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TikTok users say they helped sabotage Trump rally with false registrations


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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Let's not forget that millions of his supporters could have gone there without tickets. They could have lined the streets and assembled outside the hall. That obviously didn't happen.

It seems there is a little hope that the number of his supporters goes down - it's about time!

Is that really your face?

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Let's not forget that millions of his supporters could have gone there without tickets. They could have lined the streets and assembled outside the hall. That obviously didn't happen.

they could have but it would have thrown out/divert the blaming game

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The desperate Trump campaign would have let homeless people in to fill the seats, if they could have found anyone interested in attending. It is a new time, a new era, and Trump has made himself into a relic, with his tone deaf statements, his poor strategies, his epic failures (first Maria, then Covid, and now Floyd) and his increasingly unhinged nature. His supporters seem to finally be dropping off, and it is happening just in time. He and his people have been playing so many games, and engaging in such massive deception, that it is about time his opponents wised up, and turned the tables. Kudos to them. Lets see more of it! And the bad news keeps piling on. Now Bolton with some very damaging information about his gross incompetence. And then his niece talking about Trump committing fraud, even against his own family. Is there no end to the deception? Wow. Bye bye Don. 

it has not been a good year for POTUS...Happy Fathers Day to Donald Trump (meh).

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1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

Murtagh thanks the mischievous no-showers for their contact info? I guess this will come in handy if Trump gets his way gets re-elected and consolidates his facist agenda. It will give his soon to be created secret police (or his citizen henchmen lynching mobs) a list of people to be ‘Dealt with ‘ or removed to the concentration camps he will establish should the America people be so inept and bereft of sanity and common sense as to elect this despotic corrupt madman again.


^One of those posts where you cannot tell whether they are being serious or satirical .

What was it ?

Serious or satirical ? 

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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Let's not forget that millions of his supporters could have gone there without tickets. They could have lined the streets and assembled outside the hall. That obviously didn't happen.

It seems there is a little hope that the number of his supporters goes down - it's about time!

Millions of supporters congregating during a pandemic with the threat of looting and rioting as a cherry on top. It's not the actual turn-out that's embarrassing. It's the Trump touting of the numbers. That being said, if Trump's extended family showed up to his rally, he'd still pull in a bigger crowd than Biden.

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The desperate Trump campaign would have let homeless people in to fill the seats, if they could have found anyone interested in attending. It is a new time, a new era, and Trump has made himself into a relic, with his tone deaf statements, his poor strategies, his epic failures (first Maria, then Covid, and now Floyd) and his increasingly unhinged nature. His supporters seem to finally be dropping off, and it is happening just in time. He and his people have been playing so many games, and engaging in such massive deception, that it is about time his opponents wised up, and turned the tables. Kudos to them. Lets see more of it! And the bad news keeps piling on. Now Bolton with some very damaging information about his gross incompetence. And then his niece talking about Trump committing fraud, even against his own family. Is there no end to the deception? Wow. Bye bye Don. 

Homeless people to fill in the seats. That's rich. I don't see the Republicans arguing that illegal aliens and felons should have the right to vote, nor arguing that 16 year olds should have the right to vote. Democrats will get votes even if they are not from actual citizens of this country. Surely this post is a joke? There is literally no abyss a Democrat won't stoop to get a vote. Even and including pandering votes from people who aren't even actual citizens of the very country whose politician they are voting for. How much worse can it get?

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6 minutes ago, candide said:


Racially decisive? Have you heard some of the racially vitriolic statements from the BLM? Or are you one of those apologists who believes that only white people can be bigoted? And that somehow, magically, racial bigotry is the anecdote to racial bigotry? If that's what you believe it's not just the Republicans in America you have to fear, it's all the libertarians and all of what used to be "classical liberals." They are ALSO against your PC authoritarian ethos. Trump is the last person you woke leftists need to worry about.

13 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Try running down his Tulsa’s speech and identify for yourself just how many times he use racially divisive terms and references. 


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6 minutes ago, OZinPattaya said:

Racially decisive? Have you heard some of the racially vitriolic statements from the BLM? Or are you one of those apologists who believes that only white people can be bigoted? And that somehow, magically, racial bigotry is the anecdote to racial bigotry? If that's what you believe it's not just the Republicans in America you have to fear, it's all the libertarians and all of what used to be "classical liberals." They are ALSO against your PC authoritarian ethos. Trump is the last person you woke leftists need to worry about.


Why am I quoted?

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