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Trump wanted to deploy 10,000 troops in Washington D.C., official says

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

These protests will spread COVID-19 like wild fire.  The same protests took place in Australia & the UK over the weekend.

If they all catch the virus and get sick then it's their own fault.  They are putting everyone's lives at risk.

Irresponsible stupidity ......


Restore law & order. Send in the troops. 



...and let the military take over the government?

Something you seem to be in favor for, in GENERAL!?

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14 minutes ago, bunnydrops said:

So your saying one bad cop makes them all bad and should be gotten rid of? I understand your logic.


Everyone guilty until proven innocent? Was Tiananmen Square and the happening atThammasat University such a good ideas.

If you want to put words into my mouth, so be it, what I have said is all written down for those who wish to read it. 

5 hours ago, DoctorG said:

A robust discussion. Nothing wrong with that. Shows that the advisors are not just yes-men.

I can hear it now “The boss is barking mad and will take us all down with him ... what do we do to save our backsides?”

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3 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Ok let's give you an anology you might understand.

You're in the pub. A fight breaks out in the corner with about 6 guys. Tables get overturned, glasses gets smashed and in the ensuing melee, one of the 6 guys helps himself to a couple of bottles of whisky from behind the bar.

By your stance, since you are also in the pub with the 'aggressors you become an accessory'.

By your stance, since you didn't personally try and stop the fight, you are as bad as the people fighting.  

By your stance, EVERYONE now has to be banned from going to the pub, until we can 'differentiate who are the good guys and who are the bad guys'.

Can you see how ridiculous your suggestion is?

The majority cannot be held responsibly for the minority. That's how common sense works and what is sorely lacking in your argument.


And let me give you a suggestion, sorry not into fictious analogies. 

The streets belong to all citizens, not just a howling rabid section of society, if we cannot walk our streets in whichever country or city we live, law and order has broken down. If you want to live in such a country where the mob dictate where you can or cannot go, whose property they will smash up or how many innocent bystanders they will attack, whose businesses they will ruin because the police will just watch them, well you enjoy the breakdown of democracy as we know it, personally I do not.

3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:


More like, be sure the racist people in the police force will be protected. 

Oh gawd.........????............????

3 hours ago, transam said:

What a load.....................????

Well, thanks for the cogent analysis. Brilliant!

2 minutes ago, transam said:

Sorry there were no cartoons.....????

No problem - wouldn't want you to go to any effort.

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8 hours ago, kingdong said:

Restore law and order?

Just wait and see what that ego maniac will do if he thinks he may lose in November ... as they say “ Ya ain’t seen nothin’ yet !”

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

As speculation swirled over whether the president might fire him, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Trump "remains confident in Secretary Esper."

 So, any bets as to who the next Sec of Defense is going to be?  If Trump's mouthpiece said that, it's guaranteed that he's on the way out!

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

so you feel it's ok for those irresponsible protesters to go out and spread COVID19 everywhere as though they don't care about anyone's health.  And cause trouble as well ....  

If you don't have an argument, you can always deflect.

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

These protests will spread COVID-19 like wild fire.  The same protests took place in Australia & the UK over the weekend.

If they all catch the virus and get sick then it's their own fault.  They are putting everyone's lives at risk.

Irresponsible stupidity ......


Restore law & order. Send in the troops. 



The protest are there because there is NO law and order but racist murdering cops who have been protected by the police force.

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1 hour ago, otherstuff1957 said:

 So, any bets as to who the next Sec of Defense is going to be?  If Trump's mouthpiece said that, it's guaranteed that he's on the way out!

She will never lie...:whistling:

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

 So, any bets as to who the next Sec of Defense is going to be?  If Trump's mouthpiece said that, it's guaranteed that he's on the way out!


There were rumblings about Tom Cotton, although I can't see him giving up his Senate seat for a six-month gig.



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2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

So you're not into 'fictious analogies' but are happy to make up completely fictitious scenarious to try and back up your spurious claim. Which country can't you walk the streets? By your avatar you're British so where are you that the 'mob dictate where you can or cannot go'? It's not London (plenty of places to go away from predominately peaceful demonstrators), can't be Bristol as that was a relatively small demonstration as well and the only person to get hurt was a statue of an old slaver; it can't have been Manchester or anywhere else in the UK, so just exactly where are you that 'innocent bystanders' are being attacked? Ahhh, I know. It must be Washington DC where the 'innocent bystanders' you so care about were the ones being cleared out of the way for Trumps photo op. 


Democracy isn't breaking down (unless you count what Trump and the likes are trying to do) and your faux outrage is just an excuse to demonise what are predominately peaceful protests by insinuating that EVERYONE is ruining businesses and attacking police.

There are a few trouble makers in the UK like there are everywhere in every society. There's a lot more of them in the US, but they do not represent the majority who have a voice and a VERY valid point and none of your gaslighting is going to change that. 

You clearly don't like the message and want to shoot ALL the messengers (pun intented). It's basic, transparant and just not correct.    

Don't waste your nonsense rants on me, people who commit crime need to pay the penalty, whoever they are.

Don't give me that nonsense that the streets are safe to walk when the police are not safe on them. Plenty of videos showing the police being driven off them. 

5 hours ago, vogie said:

It does not matter one iota on what the percentages are, it is always the troublemakers that ruin it for the unknown percent that may be peacefull, if you are with the aggressors you become an accessory, the police cannot differentiate who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in a maelstrom like we are seeing. I didn't see many "demonstrators that act within the law" trying to stop these anarchists.

Untill all 'demonstrators' can act in a law abiding way all of these so called demonstrations must be cancelled with immediate effect.


What is the price of freedom and open democracy?

What is democratic by destroying others peoples property because you don't agree with something, comes across as fascism to me.

I have been following this to some extent on Tik-Tok ..... ????


I have seen several clips 'demonstrators' who are actively pushing away / trying to stop some of the 'scum' ....


Some clips showing good interaction between the 'good' demonstrators .. and the comment on the video is : why does media not show this?


Sure most of the stuff show bad stuff ...


I do think it matter what the % is ..... The old saying about the baby and the bath water comes to mind ????


In no way do I condone the bad stuff ... If I had a shop and it was being looted I would have no hesitation to put a bullet in the right place ... Unfortunately, even in America I think I would have been locked up for 'excessive force'....

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Don't waste your nonsense rants on me, people who commit crime need to pay the penalty, whoever they are.

Don't give me that nonsense that the streets are safe to walk when the police are not safe on them. Plenty of videos showing the police being driven off them. 

Well if there's plenty of videos 'showing the police being driven off' the streets you should have no problem is providing them. I'll accept 2. Not much to ask so you shouldn't have a problem.

And so far there's been plenty of arrests; 100's in the UK, 9,000 in US (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-05/us-protest-map-arrests-deaths-curfews-since-george-floyd-death/12319512). If they committed a crime then they will 'pay the penalty' no doubt. No one is questioning that.


Anyway, back to those videos showing the police being 'driven off the streets'. 

1 hour ago, unblocktheplanet said:

The news is many National Guard troops are refusing to police protestors and going AWOL, ashamed of the uniform as they should be of their Commander.

There's a fair few tested positive for coronavirus as well.

On 6/8/2020 at 1:00 PM, Saint Nick said:

...and let the military take over the government?

Something you seem to be in favor for, in GENERAL!?

The problem would be solved if they let the police go in and crack heads.They are too soft on the idiots .

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5 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

The news is many National Guard troops are refusing to police protestors and going AWOL, ashamed of the uniform as they should be of their Commander.

How noble,an alternate view could be now they,'ve the possibility of going into action their bottles have gone.

On 6/8/2020 at 2:05 PM, Gandtee said:

Only third world countries use their army against its civilians.

Yeah,1at world countries employ a police force to " serve protect and serve, like our mob have,standing there while rioting occurs.

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7 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

The news is many National Guard troops are refusing to police protestors and going AWOL, ashamed of the uniform as they should be of their Commander.

Love to the the source for that one.   In DC, the NG was used effectively to allow the police to work the streets while they kept the previously cleared sectors clear. Prior to Dubya sending them to Iraq/Afghanistan, the NG was primary used for natural disasters and civil disturbances...such as this, the L.A Riots   and others in the late '60's

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