I know... in this "PC outrage World", one must of course point out that this was a disgusting act by the criminal (but also pay hommage to the circumstances, whether they be "socio economic" or whatever...), or it devolves into "victim blaming", right?


Please, "jog on", as they put it in certain parts of England, with the "toxic" bs. You whine about "PC", yet talk about supposed "toxicity" in the sentence just before.


Of course she's a disgusting piece of you know what. Does that change the fact, that he act like an absolute fool? Unless he is actually mentally handicapped (which then begs to question WHY this man had so much money, and much more importantly, WHY was he travelling alone and without supervision?), to a degree that severely impairs his ability to judge situations for himself, it is both frustrating & angering at the same time, to me.


It is because of guys like him, that makes it more and more difficult to find decent women. Both in the West, and other places, since they - especially if financially more than stable - then start travelling, to try their luck elsewhere. And of course women catch on, and they catch on fast. Even many women, who might have originally been decent and might have even had honest intentions, will eventually succumb to the temptation. Especially in a place, where living costs aren't that low anymore, wages not that great, and consumerism / getting into debt is getting as bad - if not worse - as it is with young people in the West. Except they can afford it even less. You'd be surprised to know, how many girls/women, who seem to be good girl types at university etc. actually hook at night in the upper class brothels (prostitution is legal where I am), and no one knows.


In this ever increasing craziness of instant gratification (via purchasing and living above your means), more and more women give in to the temptation of the quick and easy money. And this is happening outside the West as well.


Of course not all of them. But more and more. And can you blame them? More and more guys allow themselves to be completely emasculated, and give in to Femi-Nazi Kampfparolen like "toxic masculinity" and what not, some are half-a-(insert short word for bundle of sticks here)s to begin with, and let women walk all over them.


Even when I was in my 20s, studies showed that women cheat more than men, and from what I've seen (although subjective, personal experiences are not really relevant, empirically speaking) when hitting the clubs and bars from thursday night through to monday morning, it showed. So many women, who turned out (afterwards, of course...) to have a boyfriend, fiancée or even a <deleted> husband. "I normally NEVER do this". Sure, honey. It's just because I'm that special, and such a smooth operator, right?


And with guys becoming more and more (insert nickname for cat here)-fied by the year, women take over more and more, in that aspect. I've stopped to seriously try sifting through the muck a long time ago.


And thanks to guys like this, others before and after him, and the generally ever increasing population of manlets & soy boys, it's getting to be much the same (partially even worse, with the expectations/the con) in other parts of the World too...


TL/DR: Shut up. Man up. Grow a pair. Stop putting women on pedestals and/or taking up for the weirdos allowing their behaviour in the first place. Women KNOW (at least some) that they can only operate the way they do, because men ALLOW them to.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Dream on.

I will say the non-love interest one was of the class of these crimes where the perps take advantage of the victim's own greed. That's definitely shameful because you really are partly guilty in those cases. If it sounds too good to be true … 

A blessed by the Lord's G'Day Sah!


I am attorney for the late Prince Vuye Vuye Buye Buye the over 9000th, and I have urgently excited bizniz proposal for u. My name George Bingobongo, you can contacting me on [email protected] for only lifetime chance at 5,000,000 (FIVE MILION) US DOLLAHS!




Kindly and respecting regards and blessings from da Lawd Jeebus, and may da watermelonz be wid you

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not at all. 

It's a very shameful feeling to be scammed like that. 

You blame yourself for not knowing better. 

I certainly didn't call the police and I'm sure only a fraction of such cases internationally are reported. 

That's one of the insidious aspects of this kind of crime. The criminals know that they probably won't even be reported because being a victim is so embarrassing. 

...and the amount of $ stolen, (the tale of the $500 being scammed in home country), isn’t enough to warrant a... warrant?  ????.  If nothing else an expensive lesson.

Edited by Marpa47
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This is nothing new, it is happening all over the world, but more prevalent in Asia, and been happening for many years, this guy has had the balls to admit his downfall, many guys just don't or won't admit it, the saying goes love is blind..... 

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This handicapped guy was certainly extremely niave an if he did not get the car in his 

name he was a fool, if he did not come to Thailand and live in the house that

he paid for, he is a fool.   If he bought her expensive jewelry  well it is gone.

  He could have checked around locally to see if she was single or married, and 

if he asked enough people he may have found out the truth. I do hope he can

recover enough to get himself in better health, and can get help from his family and friends

enough to maybe go back to his home country, if that is what he desires. Sad story.


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23 hours ago, DeaconJohn said:

Only in Thailand could this happen...

but stories like this provide ongoing entertainment for the rest of us.

You're wrong. This doesn't just happen in Thailand. You think this doesn't happen in the Philippines, Cambodia, Nam, Latin American countries? There are suckers everywhere.

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13 minutes ago, nickstav said:

You're wrong. This doesn't just happen in Thailand. You think this doesn't happen in the Philippines, Cambodia, Nam, Latin American countries? There are suckers everywhere.

Actually everywhere includes our home countries - how many readers have the - d i v o r c e - to prove it?  And it is not just one gender.  

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1 minute ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually everywhere includes our home countries - how many readers have the - d i v o r c e - to prove it?  And it is not just one gender.  

Yes it has happened to a lot of us,and some of those are quiet now.

After my divorce(luckily a long time ago)i was able to recover both financially and mentally.

Well not so sure about the last one.

I made up my own proverb and i think it is good enough to learn at a young age

Here we go;'you never truly get to know a woman until you meet her in court'

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6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Yes mate, amazing how many expats believe that vehicles have to be registered in wifes name.

I have vehicles registered in my name here.

Usually I hear   my wife called Immigration and they told her it must be in her name. ????????

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Just now, overherebc said:

Usually I hear   my wife called Immigration and they told her it must be in her name. ????????

Just over 5 years ago, my wife was yakking on,  i want a new motorbike.

She helped my in the pickup, off we went to town, first Honda dealer, farang cannot.

Second Honda dealer, no problem, now as i could not get out of the pickup without help, sales manager came to me, could clearly see i was disabled, no problem, copy of passport, sign here, i gave him the cash, wifes cousin drove the pickup home, wife rode the new bike.

Same with the new pickup.

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20 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Just over 5 years ago, my wife was yakking on,  i want a new motorbike.

She helped my in the pickup, off we went to town, first Honda dealer, farang cannot.

Second Honda dealer, no problem, now as i could not get out of the pickup without help, sales manager came to me, could clearly see i was disabled, no problem, copy of passport, sign here, i gave him the cash, wifes cousin drove the pickup home, wife rode the new bike.

Same with the new pickup.

No residency certificate ?

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59 minutes ago, jvs said:

Yes it has happened to a lot of us,and some of those are quiet now.

After my divorce(luckily a long time ago)i was able to recover both financially and mentally.

Well not so sure about the last one.

I made up my own proverb and i think it is good enough to learn at a young age

Here we go;'you never truly get to know a woman until you meet her in court'

I would modify that slightly to, " her first meeting with her lawyer" 

Edited by Artisi
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23 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Just over 5 years ago, my wife was yakking on,  i want a new motorbike.

She helped my in the pickup, off we went to town, first Honda dealer, farang cannot.

Second Honda dealer, no problem, now as i could not get out of the pickup without help, sales manager came to me, could clearly see i was disabled, no problem, copy of passport, sign here, i gave him the cash, wifes cousin drove the pickup home, wife rode the new bike.

Same with the new pickup.

I guess we all carry a sightly differing approach to life. I take great pleasure in seeing my wife and kids enjoy buying things, my wife having the pleasure of managing the building our modest home, buying a bit of land, my son and wife buying cattle, spending on a new cow shed, Daughter having her new motorcycle to travel to school. A new phone here and there. Never had the means to spend millions, maybe that is my good fortune ???? maybe not so smart just not so much to give ????


I have no craving for ownership, my security is that I have always survived what ever life has thrown at me, and always will. Means I have no issues with the fact our home is on land kindly donated by my mother in law. Means I can gratefully accept her generosity in the spirit it was given. No insulting self protecting usufruct rubbish, and of course an economic plus.

I do not need to die rich or with multiple possessions, and I surely will not, my life is easy and uncomplicated.

So perhaps no different from the op in that I enjoy giving providing for my family, my return is the enjoyment, happiness and future I work to create along with my wife and Thai family.

Long may it continue ????


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13 hours ago, Solidpoo said:

Spot on.. women's rights was a mistake imo

And it is not even a question of that. My woman leads a very good life, and she is deeply respected and cherished. But, here in Thailand it is possible to retain your manhood, and continue being a man. And many emotionally healthy women here really enjoy manifesting all of the dignity, grace and beauty within femininity, that so many of us find so appealing, and are so sorely lacking in their Western counterparts. So, it is not about repressing a woman, as much as allowing her to be the woman she already is, and allowing her to enjoy being a real woman, while you enjoy being a real man. That is the definition of a healthy relationship, from my point of view. It was drummed out of alot of us in the West, by women who are utterly desperate for control, and scared to death of their own femininity. Coming here is largely about unlearning bad habits, and starting fresh, in an environment that rewards us for being real men. 


Every ship needs a captain, and I find most Thai women really appreciate a strong man, and really disrespect a weak man, who cannot makes decisions. 

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