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Thailand plans November human testing for potential coronavirus vaccine


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So who wants to be first for Doctor Bills' vaccine testing - put your hand up retarded drongos.


That's one way to rid the country of idiots ????

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2 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

and thailand cannot produce 1 because ?

It looks like these trials are a collaborative effort between the Thai university and 

biotech firms based in North America, these firms will have specialised facilities

to produce vaccines, there are only a few countries in the world capable of making

a large amount of vaccines, the Thai involvement would have been at an academic level


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5 hours ago, chiman said:

The writer forgot to mention:




I wouldn’t bet against any of those names 

The number of team competing to be first past the post is greatly exceeded by the number of mutations of the so-called novel corona virus, which I gather are already into three figures.


With a moving target like this, coming up with an effective and properly-tested-and-proven- safe vaccine looks increasingly like mission improbable, if not impossible.


The history of pandemics demonstrates - notably with the 2009 swine flu epidemic - that hustling a new vaccine to market with imprudent haste can produce unforseen serious public health consequences.


Such events appear more likely since the US Supreme Court indemnified vaccine makers against compensation claims. For this reason alone, any attempt to make COVID shots mandatory must be rejected as abrogation of the basic human right to bodily autonomy.






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5 hours ago, Hayduke said:


The first group of experimental subjects have been examined for the “Human” criteria of the screening tests….but the results have been inconclusive.



TESTING 2.jpg 

Lead by example..

Agree they should be the first to trial it...


How does the saying go?

"Just a little <deleted>..."

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Before I get excited about this lot I need to see a report on what happened to the Ebola vaccine they announced with great fanfare a few years ago, also the cure to COVID they announced which turned out to be an ineffectual mixture of hydroxychloroquine and anti-retroviral drugs for HIV, copied from Western hospitals. All they managed to do with the latter was to create a shortage of medicines for HIV patients. 


As usual the Thai media simply parrot press releases with no investigative reporting or follow up. 

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Simulation of virus propagation show that if 66% of the population is infected and survive (so most of the people between 5 to 60 years old), the propagation of the virus will fall down. So if Thailand make only 600 000 tests on 70 Million of people (< 1 %), and because the relationship between the number of dead and infected Thai people calculate is 1/55 for Thailand (and between 1/5 to 1/10 for other countries), we can think that maybe the infected population in real fact is much upper, death in relation with COVID-19 upper, but also that very soon a vaccine would serve nothing because most of the population would be already contaminated and able to survive because bodies build already his own natural protection.

Actually, in my wife very little nice village, there is approximately between 2 and 4 death every day (old people), it is not usual and to much, and there is no test of COVID-19... she said (and everybody said and are thinking) that they die naturally because they are old (between 60 years old up to < 78 years old). Some of them had problem with cholesterol (i see a lot of cholesterol in Thailand), some other doesn't have any problem, but there is also the Deng from mosquito actually (a lot).

I can also remember in Europe a big problem with some specific vaccine due to quick test process and lobby interest pressure and next to this, many people treated with was seek more and die because of the vaccine. So i'm more afraid about a quick build virus in a specific pandemic and economy related problem (much more in a country with very low level of knowledge and very low school level with a big business criteria for choices) than from the COVID-19 virus itself.

I love Thailand and my wife but my own experience of life show me that to be in love and to trust should never be in relation (to much dangerous and stupid).

I also learn that sometime (many time) you should do as if you didn't understand or didn't hear about something to not show a real logical contradiction's happening (and at the first place: in Thailand). To be lucky request a big preparation.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

There are no approved vaccines for the virus that causes COVID-19, but 19 candidates are being trailed in humans globally. China is leading the race, with an experimental vaccine by Sinovac Biotech.

Who in the hell researched this article before writing it. Sinovac are only in Phase1/2 trials which puts them several months behind candidates from the US and UK. Hard to know if this was a genuine mistake due to poor research or it is an intentional piece of propaganda to suck up to the CCP. 


Source: https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2020/3/covid-19-vaccine-tracker



Screenshot 2020-07-13 at 07.56.27.png

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9 hours ago, steven100 said:

sounds great  !   who want's to be the 1st volunteer ... ?

How about the lead scientist and his/her coworkers and the big wigs of the company who makes the vaccine?

If they wanna sell their product show us it's safe on yourselves...


Anutin needs to push through legal weed consumption and growing before disappearing and never heard from again

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13 minutes ago, nbg said:

How about the lead scientist and his/her coworkers and the big wigs of the company who makes the vaccine?

If they wanna sell their product show us it's safe on yourselves...


Anutin needs to push through legal weed consumption and growing before disappearing and never heard from again

There have been many scientists who have injected themselves with various vaccines (polio, HIV etc) in the past to try and prove there success....or otherwise.


While working in HK for 20 yrs we were offered (free), the "annual" flu shot.....it varied every year as the flu "type" kept changing (mutated ?) .

Only got it once and was as sick as a dog for a week after.

Never again.


One year the Health department ordered millions of doses.based on their prediction of the coming strain of Flu virus.

They guessed wrong and all the doses were thrown out. 

Tricky business with Corona viruses.



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...so whom will be the unlucky recipients..some ethnic minority group that doesnt have citizenship?.. or maybe prison inmates..oh that's right Mr. Anutin said he was going to be first.

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9 hours ago, sahibji said:

the world is waiting for a successful covid-19 vaccine. best of luck.

The world is currently under trauma based mind control.

Sadly “ brave new world “ was not a fiction . Look it up.

you think your handlers are going to give you a better deal when the axe falls.......... they won’t. Your a pawn.

This goes nicely with the China/ Thai tracking app.

99.98% of us will survive this scam,  until vaccinated.

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While bearing in mind... NO vaccine has been produced against The Spanish Flu of 1918/19, that wiped out 20 Million folk worldwide. Many more in reality, as No records were submitted for Africa,South America and much of Asia.

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16 hours ago, smedly said:

and there is no way I am letting a vaccine developed in Thailand near me

I don't have vaccines, since age 9,  but if I did I'd rather take a vaccine developed in Thailand than one funded by Bill Gatesofhell. Unless Thailand too has a de population agenda, .. in which case its apples and oranges

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6 hours ago, Pancho said:

The world is currently under trauma based mind control.

Sadly “ brave new world “ was not a fiction . Look it up.

you think your handlers are going to give you a better deal when the axe falls.......... they won’t. Your a pawn.

This goes nicely with the China/ Thai tracking app.

99.98% of us will survive this scam,  until vaccinated.

The uneducated masses will drag us down with them, the more people comply the more impractical it will be made not to comply

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13 hours ago, Duckster said:

OK but first they have to find the brave souls willing to try a vaccine developed in Thailand despite Thailand being such an international giant in developing medical technology.  I wonder when the Thailand space program will announce their planned Mars landing?

They already launched the first one.


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On 7/13/2020 at 5:33 AM, steven100 said:

sounds great  !   who want's to be the 1st volunteer ... ?

I can think of two people that should step forward and show their Thai military bravery and leadership abilities. ????

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