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Are DHL packages always opened by Customs?

Why Me

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Asking as the title says. No not contraband, just meds, few strips of tablets, for personal use that I am running low on that I can't get here. I don't want the rigmarole of dealing with customs. If that be the case I'll just ride it out till I get home again.

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5 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

You will get charged import and processing fees ! 

Couriers are a bad idea unless its urgent and you dont mind the charges.

Charlie, are you saying they always open? My plan is have about a dozen strips put in a package with a prescription and some other docs (nothing to do with meds).


The meds are not going to be declared at the sending DHL office. But if the parcel gets opened then the prescription tells them it's all legit. But then I think the meds will get confiscated anyway because they are not Thai FDA approved.


I was thinking of taking a chance if it came under the radar but if they always open then I don't want to lose the expensive sending fee and the cost of the meds.

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2 hours ago, CharlieH said:

You will get charged import and processing fees ! 

Couriers are a bad idea unless its urgent and you dont mind the charges.

Can you explain how this can be circumvented if possible i am in the process of getting a parcel from Germany to here (its a custom made model yacht) Expensive in Germany alone and liable for 22% import tax


Sadly deutsche post is DHL and to make matters worse only their premium service is working from Germany due to covid


My thought are send it to UK and bring back with me as luggage  in September thats if i can return

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2 hours ago, Why Me said:
2 hours ago, ezzra said:

DHL FedEx and others will always scan/open all packages and tax and VAT them even items valued under $50,

Always? Then I am out.

My Mrs just got some herbal supplement liquid in a bottle for 30USD from iHerb shop online in USA sent by DHL this week. Not opened, no extra charges.

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I have had several cardboard document envelope packages and none have been opened. However, the packages only had documents in them, so there was nothing to tax.


No idea if the packages were x rayed to confirm the contents.

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36 minutes ago, Sundown said:

I received supplements shipped from LA with a courier and didn't pay a single baht of tax. Maybe I was lucky anyway I wouldn't dare too much with medicines.

You were likely lucky but supplements would just be a tax issue - medicines are illegal without an import licence so a totally different ballgame - and trying to hide drugs, as poster mentions, at another level.  

Edited by lopburi3
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I have had paracetamol(panadol) plus a few other bits and pieces(cold and flu medicines/lozenges etc) from an online aussie pharmacy sent over as I am unable to get them here, no problems at all, postage wasnt cheap but it all came through

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11 minutes ago, seajae said:

I have had paracetamol(panadol) plus a few other bits and pieces(cold and flu medicines/lozenges etc) from an online aussie pharmacy sent over as I am unable to get them here, no problems at all, postage wasnt cheap but it all came through

Small mail packets are often not inspected if below 1,500 baht value and paracetamol can be bought in grocery stores here so not sure why you had to buy from Oz - Tylenol is even available on Shopee here in Thailand.

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4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

You were likely lucky but supplements would just be a tax issue - medicines are illegal without an import licence so a totally different ballgame - and trying to hide drugs, as poster mentions, at another level.  

Well, just to be clear that I am not trying to get advice on TV how to get contraband shipped in: these are US meds that I have a prescription for that are not (yet) approved by Thai FDA. So, the possibilities that I was looking at were:

1. They slip under the radar. True, they wouldn't be declared but they are nothing illegal.

2. They are found together with the prescription (which I would include a copy), found to be not Thai approved and I am called to Customs to fill forms and/or pay duties or they are confiscated.


I have zero interest in dealing with the hassle of 2. And I work with a clear conscience because these are prescribed drugs. True, I wouldn't be following the law to the letter in not declaring them at pick-up, the intention only being to avoid hassle, not to smuggle in dangerous goods.


In any case, from your collective feedback it's clear that the investment of about $200 is not worth the risk. I'll look at other alternatives. Thank you all.

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2 hours ago, Why Me said:

...it's clear that the investment of about $200 is not worth the risk. I'll look at other alternatives. Thank you all.

I suggest you post on the Health and Medicine forum to ask if generic equivalents of the medicines you need are available in Thailand.


Also, quite often a manufacturer sells a medicine under different brand names in different countries. 

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9 minutes ago, Puccini said:

I suggest you post on the Health and Medicine forum to ask if generic equivalents of the medicines you need are available in Thailand.


Also, quite often a manufacturer sells a medicine under different brand names in different countries. 

Thanks, I have checked already. The active chemical isn't yet approved by the Thai FDA though it's been so in the US for a few years now. And I have asked pharmacists if there might be anything similar available here. Nada.

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11 hours ago, Why Me said:

but they are nothing illegal

But they indeed are if what you say is true.  As said normal mail package would be the best choice for normal approved medications - but this is not that - if you declare contents with DHL and have something additional in package it could be a serious issue.  I seriously doubt DHL would even touch such a package as they have quick clearance at stake.  Prescriptions may help if bringing in yourself and questioned but would not work for a package.  I know I sound judgmental but this could be very thin ice and would not want what you believe is nothing to become a real issue.  Drugs in packages are a real concern and being checked everywhere these days.  


As for alternatives would check with a doctor as pharmacies are often not staffed by professionals.  And a doctor may be able to suggest an alternative treatment.  

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As others have said, send via EMS not courier. My wife ordered some herbal organic supplements (so literally just plant based) from Australia and they were sent via courier. We had to go to customs office where we were told they were medicines and we needed an import certificate, but they would be kind and waive this in return for a 30% import fee plus VAT plus handling charges etc which cost us more than the supplements were worth in the first place. She won’t be doing that again ????????

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11 hours ago, Why Me said:

Well, just to be clear that I am not trying to get advice on TV how to get contraband shipped in: these are US meds that I have a prescription for that are not (yet) approved by Thai FDA.

So they are illegal end of. I am trying to get hold of a US drug that isn't available in Thailand, only US. My options are to go to the US to get it or do without.

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DHL will also make a 'handling charge' if they have to collect VAT and import charges on behalf of the government. The handling charge is also subject to VAT. So, it is in the interest of DHL to find a way to make charges applicable. The last (and only time) I received a package through DHL the handling charge was 200 THB + 14 THB VAT. I do not know if the handling charge is fixed or based on a sliding scale.


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On 6/7/2020 at 8:29 AM, poohy said:

Can you explain how this can be circumvented if possible i am in the process of getting a parcel from Germany to here (its a custom made model yacht) Expensive in Germany alone and liable for 22% import tax


Sadly deutsche post is DHL and to make matters worse only their premium service is working from Germany due to covid


My thought are send it to UK and bring back with me as luggage  in September thats if i can return

You won't be able to circumvent it if you use DHL - charges are always applied to the packages they handle here


As for the OP you are going down a rocky road with your plan not to declare anything on the form - I would forget about this idea if I were you

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In my experience some are checked and some not. Even document packages sometimes get opened.
But as pointed out by others , they charge the tax for goods when they want to. Not all items get taxed.

You have to expect that they could charge you the tax to get the item. lets say 30%? Consider is it worth it if you need them quickly. Otherwise why use the courier?

As advised by others i would not put a false declaration on couriers.

If they scan its potentially easy for them to see that something  may not appear to match the declaration.

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