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African "footballer" gets red card for 881 day overstay: Immigration reveal how they snared him


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4 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

If I am honest in all the years I have been in Thailand ( more than 10 less than twenty ) I doubt I have ever seen an African.


English, Welsh,Scottish, Irish, Dutch, French, Scandinavian, Icelandic, Danish, Belgian, Italian, Spanish, German, Australian, New Zealand, Portugese, Swiss, Korean, Laotian, Cambodia, Vietnamese,Japanese, Russian and American, but not African.

I suggest you change your name to "blindJohn".

There's plenty about but not normally seen sunbathing on the beach.

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19 minutes ago, MadMac said:

You don't get it, do you? He did not do a thing, he was reported by a BetterHuman because that BetterHuman did not like his face. I call this not only racist but a shame that Thailand Understanders like you try to talk it right. Which it is clearly not to <deleted> your fellow neighbors.

Oh, yes! I get it totally clear. Seems like you have difficulties, though.

The guy was probably behaving in a way that people usually do when they need to hide and be invisible. Maybe it was also quite open that he dealt with other criminal things that is widely known in the circles named. So, he didn´t do a thing? There you definitely don´t get it! He was on overstay since 881 days, and it also seems like he was trying to live under and give a fake identity to authorities.

You know immigration do not arrest and deport people that have done nothing. So, do YOU get it know?

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24 minutes ago, dluek said:

What was so suspicious exactly? Was the guy dealing drugs? (article didn't say he was). Was he pimping prostitutes? (again, doesn't appear so). Was he doing something else illegal? If he was, immigration police would have plastered it all over the news, that's for sure.


Or maybe what's really suspicious is that he was black and sitting in a bar? Do you think the "informer" would have contacted the police if the guy was a Caucasian footballer from Germany or England, simply out at a bar enjoying himself? It's called racial profiling.


Not saying the guy didn't deserve what he got for overstaying. But if he were a Caucasian, he would have probably gone undetected. And if he were Caucasian, (some of) you racist people and the Thai who wrote that article would not have implied he was doing other illegal stuff. 

I guess you do not read the news very often. You probably missed all the reading about caucasian people that have been found on overstay, and also been that after reports because they are looking suspicious. It´s easy for a person with a little bit knowledge and experience to see if someone is looking like they are hiding from something.

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

Maybe it was also quite open that he dealt with other criminal things that is widely known in the circles named. So, he didn´t do a thing?

You just shot your own argument in the foot. There is no indication that he did anything illegal other than being on overstay. If there was, the immigration police would have loved to share it with the public. But here you are implying that he's a criminal, beyond simply being an overstayer. Would you imply that if he were a white Englishman? 

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

I guess you do not read the news very often. You probably missed all the reading about caucasian people that have been found on overstay, and also been that after reports because they are looking suspicious. It´s easy for a person with a little bit knowledge and experience to see if someone is looking like they are hiding from something.

I read the news constantly. One difference here is that you and others, including the writer of the article, are implying that this African must be doing something else illegal.


Second difference is that Thai police and many Thai people in general, not to mention many Caucasian expats like yourself, racially profile dark-skinned people in this country all the time. If you think there's equality in the way that a Caucasian expat and a black expat are treated, whether they're on overstay or not, then you are blind to the truth. 


If you want to throw out reasons for that profiling, you might want to tread lightly. I've come across MANY Caucasian expat criminals in Thailand who fly under the radar simply because they're Caucasian. 

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2 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:

Same reason many people use the term European, Asian or South American without criticism, I suppose, but does it matter?   Are you saying that he isn't an African or maybe you think he will be mistaken for someone from Seychelles?

What im saying is seems like a deliberate attempt to  demonize dark skin people , and i never came across a report that says a European , they always refer him by his nationality (italian , irish , german ...ect) , and will he be mistaken for someone from Seychelles ?? ... possibly ,  you really underestimating how ignorant some people are.

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4 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

If I am honest in all the years I have been in Thailand ( more than 10 less than twenty ) I doubt I have ever seen an African.


English, Welsh,Scottish, Irish, Dutch, French, Scandinavian, Icelandic, Danish, Belgian, Italian, Spanish, German, Australian, New Zealand, Portugese, Swiss, Korean, Laotian, Cambodia, Vietnamese,Japanese, Russian and American, but not African.

You must not get around much.

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3 hours ago, freesudani said:

Why they keep saying african instead mentioning him by his nationality , whenever someone from that continent do something everybody in the same continent is painted with the same brush. there are 50+ countries in africa , different traditions different religions different languages , but seems some people cant tell the difference.

Because most of us are sick about even hearing about them and dont give a rats ass about others traditions

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16 minutes ago, dluek said:

You just shot your own argument in the foot. There is no indication that he did anything illegal other than being on overstay. If there was, the immigration police would have loved to share it with the public. But here you are implying that he's a criminal, beyond simply being an overstayer. Would you imply that if he were a white Englishman? 

Yes, I would! He is a criminal. To overstay a permit to stay in a country is breaking the immigration law. A person that breaks the law is a criminal. Does not matter if he is white, black, yellow or a little bit greenish like our dear B.Banner.

So, no! I did not shoot myself in the foot. The only thing I just did was to decapitate the legs you thought your post had. ???? 

Edited by Matzzon
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6 minutes ago, dluek said:

I read the news constantly. One difference here is that you and others, including the writer of the article, are implying that this African must be doing something else illegal.


Second difference is that Thai police and many Thai people in general, not to mention many Caucasian expats like yourself, racially profile dark-skinned people in this country all the time. If you think there's equality in the way that a Caucasian expat and a black expat are treated, whether they're on overstay or not, then you are blind to the truth. 


If you want to throw out reasons for that profiling, you might want to tread lightly. I've come across MANY Caucasian expat criminals in Thailand who fly under the radar simply because they're Caucasian. 

Just stop with the BS and look at the reality. Why is it so strange to imply that a person who overstays are engaged in other criminal activities? Here you have a person that can not have a job legally in the country. If he had money, he would probably take care of his visa and not overstay. Has nothing to do if it is a black overstayer or a caucasian. It´s quite simple, a person that overstay mostly do that for the lack of money or that he is already into criminal activities. Especially at the age of 32. If not into criminal activities already, he will need to make money somewhere. Just working is also breaking the law for him.

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With such Thailand Understanders as yourself it does not really cause problems that the bank repossesed that smart BMW ????. They can rely on Denunzianten.

Edited by MadMac
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2 minutes ago, MadMac said:

With such Thailand Understanders as yourself it does not really cause problems that the bank repossesed that smart BMW ????. They can rely on Denunzianten.

First it seems like you deleted you thing you quoted. Really????

I wish you a good day Sir. Further discussion will only confuse you more. ????????

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8 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Has nothing to do if it is a black overstayer or a caucasian. It´s quite simple, a person that overstay mostly do that for the lack of money or that he is already into criminal activities.

I'm sure if you look at whatever you wrote in threads about Caucasian expats getting busted on overstay, you'd be talking about them in the exact same way and implying they're involved in other criminal activity. ????

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After reading this article, I'm not really sure what the "suspicious behavior" was in this case that triggered the concerned citizen's report to the authorities in the first place. Drinking at a bar while being black?


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3 minutes ago, freesudani said:

As a dark skinned person who lives in Bangkok for the past year i have to agree with you , i always carry around my passport with me coz the police here is always on the look out for dark skinned people , i cant remember the number of times i was stopped searched and asked for documentations ,  its kinda the norm , when motorbike of police officer pass by me as im walking most of the time they immediately stop  for no other reason other than they saw a black man.

Right. Of the dark-skinned expat friends that I have, none are criminals, but they all get treated like that in Thailand. And you listen to some of these other white expats and they don't believe that dark-skinned expats are treated differently. They're blind to the truth. Or they assume that dark-skinned people *deserve* to be treated differently, as if they're more likely to be criminals. Sure, there are some African people in Thailand doing criminal activity, but there are also plenty of Caucasian expats doing the same. On overstay. Doing / selling drugs. Even murdering people and getting away with it like that Norwegian who choked an Indian-Brit to death on Phuket and was allowed to leave the police station and the country. Think he would have been allowed to do that if he were a Nigerian or even an African-American??? 

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1 hour ago, MadMac said:

You don't get it, do you? He did not do a thing, he was reported by a BetterHuman because that BetterHuman did not like his face. I call this not only racist but a shame that Thailand Understanders like you try to talk it right. Which it is clearly not to <deleted> your fellow neighbors.

Your logic makes no sense when there have been numerous cases over the past few months of farang being reported to immigration for acting suspiciously and they were also arrested and found to be overstayers as is the case here. Nothing racist in the article at all 

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1 minute ago, Patts said:

Your logic makes no sense when there have been numerous cases over the past few months of farang being reported to immigration for acting suspiciously and they were also arrested and found to be overstayers as is the case here. Nothing racist in the article at all 

Nothing to add here, just read the post above yours and then some.

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13 minutes ago, dluek said:

I'm sure if you look at whatever you wrote in threads about Caucasian expats getting busted on overstay, you'd be talking about them in the exact same way and implying they're involved in other criminal activity. ????

Oh Yes, I would and I have done before. Just ask a lot of posters here and they will confirm how much I like overstayers. 

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

Oh Yes, I would and I have done before. Just ask a lot of posters here and they will confirm how much I like overstayers. 

Man, you still don't get it, do you? It is not about the overstay but that he get reported for nothing by some BetterHuman for having a skin a bit darker than Isaan. Look up what "Denunziant" means. I wrote it now the 3rd time.

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12 minutes ago, dluek said:

Right. Of the dark-skinned expat friends that I have, none are criminals, but they all get treated like that in Thailand. And you listen to some of these other white expats and they don't believe that dark-skinned expats are treated differently. They're blind to the truth. Or they assume that dark-skinned people *deserve* to be treated differently, as if they're more likely to be criminals. Sure, there are some African people in Thailand doing criminal activity, but there are also plenty of Caucasian expats doing the same. On overstay. Doing / selling drugs. Even murdering people and getting away with it like that Norwegian who choked an Indian-Brit to death on Phuket and was allowed to leave the police station and the country. Think he would have been allowed to do that if he were a Nigerian or even an African-American??? 

At first when i first came to thailand subconsciously i did believe the narrative that black people are responsible for most of the drug trafficking in thailand , so i didnt really blamed the police for being so suspicious towards me , but the longer i stayed in thailand the more i found that was further than the truth , many white people and asians  involve in numereous crimes including drug traficing and even murder , but it seems to me there is a tendency to negatively  stereotype black people more than other races.

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4 minutes ago, MadMac said:

Nothing to add here, just read the post above yours and then some.

I don't need to read it again; as I said before farang have been arrested for doing nothing wrong other than being reported by locals for acting suspiciously. If farang and the African person in the article were arrested and treated the same where is the racism? 


You could say that many Thai's are racist / xenophobic to all non-Thais which would be a reasonable comment but to claim this article is an example of racism because the guy is Black is nonsense.  

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3 minutes ago, Patts said:

I don't need to read it again; as I said before farang have been arrested for doing nothing wrong other than being reported by locals for acting suspiciously. If farang and the African person in the article were arrested and treated the same where is the racism? 


You could say that many Thai's are racist / xenophobic to all non-Thais which would be a reasonable comment but to claim this article is an example of racism because the guy is Black is nonsense.  

Right, black expats and white expats are treated exactly the same in Thailand. Nothing to see here...


(Seriously, just read the posts in this thread by member freesudani. Just read them.) 

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