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what percent of obesity cases are the result of lifestyle choices?

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9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Depends on how long you want to live. The statistics say obese people are far more prone to diabetes, cardiac disease, stroke, and cancer. Their death rate in the current pandemic is indicating vulnerability on that front as well. Your life, your choice.


Indeed my choice.

We all die, that's a certainty. If you want to live on raw carrots and water splendid, up to you as they say, you might well live to be a 100, though even if you don't I'm sure it will seem like it.

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It's very simple. Eat more energy that use= fat.

Unless one that has some sort of medical problem that puts on weight despite eating less energy that expended if one doesn't want to put on weight eat less and exercise more.


I'm overweight and try to keep under 100kg, but I love bad food. Up to me if I really want to get back to my weight of 30 years ago at 86 kg, but starvation is never an attractive choice.

Problem is that fat cells never go away after being created except by surgery or liposuction. They might get slimmer but will expand again as soon as enough food is eaten.

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2 minutes ago, Stocky said:

Indeed my choice.

We all die, that's a certainty. If you want to live on raw carrots and water splendid, up to you as they say, you might well live to be a 100, though even if you don't I'm sure it will seem like it.

It's a matter of getting the right mix of diet and exercise.

Do these dishes look like I am living on raw carrots and water?



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1 hour ago, Ventenio said:

let's just say your "American flavoured terrorism!" is ..... whatever. 


EVERY country knows people get addicted to sugar, drugs, cigs, beer, whisky, and they make money off that.


Coffee in Thailand has like 40% sugar.  Snacks like 50% sugar.  Drinks are added with sugar.  food with BAD oils.....everything fried.  fruits with plastic.... NO country is perfect. 


What America also has is sports.  The best athletes.  The fittest HIGH-level military (not overall, perhaps).  And the richest when you look at their size. 


Now other countries make you eat cabbage, food kids hate, and force religion.  and hatred.  and all this anti-American stuff....which is worse than being fat.


maybe you are in Syria.....looking around at all your thin friends.   yea, not a win. 

Just looking at most commercials about food. It's junk food including a lot of sugar and oil. They know people get addicted to such and that's why they advertise it. It was the same with cigarettes before advertising was banned.

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

There are three body types, ectomorph (those that usually stay slim no matter what), mesomorph (those that can be lean when they follow a good diet), and endomorph (those that to eat lean to stay lean and put on weight easily). The  easiest ways to stay slim if you have a tendency to put on weight are, do not eat past 7PM, as your usually doing less then and will store the calories. Eat 5 small meals a day instead of three larger ones, because if you take in less calories, you will store less. Never drink calories. No sugar sodas or drinks, no fruit juices (the fruit is better, has less sugar and more fiber), and if you use milk, drink it in cereal or oatmeal, and not as a drink, and use skim or 1%, never whole milk. Any alcohol is sugar, so limit drinking (I know, impossible for most expats, but if you drink too much sugar, the body has to burn that off first before stored fat) Take stairs instead of elevators or escalators. (Unless you're in the Empire State Building and want to prove a point). Trim all fat from meat before cooking (I know, fat makes meat taste better, but....), Limit any refined sugar (candy, cakes, pies, snacks, etc. ) to a snack and a small one. When you're older, you have to lower your carbohydrate (rice is good but not at every meal like they do here) intake because your metabolism is slower as you age. Eat more fish and chicken and less pork and beef. Eggs are good but eat more whites than yolks. Eliminate fried foods if you need to lose weight. Salads are great but you ruin them if you overload the high calorie dressings ( low fat is ok but sometimes means high sugar, find those with both). Walking daily is good, but weight training is better especially when you age because you lose muscle with age, and the more muscle your body carries, the more you burn calories.  Pretty easy , just takes motivation, desire and will power, especially if you haven't done much all your life .

People like me don't live like that because it sucks.


I might live longer if I ate more healthy, but why would I want to live longer in a "rest" home?

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

People like me don't live like that because it sucks.


I might live longer if I ate more healthy, but why would I want to live longer in a "rest" home?

If you eat healthy and exercise, you won't go to a rest home. That's a suggestion, not a lesson by the way. I don't like to see anyone in a rest home.

Edited by fredwiggy
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Why not just force all fatties to run on a treadmill for an hour every day?

Build a cage around it, lock on the door, start it moving.

The ultimate nanny state.


'It's for your own good'

Put them in a dark room - Have the treadmill hooked up to the generator - that powers the light and the TV ... That will keep them going ...


Stay slim ?  Simple .. very simple -


Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


You can eat tons of healthy food and still get fat ...... Sure eating more healthy is better than not eating healthy food.... Physical activity is good for your body ... even if you are fat ...


But ultimatum  this is the key


Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


How something so simple can be turned into a multi billion industry is incredible. ????


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5 minutes ago, Stocky said:

Indeed my choice.

We all die, that's a certainty. If you want to live on raw carrots and water splendid, up to you as they say, you might well live to be a 100, though even if you don't I'm sure it will seem like it.

Raw carrots and water is not the diet of people who are not overweight. 


The diet of non-fat people is likely quite similar to yours, save for fewer calories overall and maybe less interest is sugary stuff or foods loaded with HFCS.  Pizza, pasta, Panang Gai, French bread, a nice beef filet, cheeses, naan and buttery dal, miso ramen, an occasional cheeseburger.....all can be enjoyed while maintaining a healthy weight and not risking Type II diabetes.

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Just now, rvaviator said:

Put them in a dark room - Have the treadmill hooked up to the generator - that powers the light and the TV ... That will keep them going ...


Stay slim ?  Simple .. very simple -


Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


You can eat tons of healthy food and still get fat ...... Sure eating more healthy is better than not eating healthy food.... Physical activity is good for your body ... even if you are fat ...


But ultimatum  this is the key


Energy inn < Energy out  = Slim

Energy inn > Energy out = Fat


How something so simple can be turned into a multi billion industry is incredible. ????


You hit it right on the head, multi billion business. You're right about putting in less then you won't get fat, but eating a lot of healthy food won't make you fat, because if you're eating healthy, you will fill up on natural carbs, which are low calorie, and not be eating the concentrated calories like fats, oils, sugar and such. A potato is only 100 calories, but a tab of butter is pure fat and 100 calories also. There are those that can eat fatty meat, smoke cigars and drink whiskey daily and live to 100 and be lean, and some that exercise daily and eat healthy and die at 40. genetics suck but you can't change your parents.

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9 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

what percent of obesity cases are the result of lifestyle choices?


I suppose an answer could be---How many fat people did you see in the film reels of them liberating the German Concentration camps.

I don't mean to be trite about the subject, I struggle a bit with weight problems , as I get older & also when all the gyms shut down. But it does IMO come down to Calories in= Calories (burned) out.

Ah .... I was just thinking the same thing .... Arbeit Macht ........  No fat people there ...


Also look at the health problems during that time in general .. completely different to the health problems now ......


Completely agree with you .... Sure some people store fat easier than others .. but ultimately its down the energy balance.


Obviously nutrition is a different issue .. I think very often today the two things are mixed together ... 

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Just now, Walker88 said:

Raw carrots and water is not the diet of people who are not overweight. 


The diet of non-fat people is likely quite similar to yours, save for fewer calories overall and maybe less interest is sugary stuff or foods loaded with HFCS.  Pizza, pasta, Panang Gai, French bread, a nice beef filet, cheeses, naan and buttery dal, miso ramen, an occasional cheeseburger.....all can be enjoyed while maintaining a healthy weight and not risking Type II diabetes.

True, I eat some of that, plus lasagne, pasta weekly, drink wine, and eat some sugar and never have been over 180 lbs (81kg), and have been at 78kg to 80kg for 45 years, with a lot of exercise done.

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20 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's a matter of getting the right mix of diet and exercise.

Do these dishes look like I am living on raw carrots and water?



Can I come for dinner ? 555


My problem in general is that I would (like to) eat that x 5 ... ???? 

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

It is probably the biggest most expensive health crisis in the world puting tremendous strain on our health care systems. Makes Covid look like bee sting.

People laugh off being obese and it certainly looks like a terribly depressing way to live. But in reality they are addicts. Addicted to fat, grease, oil, and sugar and laziness.

In most cases, serious behavioral counseling is needed.

  I  agree with the post above except for the counseling part.  Unless its self counseling or the person can not figure the simple formula to good health out for themselves.

Counselor :  " look, your diet and lifestyle have made your body into the mess it is today. "

Client :   " Yes i know,  but ..................."

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2 minutes ago, rumak said:

  I  agree with the post above except for the counseling part.  Unless its self counseling or the person can not figure the simple formula to good health out for themselves.

Counselor :  " look, your diet and lifestyle have made your body into the mess it is today. "

Client :   " Yes i know,  but ..................."

Remember that counselors need to make a living as well ... ???? ... Fat loss counselors. Life style gurus, body stylist, wellness experts,.. bla bla ... $$$$ per hour ...


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49 minutes ago, Stocky said:

Indeed my choice.

We all die, that's a certainty. If you want to live on raw carrots and water splendid, up to you as they say, you might well live to be a 100, though even if you don't I'm sure it will seem like it.

Don't want to have a stroke or my legs removed because of diabetes either.

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Just now, rvaviator said:

Remember that counselors need to make a living as well ... ???? ... Fat loss counselors. Life style gurus, body stylist, wellness experts,.. bla bla ... $$$$ per hour ...


I am having the sign printed in Bkk .   Do you think neon lights around a yin/yang  styled sign would

bring in more suckers customers?        Dr. Rumak :  fat loss, life style, sexual awareness (open to ladies only),  and pop-up ads mind over matter hypnosis.    Discounts to those wronged by thai princesses ( bring proof of expenditures) .   

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There are many good points being made here-to which I would like to add that a whole host of medications in the Western pharmacopeia have "weight gain" as a side effect.

When you see the huge amount of anti-depressants (for example) being taken, a lot of which will add weight, then you know that our society is in big trouble.

Edited by Odysseus123
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4 hours ago, Ventenio said:

let's just say your "American flavoured terrorism!" is ..... whatever. 


EVERY country knows people get addicted to sugar, drugs, cigs, beer, whisky, and they make money off that.


Coffee in Thailand has like 40% sugar.  Snacks like 50% sugar.  Drinks are added with sugar.  food with BAD oils.....everything fried.  fruits with plastic.... NO country is perfect. 


What America also has is sports.  The best athletes.  The fittest HIGH-level military (not overall, perhaps).  And the richest when you look at their size. 


Now other countries make you eat cabbage, food kids hate, and force religion.  and hatred.  and all this anti-American stuff....which is worse than being fat.


maybe you are in Syria.....looking around at all your thin friends.   yea, not a win. 

Syrians stay thin eating brick and rubble dust!


The fittest HIGH-level military

The skinny Vietnamese got over them in the 60s and 70s

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2 hours ago, rumak said:

I am having the sign printed in Bkk .   Do you think neon lights around a yin/yang  styled sign would

bring in more suckers customers?        Dr. Rumak :  fat loss, life style, sexual awareness (open to ladies only),  and pop-up ads mind over matter hypnosis.    Discounts to those wronged by thai princesses ( bring proof of expenditures) .   

If there is one nationality of females that excels at sexual awareness, it is Thai women. And they are pretty good at hypnotising farangs.

Perhaps you'd do better selling room heaters in Bangkok.

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6 hours ago, rvaviator said:

Can I come for dinner ? 555


My problem in general is that I would (like to) eat that x 5 ... ???? 

My GF loves to cook for everyone. We'd have to charge you 100 baht per dish. Her repertoire is quite reasonable - what you see plus kaow pat goong, pad siew gai, bamboo chili. I've passed on the roasted frogs and fried crickets. She'd be rapt if you came up with 500 baht per dinner, probably trade me in for you.

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6 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

There are many good points being made here-to which I would like to add that a whole host of medications in the Western pharmacopeia have "weight gain" as a side effect.

That's why I included this possible factor in my OP.  My understanding is that a lot of these meds make it difficult to stay in decent physical condition. 

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