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Ahead of Trump rally, coronavirus cases surge in Oklahoma, other states

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I can already see it coming. The left will assert that nobody showed up to the rally. fast forward to a week later and they will blame the rally for the deaths of billions of people. I bet they are already drafting up millions of items of impeachment blaming Trump for every death in the past month.


Shhhh don't ask people if they had been to a riot lately.

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1 minute ago, Phoenix Rising said:

And even if that were true, even suffering from severe dementia he'd still be a much better candidate than 45. Much, much better.


Unless he surfaces from the basement how would anybody even know that?

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13 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Given Hillary was beating Trump by 14 points on October 24, 2016, I'm not too concerned. It'll be interesting to see how Biden does in the debates. As of now, his dementia has him to where he can't even do a few minutes live without forgetting where he is or other gaffes. Dementia does not get better as time goes on.

If you’re going to go on about Biden and dementia can the rest of us discuss Trump’s inability to drink from a glass one handed, difficulty constructing coherent sentences, tongue getting stuck to the roof of his mouth and waddling down ramps?....



Oh and that 'sniff' thing of his.



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20 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:


Show me specifically what I posted that leads a rational person to believe I think  "all that recent peer reviewed research coming out now is all about politics" and we can go from there.

What else can be inferred from your assertion that the WHO's reversal on masks is political? As the research comes in, and the observation of how countries where mask wearing is virtually universal are faring, why would anyone assert that the WHO's change is political?

13 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Like you people ever refrain from a negative comment. You claim Trump says nasty things which is fine. However if you look at your own posts you will see how you word things is as crude and there is simply hundreds of thousands if not millions of posts that show how coarse you tend to be.


Don't try to be cutesy and even pretend you are above that level.

Do you understand that he's the President of the United States, and not some anonymous poster on a website based in Thailand? That his words are read and reported to tens and millions, whereas the words hear are read by tens of tens? And not reported on at all.Do you think maybe that different standards should apply?

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2 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Has anyone else noticed how when this thread started there were lots of Trump supporters denying the reality of the resurgence of covid. I guess now that the very conservative governors of Texas, Arizona, and Florida have conceded that it's for real and not just a statistical consequence of increased testing, Trump supporters have had to do likewise, if only tacitly.

Well that or his supporters are leaving him.

31 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Like you people ever refrain from a negative comment. You claim Trump says nasty things which is fine. However if you look at your own posts you will see how you word things is as crude and there is simply hundreds of thousands if not millions of posts that show how coarse you tend to be.


Don't try to be cutesy and even pretend you are above that level.


dude, they're not the freakin' leader of the free world.

they don't have their fingers on the nukular button.


nor are they responsible for the deaths of thousands of americans.



9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

And of course the protesters, mostly black, that he explicitly and offensively called thugs for allegedly blocking rally entrances. 

If they were blocking entrances, then they were thugs - regardless of skin-pigmentation.  That's not offensive at all. 


What is offensive, is the notion that the perjorative used should change based on their skin-pigmentation - or that this should affect anything else, like getting a job, into a university, or receiving a small-business loan.  Unless, of course, the goal is to make people resent and hate each other based on skin-pigmentation.

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It would need to be a historically big comeback considering he has Jimmy Carter type poll numbers now. 


I'm slogging through the rally rants. It's putting me to sleep and the crowd doesn't sound very excited either. 


Could it be his act is getting stale? 

Breaking Promises tends to undermine enthusiasm - as tens of millions of Americans watch low-wage foreign-workers (both legal and illegal) occupy their former middle-class careers, and the factories in Mexico get a new-lease to remain out of the USA, under Trump's "NAFTA-II" agreement.


43 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Oh man! Just look at that rapid downward trend in the past three weeks for poor Donald.


Betting Odds - 2020 U.S. President

Hopefully the low-turnout and collapsing poll-numbers will get him to re-think selling out his MAGA Base so spectacularly - throwing working-class and white-collar Americans, alike, under the bus.  IOW, acting like the pre-MAGA / anti-populiast "country club republicans" always did - even before the Democrats abandoned labor under Bill Clinton's leadership and joined in, giving the USA two Wall-St parties.


4 hours ago, jcsmith said:

What is more likely? That all media publications in the world are 90% FAR LEFT or that you yourself are so far right it that it just seems that way? 

Do a little checking on Who Owns the controlling shares of the remaining/consolidated Media Corporations.  Those who work for them know who butters their bread, and write their stories accordingly, or don't get paid/published.


This is not only true for the "leftist" outlets.  Former Trump supporters who dare speak the Truth about Trump breaking his campaign promises cannot get on Fox, either. 


It's not about the fake "right" and "left" - there is no labor-party or pro-labor media any more - just two different ways to mislead people, so they can be Controlled and Used.  Follow The Money.

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2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Yes, it's amazing how Trump has been able to get left-wing savages to riot, burn, loot and kill.


OK, back to reality. It is obviously leftist thugs who are trying to start a civil war. Anyone with even basic skills of observation and honesty can see what is happening. You know this. Let's keep it real, shall we?

The left-wing thugs are just useful-idiot pawns.  They will be thrown under the bus, later. 


Those organizing the uprising own the MSM / Hollywood, and control the educational system.  They hate Western values, culture, mores and morals - as is evident in their work-product - so consistently undermine these - have for decades.  They have completed the "long march through the institutions;"  what we are seeing is their plan coming to a head. 

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So no outrage over Eric referring to Black Lives Matter protesters as "animals"? Nah, nothing racist or elitist about that at all.


Eric Trump refers to racial justice protesters as 'animals' in Tulsa rally speech



Speaking at the his father's campaign rally in Tulsa, the president's son Eric Trump referred to Black Lives Matter protesters as "animals".

Telling supporters that there is no family other than the Trumps that will work harder for them, he said they will preserve "the moral fabric of the country".

He continued: "Because when you watch the nonsense on TV, when you see these animals literally taking over our cities, burning down churches, this isn't America."


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Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.


Troll posts and replies have been removed.


Posts commenting on moderation regarding the posting of news articles and the replies have been removed. 

5 minutes ago, Silurian said:

So no outrage over Eric referring to Black Lives Matter protesters as "animals"? Nah, nothing racist or elitist about that at all.


Eric Trump refers to racial justice protesters as 'animals' in Tulsa rally speech

Are you saying BLM is responsible for "taking over our cities, burning down churches"?  We all saw that - but BLM has claimed they are "peaceful protesters," not to be confused with the violent rioters.

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16 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

You might have him start with appointing Supreme Court justices who side with workers instead of Corporate America and Wall Street. 

Yes, that last decision granting more "extra special rights" to another special-class was a severe-blow to the oft-used excuse of "We 'have to' vote R, for the courts."  But let's not pretend the D-appointees are anti-globalist/corporate.



How about a health care system that will take care of all Americans?

Yes, we should return to the system from the 1970s and before, when Blue Cross/ Blue Shield were Private Non-Profits, as were most Hospitals.  With their guaranteed market, bank-loans provided sufficient financing, making risk-capital completely unnecessary. 


Obamacare was nothing but corporate-welfare for the insurance-corporations - doubling down on the existing cronyism - which had turned health-insurance into little more than a money-funnel to Wall St.


With the Great American health-care system restored, it would be very inexpensive to provide catastrophic-plans to the poor, which would eliminate most unpaid medical-costs, for the non-profit hospitals.



A decent minimum wage?

I lived through artificial-min-wage raises - the landlords and such catch up on you in a matter of months, and you are just as poor as before. 


The key is "supply and demand" - making labor "worth more" relative to goods and services - most goods (including food-products) having only a tiny amount of "labor-cost" in them.


The real min-wage would be triple (at least) right now, if all foreign-workers were barred from employment in the USA.  Simply cancel the work-permits, and enforce the felony prohibiting the hiring of Illegal Aliens.  All the laws to do it are on the books, and not blocked by the courts.



Help! I'm starting to sound like a Democrat!

When we had an actual labor-party, who insisted on the enforcement of laws against hiring illegal-alien forigners, and did not allow 1 Million+ "work visa" workers to come in, a construction-tradesman's (carpenter, plumber, etc) average salary was $44/hr (in today's dollars).  Now that there is no party raising those issues (except a short period in 2016), working people have no voice (again).


The R's "less immigration" amounts to selecting immigrants who target the last-remaining middle-class jobs - tech, engineering, doctors, etc.


The Democrats want more foreigners to come in, because they will be poor, and vote overwhelmingly for a socialist-platform, as they will be living "hand to mouth" or less.  I include "less," because many companies now pay less than bare-subsistence, allowing food-stamps and housing-aid to make up the difference.

2 hours ago, JackThompson said:


If they were blocking entrances, then they were thugs - regardless of skin-pigmentation.  That's not offensive at all. 


What is offensive, is the notion that the perjorative used should change based on their skin-pigmentation - or that this should affect anything else, like getting a job, into a university, or receiving a small-business loan.  Unless, of course, the goal is to make people resent and hate each other based on skin-pigmentation.

The "president" called ALL the protesters thugs. Not only the one group of them that did indeed try to block one entrance for about 15 minutes and it turns out it's effect on entrance was basically nothing. Please tell me that you do understand that calling all protesters thugs is truly disgusting, truly inflammatory rhetoric, and indeed in this case as the protesters were largely black, a toxic incitement for racial hatred of black people. Or do you have another narrative about this that somehow defends this "president"? 

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

The left-wing thugs are just useful-idiot pawns.  They will be thrown under the bus, later. 


Those organizing the uprising own the MSM / Hollywood, and control the educational system.  They hate Western values, culture, mores and morals - as is evident in their work-product - so consistently undermine these - have for decades.  They have completed the "long march through the institutions;"  what we are seeing is their plan coming to a head. 

So, my dude, who exactly are you insinuating owns the MSM/ Hollywood, and the educational system? 

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Yes, that last decision granting more "extra special rights" to another special-class was a severe-blow to the oft-used excuse of "We 'have to' vote R, for the courts."  But let's not pretend the D-appointees are anti-globalist/corporate.


There were two major decisions that right wingers didn't like. I see that you like to speak in code, so which of them are you referring to getting "extra special rights"? -- DACA people or LGBT people?

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Distancing the attendees is an admission of the problem, and they are still keeping the "it's all a hoax" flame alive for those who prefer to believe it.

My take:

- maybe the TikTok troll worked, but yeah the registration did require a telephone number and the RSVP would not be issued without a callback, or so it said on the registration page.  I know someone who was going to register (ahem!) but they balked on the phone number thing, so I can't say if there really was a callback or SMS verification.

 - the idea that violent demonstrators kept people away is nonsense, and I would think these "Bikers for Tr__p" guys would take offense at his saying it  (I'm not posting a link for these guys, do your own search)

 - the claim from a week ago:



By Sunday, Parscale said that 800,000 people had registered for the rally.

He said that it is the biggest rally sign-up “of all time by 10 times.”

Just passed 800,000 tickets. Biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x.


Umm, 800k tickets issued for a 19,000 seat venue?  So we know reality has nothing to do with this.  The data haul remark I take to be regarding $$$ to be made for selling the mailing list; when the RSVP site was still up the morning of the event I figured it was part of that data haul scheme.


Perhaps the message that can be taken away is "we're stupid enough to vote for you but not dumb enough to risk our health, or lives."


On a side note, political analyst Rick Wilson (a Republican who is not a DT supporter) has been keeping tabs on Parscale these recent months, particularly how he is spending a lot of bucks on personal purchases like houses, boats etc.  which Wlison suspects is part of a laundry operation.  Do a lookup for some entertaining reading.



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19 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Distancing the attendees is an admission of the problem, and they are still keeping the "it's all a hoax" flame alive for those who prefer to believe it.

My take:

- maybe the TikTok troll worked, but yeah the registration did require a telephone number and the RSVP would not be issued without a callback, or so it said on the registration page.  I know someone who was going to register (ahem!) but they balked on the phone number thing, so I can't say if there really was a callback or SMS verification.

 - the idea that violent demonstrators kept people away is nonsense, and I would think these "Bikers for Tr__p" guys would take offense at his saying it  (I'm not posting a link for these guys, do your own search)

 - the claim from a week ago:

Umm, 800k tickets issued for a 19,000 seat venue?  So we know reality has nothing to do with this.  The data haul remark I take to be regarding $$$ to be made for selling the mailing list; when the RSVP site was still up the morning of the event I figured it was part of that data haul scheme.


Perhaps the message that can be taken away is "we're stupid enough to vote for you but not dumb enough to risk our health, or lives."


On a side note, political analyst Rick Wilson (a Republican who is not a DT supporter) has been keeping tabs on Parscale these recent months, particularly how he is spending a lot of bucks on personal purchases like houses, boats etc.  which Wlison suspects is part of a laundry operation.  Do a lookup for some entertaining reading.



So they claimed they had 800,000 registrations and finally got only 6,000! ????

So it's 0.75% of what they initially claimed! 0.75%! ????????????????????

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