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Noisy Neighbors


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Well Mate, I bet ur not worried about that bar tab anymore!  And what kind of eggs?  Poached? Scrambled?


Anyhoo welp I guess i see 2 options, move out or try reasoning with some booze, as seems someone who likes or cares about another, would be more courteous towards them, as opposed to some stranger....


Maybe you would see some bottles of booze or beer and go buy some and offer it to the guy alone and ask nicely with the whole "face" issue.....tell them you work early or stg to signal for them to be quiet....Id give them a chance to do the right thing, otherwise I dont see much happening, as you are NOT thai...


I have a thai buddy that runs a shop and he had thais open next to him with lots of chinese tourists, they would have live music and create noise and parking issues, pissing off the whole block of owners, so he spoke to the BIg Boss that runs the block and asked him to speak to him, as I also know a thai cop that I am very nice to, as he has saved my ass a few times..always good to have connections that can get things done.


Otherwise Id say fight back and blast some music when they are passed out but thats not a good idea here


You have been having a hell of a month...hang in there.....maybe start drinking with the guy and have eggs!



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4 minutes ago, darrendsd said:

I had noise issues with a Thai neighbour a few years ago - we argued so much about it there were threats of violence


However I went to the Tessabahn who paid them a visit - after that no more noise and they guy who was threatening me would not even look me in the eye


If the noise gets that bad it is starting to affect your life then visit the Tessabahn - they deal with this sort of thing



AGREED as I was busy typing this right as you posted...Go above the source---go to the big boss!!!!

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It bothered me for awhile but you get used to it. We live over 200M from the next house (not family) and we can hear them at times, but not as bad as you say. Then there's the village "mayor" talking at 6AM about local things, after some music. maybe you can make friends with them and then ask them nicely would they mind being a little quieter late at night. Complaining will never work here.

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"do unto others as they are doing unto you".  Two loud speakers and either rap music or better still, politicians making speeches, in Swahili. Oh, and buy yourself some wax ear plugs so that you can sleep through it. 






Edited by Pilotman
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23 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Another disdvantage of living in a house on a Soi.  Noisy and claustophobic.

Maybe get out and move into a nice higher end Condo with good security, no animals, no car noise, no kids, etc.


PS:  If you cannot sleep try a good powerful fan.

Are you suggesting that a Liverpoolfan isn't powerful enough?

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Just now, CGW said:

I can confirm that "Mozart's greatest pieces" also works! Thai's hate classical music, especially when played at full volume ???? 

good idea because at least the OP should enjoy it, even if they don't. 

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When we first moved into our house,30 odd years ago,a Farang and

his wife built a house next door,and had 4 Alsatians,the noise was

terrible,then a Thai Dr. 2 houses down arrived he had 5 Thai dogs

that were left to roam, biting people,making them fall off their



So over the years all the dogs died,then the Farang and his wife,

so no more dogs moved it,the Doctor's dogs died,and he did not

get anymore ,so now we are friends,after years of hating him

because he did not control his dogs


An empty piece of land in front of our house lay empty for years,

then 4 years ago someone bought it,so now we are worried,are

they going to be noisy,have dogs, then we found out they were

Muslims,so they won't be having dogs,thank Allah.


So everything around our Cul-de-sac is quite,and the moral of

my story is,you have to put up with some inconveniences but

in the long run everything will be OK.........thats the very long run.

regards Worgeordie


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I guess we've been lucky over the years never had noisy ones, seems everybody goes to bed at 8-30 pm around here the only problem we did have was some builders moved onto the land behind us and setup camp lighting fires every night I didn't need to say anything I have good Thai neighbours who put a stop to it.

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20 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

When we first moved into our house,30 odd years ago,a Farang and

his wife built a house next door,and had 4 Alsatians,the noise was

terrible,then a Thai Dr. 2 houses down arrived he had 5 Thai dogs

that were left to roam, biting people,making them fall off their


There's a Thai neighbour here who had 4 dogs. But one died, and looks like it was the noisy one, so a bit better now.


However, on the other side another Thai neighbour is basically running power tools all day long, cooking outside with smoke wafting right across so you have to close windows.


I am waiting for him to die. He's rather old.


Here's hoping ????

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On 7/10/2020 at 10:56 AM, ezzra said:

Welcome to Thailand, and if you have here for a while than you shouldn't surprised at all, although most thais are mindful of their behaviour and neighbors some however are a complete thuggish tossers...

Yep, feel for your situation; we live at the end of a secured gated Townhouse Mubaan of about 190 Townhouses, mostly just great and peaceful expect for the sometimes barking mutts, but to be expected.


Common wall townhouse next door has had three rental tenants in it in the last 3 years, all really peaceful nice people.


The zoo moved in about 3 months ago, husband, wife, full time babysitter and 5 kids under 12.............


OMG from 6 am to 11 pm everyday................hell on 10 legs ............


Asked the complex manager to have a quiet word with them with our understanding that lots of kids in a confined space need to run around but could hey curfew the kids after the clock strikes 10 pm each night just to give us a break from the carry on.


Response from the parents via the manager; their kids are uncontrollable and they have given up on them! 


So the barking mutts seem to be insignificant now .... 5555555


As you said this lot, tossers of neighbors.................



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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

When we first moved into our house,30 odd years ago,a Farang and

his wife built a house next door,and had 4 Alsatians,the noise was

terrible,then a Thai Dr. 2 houses down arrived he had 5 Thai dogs

that were left to roam, biting people,making them fall off their



So over the years all the dogs died,then the Farang and his wife,

so no more dogs moved it,the Doctor's dogs died,and he did not

get anymore ,so now we are friends,after years of hating him

because he did not control his dogs


An empty piece of land in front of our house lay empty for years,

then 4 years ago someone bought it,so now we are worried,are

they going to be noisy,have dogs, then we found out they were

Muslims,so they won't be having dogs,thank Allah.


So everything around our Cul-de-sac is quite,and the moral of

my story is,you have to put up with some inconveniences but

in the long run everything will be OK.........thats the very long run.

regards Worgeordie



Sweet story, but in "the very long run" we're all dead.

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4 hours ago, CGW said:

I can confirm that "Mozart's greatest pieces" also works! Thai's hate classical music, especially when played at full volume ???? 


Yes, this is the best idea of all.  Maybe when you get up for a pee in that v quiet time between 3 and 5 am, you could blast out as loudly as possible the whole of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.  But are they savvy enough to get the message?


Sir Alex used to complain about the "noisy neighbours", but it wasn't Liverpool he was referring to....

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11 minutes ago, blazes said:

Yes, this is the best idea of all.  Maybe when you get up for a pee in that v quiet time between 3 and 5 am, you could blast out as loudly as possible the whole of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.  But are they savvy enough to get the message?

Some years back i ended up with construction workers living on land at the back of the house I lived in at that time, they used to start the day early with loud music.

They were "savvy" enough to realise that if they didn't play their music I didn't blast them with the 5th at 06:00, a non verbal agreement was reached! ???? 

Classical music is beyond the average Thai's comprehension, for whatever reason they hate it! ????

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On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 10:46 AM, OneeyedJohn said:

I realised a long time ago the only way to gaurantee any kind of peace and quiet would be to have a 20 rai piece of land, build your house right in the middle of it, and have a 2 metre high wall all around.


You are far enough away from roads, neighbours with yappy dogs, farm workers with noisy tractors, people using strimmers at 5 in the morning, and <deleted> water pumps and metal buffaloes droning on all day.


What else, agh yes, the local headman boring everyone to death with his announcments over loadspeakers almost everyday.



20 Rai doesn't help the noise the temples make with their 3 day <deleted> ups, and their chanting at all hours. I don't know why they think everyone wants to hear them. At least with covid, the parties have stopped.

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On 7/10/2020 at 2:56 PM, Liverpoolfan said:

If it carries on im gonna go round and give em a piece of my mind. 

Good idea.  Unleash your powerful machismo manhood...show him who the real boss is in Thailand....  

Edited by mike787
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I suggest you record their conversation for few hours and play it back to them thriugh sound system ..and you go out for night  .worked for me years ago @  good wax ear plugs keep playing their stuff till they get message ..

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40 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Seems I remember a bar maid made you cry not long ago, so man up for this confrontation.

AHAHAH...I recall the same...I think he is ready to administer the apocalypse too this Thai man.

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We have lived in 5 different houses over the years here. 


The 3rd house was in the countryside on a large plot of land. We moved there for the quiet....and it was for 2 years ...perfect. 


Then neighbour started collecting dogs to chain up. Many just went mental and would bark and howl all the time. It was irritating but ok.  


Next another neighbour built a restaurant and bar in his field. Rarely a customer...but he kept the music blasting from his radio from 8 till late every day...


Then a farmer built a shack right outside out bedroom patio doors and moved into it as his wife kicked him out as he was an alcoholic. He would have fires every day and just sit watching us out in our garden and every day at 5pm - 8pm play loud base music out of his old truck as he got drunk.


Finally we decided to move after another family opened up a scooter repair shop and some mini factory to cut up wood and steel

All that together with the normal noise from village speakers, dogs, roosters, noisy strimmers from sunrise to sunset, temple festivals children racing scooters.....pushed us into moving. 

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6 hours ago, sungod said:

I wonder if the mods could open up a completely new section on the forum for 'Liverpool Fan' where he can continue and share his wisdom with us.

Maybe call it 'The Daily Drivel?'

Or The Weekly Whine ............................



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