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Second wave of infections may not be so bad if everyone cooperates: expert


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3 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

you can take a vit D test, but it is 2500-4000 baht


or you can buy 5000 IU vitamin D pills online, for 1 BAHT a day... 



I know what I can buy, but I don't want JUST vit D, I want to be covered in most departments, of which I am, thank you.

Surely a test will show whats present at the time, not the future...

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33 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

NHS says all supplements are essentially worthless.


As for 'Thai expert opinion',

One of Thailand's top medical experts thinks you can give yourself brain damage by holding in a sneeze.

I have it on good authority (National Lampoon magazine, mid 70's) that if you burp, sneeze and fart at the same time you will die. You could look it up

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20 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

too bad Thaivisa don't want a supplement / alternative "expert" .. only been studying for the last 10+ years

Can't do it, goes against what seems to be some heavy handedness when facts and numbers are brought up instead of going with what "approved sources" say.  

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14 hours ago, CGW said:

Indeed the "key" is Vit D, personally I don't take any as spend a lot of time outdoors, then you need to be sure you are getting Vitamin C, zinc, and selenium are all vital for robust immunity and preventing viral replication, if we had a "media" that wasn't controlled by large corporations this would be in all the MSM, take care of yourself, build immunity, what do we get from the MSM - wait for the Vaccination!

Not enough money in it for them to promote healthy & natural remedies, a cheap mouth was also helps, use about a 1% Hydrogen peroxide solution which will inactivate viral pathogens.


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13 minutes ago, AJBangkok said:

Wishful thinking. The Spanish flu killed 50million and it was the second wave that was responsible for the majority of the deaths. 

sick solders, poisoned by chemical warfare (ever heard of mustard gas = destroys your lungs), possible in lower doses, went back home and infected their relatives


let's not forget that since that time, chemical pesticides also started to be produced... those big chemical factories had to produce something after the war...


remember the magic of DDT, they sprayed it on everything and everyone


and 6 months later, POLIO erupted, mhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, could there be a link ?


I'll put the link so I am not talking out of my a....




As part of a trivia series on polio, Aufderheide cites several studies showing that the widespread use of chemical pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, and heptachlor following World War II, actual exacerbated viral disease outbreaks across the United States



According to a report compiled by the Secretary of the Interior that was presented before the 85th Congress back in 1958, polio really only became a problem after the 1940s, when chemical companies began to produce large amounts of DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), malathion, benzene hexachloride (BHC) and other pesticide chemicals for use on agricultural crops. Prior to that time, polio was not nearly as virulent or problematic as many people believe it was.






now tell me there is not a correlation

Edited by Bender Rodriguez
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the virus the infection and in the brain of those who command the OMS kill gates of jaws, they are the real virus, eliminated them eliminated all the problems, the problem is them, they want to vaccinate people obligatorily put a microchip under the skin and a tattoo quantum, so that we can fully control people robotize them,
no this never .. DAMN you must do a damn end

Edited by farang63
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15 hours ago, 473geo said:

Google tells us '10 - 30 minutes of midday sun several times a week' is enough to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D

You guys are taking vitamin D supplements in Thailand!



Sit in your garden or on your balcony or even out in the street for an hour during daytime and save money. 

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34 minutes ago, farang63 said:

the virus the infection and in the brain of those who command the OMS kill gates of jaws, they are the real virus, eliminated them eliminated all the problems, the problem is them, they want to vaccinate people obligatorily put a microchip under the skin and a tattoo quantum, so that we can fully control people robotize them,
no this never .. DAMN you must do a damn end

The governor of Texas said "EFF the experts, we're gonna open anyway. YEE HAW!!!"

They are now suffering four days straight of the largest numbers of people being hospitalized. This isn't just testing positive, they're dying.

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Does the good doctor not think everyone has been cooperating? More booga-booga. What makes him the grand guru now? First they go with WHO, then they go against the WHO. Maybe they should cooperate among themselves in their respective medical field.  Why would he even think of a second phase? It's a bit much. 

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46 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:



Correlation is not causation, but is essential for a good conspiracy theory.


What's wrong with this graph? The rapid decline and disappearance of polio was because of the Salk polio vaccine that was introduced in 1954. To sell the idea the decline was due to chemicals, proponents had to invoke a vast government industrial conspiracy to use the 'useless' vaccine to cover up the 'true' cause of the illness.  The graph also cuts off at 1940. Polio has been with us since before WW-I, in fact there was a spike around 1914, not due to organohalide pesticides.


From the Lancet, a review of the best work on polio. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)61108-3/fulltext


... false leads of the early days of polio research, when doctors, scientists, and public health officials were convinced that the disease was transmitted by bedbugs, budgies, cats, and flies, or caused by seafood, cow's milk, jimson weed, fruit, vegetables, and DDT, or that it was more likely to attack children who were “plump and well nourished, with a broad face, freckles, and gaps between their teeth”.


The medical world knew DDT was a false lead from day one. It is not a new conspiracy theory.


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There may well be sporadic clusters in the future that can be dealt with quickly and sharply, as has happened in China and South Korea, but there's no proof that there will be a "second wave". It was an input assumption to Neil Ferguson's model, based on what happened a century ago during the Spanish flu, but there's nothing in virology that makes it inevitable.



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Just now, Guderian said:

There may well be sporadic clusters in the future that can be dealt with quickly and sharply, as has happened in China and South Korea, but there's no proof that there will be a "second wave".

If even the most basic recommendations are ignored like they were in Texas - well, if I was a betting man, my money would be all in on a second wave.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

I have it on good authority (National Lampoon magazine, mid 70's) that if you burp, sneeze and fart at the same time you will die. You could look it up

Good one ???? there would just be a small pile of deflated skin in a pile on the sidewalk !

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Co-operation = science justification for maintaining state of emergency.

Its the science support for the Govt mandate

We ( your elected) will keep everybody safe if you ( the electors ) give up your freedoms and we increase surveillance ( Smart cities) on your privacy.


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Just now, rwill said:

There won't be a second wave here until they start allowing the tourists back in.

The school I work at tentatively opens 1 July. The administration has warned all teachers/employees to hunker down for a possible resurgence once the borders open. Thank gawd it seems the US and UK won't be allowed in for a while.

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Thailand, and Asian society in general, doesn’t have millions of sickly elderly people crowded into “care homes” where they eat badly, rarely see sunshine and who’s carers have little incentive to concern themselves with hygiene. Nor does Thailand have a significant population of obese and diabetics.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

I have it on good authority (National Lampoon magazine, mid 70's) that if you burp, sneeze and fart at the same time you will die. You could look it up

George Carlin said you can't run and poop at the same time. He was proven wrong.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

I have it on good authority (National Lampoon magazine, mid 70's) that if you burp, sneeze and fart at the same time you will die. You could look it up

I don't recall anyone returning to let us know about that????

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