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Rhodes Must Fall - Oxford protesters target statue of colonialist

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a small minority of looney left are running rampant now ,even nelson isnt safe but why nelson i dunno


theres a hint of financial reperations in the air so bandwagons will be boarded soon

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5 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Like Anthony Joshua saying don't buy from white people.



The joke is nobody is more racist than the anti-racists.


Imagine Tyson Fury going on live TV saying "don't buy from black people". He'd be disqualified for life.

That video clip going around is edited. The words spoken by Joshua were by someone who could not be at the protest and Joshua said this before he started reading. The video was edited to omit this at the start, it's fake news provided by people who want to stir up trouble. So now Joshua is being vilified and 6 months ago he was lauded as a true Brit heavyweight champion of the world.

12 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

It's obvious  that what was posted is a misrepresentation to anyone who has actualy paid attention to what Khan said, however, for the avoidance of any doubt here's what was said:


Statues of historical figures linked with slavery could be torn down across London, Sadiq Khan said today.

The Mayor launched a “diversity commission” to investigate which statues should be retained and which new ones should be erected to represent the achievements of all Londoners, especially black and minority ethnic Londoners.


Mr Khan said: “It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade and while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored.”


The Mayor’s Commission.....will review the landmarks that make up London’s public realm, “further the discussion into what legacies should be celebrated”, and make a series of recommendations. It will consider murals, street art, street names, statues and other memorials.




To sum that up as Khan being "dictatorial" is certainly a misrepresentation in my opinion, wouldn't you concur?

Mr Khan also said he did not consider statues of the likes of Churchill to be included in the review.
He said pupils needed to be educated about famous figures "warts and all" and that "nobody was perfect", including the likes of Churchill, Gandhi and Malcolm X.


Dictatorial? Nope. 

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6 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

That video clip going around is edited. The words spoken by Joshua were by someone who could not be at the protest and Joshua said this before he started reading. The video was edited to omit this at the start, it's fake news provided by people who want to stir up trouble. So now Joshua is being vilified and 6 months ago he was lauded as a true Brit heavyweight champion of the world.

Joshua said it , he must agree with what was said, otherwise he wouldnt have said it .

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35 minutes ago, baansgr said:

What did they have to go through....and please not the "no blacks" signs....minimal and was almost immediately outlawed

...when they arrived there was no accommodation available for many of them. They were housed in unused parts of the underground system, notably Clapham Common. The nearest labour exchange was at Brixton for them to sign on, hence Brixton became the African Caribbean enclave it is today...

When they arrived they faced discrimination, difficulty getting jobs and a place to live. The lucky ones got work on public transport working for the government, many companies didn't want to hire blacks. Their children faced discrimination at school. 

I was born in 1957 so grew up in the 60's and 70's, the attitude towards minorities (black, asian) then was often hostile. Common to hear the N word when describing blacks and intimidation was common place. This was the time of <deleted> bashing, the attitude towards all dark skinned minorities was appalling 


  • Thanks 2

Time to trash that scholarships that carry the name Rhodes.  Certainly nobody will accept these any longer.  A monument to his evil.

  • Sad 1
6 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

That video clip going around is edited. The words spoken by Joshua were by someone who could not be at the protest and Joshua said this before he started reading. The video was edited to omit this at the start, it's fake news provided by people who want to stir up trouble. So now Joshua is being vilified and 6 months ago he was lauded as a true Brit heavyweight champion of the world.

Despite not seeing the footage i had drawn the same conclusion; the nonsence being peddled online simply didn't add up.

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:

Joshua said it , he must agree with what was said, otherwise he wouldnt have said it .

He's a boxer, hardly mastermind material.


Joshua responded to the backlash with a statement on Sunday evening: “If you think I’m a racist, go f*** yourself!

“If you watch the full video, the speech was passed around for someone to read and I took the lead.

“I personally spoke from the heart about the Watford community, ideas of us personally investing seven figures to create unity and opportunities and adding change to the African/Caribbean community.

“Shops aren’t the issue here. Before you talk s***, you better boycott racism.”


4 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

He's a boxer, hardly mastermind material.


Joshua responded to the backlash with a statement on Sunday evening: “If you think I’m a racist, go f*** yourself!

“If you watch the full video, the speech was passed around for someone to read and I took the lead.

“I personally spoke from the heart about the Watford community, ideas of us personally investing seven figures to create unity and opportunities and adding change to the African/Caribbean community.

“Shops aren’t the issue here. Before you talk s***, you better boycott racism.”


Anthony, you told Black people "NOT to spend their money in White owned shops"

That is racist and it looks like people will be talking your advice about boycotting racism , which you will see at your next fight 

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I've read a lot of comments from various places since Monday, The Sun, Mail Online, The Guardian, Anti fascist groups, Anti Antifa groups, this forum and what a f*cking mess it is. The vitirol on both sides is getting extreme and the government are still pondering about 1 or 2 metres for a pub. I really can't see this quieting down, it's like the start of WW1 and both sides digging in with trenches.

28 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

I have an unpopular view on this statue vandalism. These men were men of the establishment and the statues were erected in their esteem. Historically they tell us what the society valued at the time they were erected. That they erected statues to slavers, writers of hymns and brutal colonists tells us something about the values at the time.

Britain was still building its empire and getting rich off the slave trade that our American cousins used so well after killing off all their natives. It was a brutal time and to deny it by pulling down all the statues is simply vandalism that achieves nothing.

Not a single black man in America will get better treatment from the police there because a stupid statue that I bet 90% of people who walked past it didn't even know who it was or what he did. My answer would be to put a large plaque there informing everybody that values have now changed and the statue is of a terrible slaver.

There is a statue in Central Park NY of a surgeon Dr Marion Simms that is extremely controversial. He performed experimental surgery without anaesthetic on black slave women. He was revered because he found the surgical answer to a problem frequent in black women at the time....which is where a fistula develops between the womb and the colon and feral material enters the womb and comes out via the vagina. The smell from this condition was truly awful and the women, of course, lost their men and were ostracised. Well Simms came up with the solution so that it is not a condition we even hear about today in the modern world. Yes doing surgery without anaesthetic is an awful thing to do....but to invent a procedure that improve the quality of so many women's lives is praiseworthy.

Our problem today is that we take a Manichean view on everything...everything is black or white, good or bad....whereas most people are a bit of both.

...the problem is, people want to feel good about their city, proud of where they live. It's harder for local government to collect taxes, people less likely to take care of the place they live with negative images around. It affects the moral of people. Who wants to be constantly reminded about pessimistic aspects of past? Besides, todays residents aren't responsible for what went on before.

Remove the statues, place them in a museum with a record of who they are, why and how they were removed.

I've also got a problem with 'doctors' that perform experiments without the authorisation of the patient and usually they are doing it for self promotion...any statues/profits go to the patients who suffered these horrendous experiments?

3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If they don't want the latest English civil war to break out this weekend they'll neuter it in an instant by lifting the hoax surrounding this covid lark and sending everyone back to work.

The schools, colleges and unis need to go back asap too. It will clash on Saturday and then all hell will break out. This government seems incapable of doing anything and thinks too long about everything.

8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If they don't want the latest English civil war to break out this weekend they'll neuter it in an instant by lifting the hoax surrounding this covid lark and sending everyone back to work.

Is that gong to make enough difference?  It’s a Saturday, many of the protestors and opposition are students and /or unemployed and ignoring the social distance guidelines anyhow. 

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

The schools, colleges and unis need to go back asap too. It will clash on Saturday and then all hell will break out. This government seems incapable of doing anything and thinks too long about everything.

The schools, colleges and unis are finished til next term. 

8 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

The schools, colleges and unis need to go back asap too. It will clash on Saturday and then all hell will break out. This government seems incapable of doing anything and thinks too long about everything.

TBH this/all Govts have been hamstrung since the advent of social media. Joe Public now think that each and every one of them are Richard Branson/Elon Musk simply because they have a device picking up the sort of nonsence that would never normally filter that far down; meanwhile MSM helps fuel the illusion that Piers Morgan is the leader of the opposition and that all the job entails is to gag any guests that aren't toeing-the-line by shouting at them every morning as seen on The Apprentice or Gordon Ramsey.


Welcome to the 2020 world of brain dead millennials.

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5 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Queen Victoria getting it now, @Kadilo how about the stature at the tops of the cliffs in Southend of Queen Vic, prime to go?



I’ve not seen it tbh. I may walk up that way in the next few days. I’ll take a look.........and a piece of rope. ????

edit: just googled it, I know where now. Just goes to show, walked past it many times never even noticed. 

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I’ve not seen it tbh. I may walk up that way in the next few days. I’ll take a look.........and a piece of rope. ????

Not far from the royals, Clifftown Parade. The hand keeps on being broken by vandals lol.




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11 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

So shall we tear down the universtys that they built as well ,might as well go the whole hog .

Somehow I suspect that while their statues represent a dark blot on the Western history books that haunt the poor people of colour that are forced to look up at the faces of their oppressors, glaring back at them like the overseer about to crack the whip, for some reason their money, their buildings and their charitable institutions are allowed.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

That video clip going around is edited. The words spoken by Joshua were by someone who could not be at the protest and Joshua said this before he started reading. The video was edited to omit this at the start, it's fake news provided by people who want to stir up trouble. So now Joshua is being vilified and 6 months ago he was lauded as a true Brit heavyweight champion of the world.

Wait, wait, wait.


The guy maybe a boxer, but he can read right? So okay someone else wrote it, they cut out the intro, but Joshua read it out. Those words reflect his views. As evidenced by the fact that he made clear he will be investing heavily in black businesses only.


"Joshua plans to heavily invest his money into the black community in Watford, and spoke at length of why it is important for the government to do the same."




So he won't be investing in the businesses of white people because those words don't reflect his views?

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1 hour ago, chilli42 said:

Time to trash that scholarships that carry the name Rhodes.  Certainly nobody will accept these any longer.  A monument to his evil.

Nah.  They'll just say they can only be given to POC to make up for all his evil deeds.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

It's obvious  that what was posted is a misrepresentation to anyone who has actualy paid attention to what Khan said, however, for the avoidance of any doubt here's what was said:


Statues of historical figures linked with slavery could be torn down across London, Sadiq Khan said today.

The Mayor launched a “diversity commission” to investigate which statues should be retained and which new ones should be erected to represent the achievements of all Londoners, especially black and minority ethnic Londoners.


Mr Khan said: “It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade and while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored.”


The Mayor’s Commission.....will review the landmarks that make up London’s public realm, “further the discussion into what legacies should be celebrated”, and make a series of recommendations. It will consider murals, street art, street names, statues and other memorials.




To sum that up as Khan being "dictatorial" is certainly a misrepresentation in my opinion, wouldn't you concur?


Where is the mis-representation ?




As Mayor of London, he would have authorised it. More will come...




  • Like 1
4 hours ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

...when they arrived there was no accommodation available for many of them. They were housed in unused parts of the underground system, notably Clapham Common. The nearest labour exchange was at Brixton for them to sign on, hence Brixton became the African Caribbean enclave it is today...

When they arrived they faced discrimination, difficulty getting jobs and a place to live. The lucky ones got work on public transport working for the government, many companies didn't want to hire blacks. Their children faced discrimination at school. 

I was born in 1957 so grew up in the 60's and 70's, the attitude towards minorities (black, asian) then was often hostile. Common to hear the N word when describing blacks and intimidation was common place. This was the time of <deleted> bashing, the attitude towards all dark skinned minorities was appalling 


"Was" being the operative word here. In 2020 only a tiny fraction of the white population behaves in this manner, and they are rightly vilified and punished if caught. There are BAME racists towards other ethnicities. We'll never stamp out racism from all races completely. 


However, racism towards Caucasians does seem to be more acceptable these days than it was back in the days you talk about here. 



  • Like 2
3 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Not far from the royals, Clifftown Parade. The hand keeps on being broken by vandals lol.




I'm a local and can't say I've ever noticed it there either. I'll pop down - and maybe wear a footy shirt so I can protect it from Kadilo and his rope ????


3 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Somehow I suspect that while their statues represent a dark blot on the Western history books that haunt the poor people of colour that are forced to look up at the faces of their oppressors, glaring back at them like the overseer about to crack the whip, for some reason their money, their buildings and their charitable institutions are allowed.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I'm a local and can't say I've ever noticed it there either. I'll pop down - and maybe wear a footy shirt so I can protect it from Kadilo and his rope ????


Most people don't know it's there, nice gardens around it. It will look better in a tiedye paint splatter, maybe it will be soon????

  • Haha 1

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