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Wife always getting angry and short tempered..

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I was very good friends with a woman who was a psychiatric nurse specialising in 'women's problems'.

She told me, "I've never met a woman whose personality was ever better after menopause, the effects are rarely temporary, and most were a lot worse after no matter what medicine they took".

Unfortunately, that is so true!

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2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

You could also take a few holidays far from the house

alone of course. (I mean without her, you are not forced to stay alone in your room)

At the moment a lot of promotions on the hotels rooms in Pattaya

just sayin


I think this is a good idea. She takes the current status for granted and is bored of it all. 


If you go away for a few days, she might be able to look at her own situation from a different angle and appreciate it a bit more. If doing this, I would not even call or text her. Let her do the first move. And if she does, your decision if you answer or let her wait for another while. But you also need a plan for those days for yourself, doing something you enjoy. She has to get the impression you can also be happy when on your own.


I assume you already looked for helpful ideas on the internet.

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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Try and stretch it to 15 and give her a treat. 

Do you really not understand what the word 'after' means??? Can you not read English


3 hours ago, Logosone said:


Keyser, I hear you. 


The good news. You've done nothing wrong. It is often the case that as women approach 40 they start to become cantankerous, selfish, argumentative, difficult, in short, bitter.


The most likely reason is that they can see their looks fading and no creams, no compliments, no clothes, no surgery, can hide the fact. It is a big shock for women who live and die by their looks, and of course even more of a shock for us men the innocent victims of this perfidious and underhand trick of nature.


Very regrettable children are involved. So the question boils down to, can you live with the old dear?


If you can and want to, you could stay. If you think you would be a lot happier with an 18, 25 or 30 year old woman, then the good news there are many available.


Get your finances in order if you are going to leave. And if a woman can not satisfy her man anymore, then that is probably the best option.




Great post appreciate it. She has put quite a bit of timber on which I know bothers her and is no doubt a reason why she has gone this way, and I can also feel some sympathy there too, but..


Not sure about an 18 year old though ????

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2 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

I said to my wife,there's a man on ThaiVisa who is complaining about his wife

been angry and bad tempered............she said he wants to look at himself first,

and he does seem to be blaming her for everything,does he give her any help

around the house,with the kids,give her compliments,show her some love.


Maybe I am lucky....my wife only gets angry with me if i have not fixed something

I promised her I would, left a pan on the stove and burnt it,OR forgotten her Birthday.

so she has the right to be angry.

So good luck I hope you can sort things out,as life is always better with a good woman by your side.

regards worgeordie


That's a good point. If he cheated, if he did something that is somehow a cause for the behaviour he could fix it.


But from what we know he is not the cause. It is just the usual "maturing". God help him when the menopause kicks in.

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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Shall we listen to a Smiths song ?

Keep on topic. This is about Keyser no longer being the Chief. 
Personally, I’m predicting a riot. 

Edited by Kadilo
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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

That's a good point. If he cheated, if he did something that is somehow a cause for the behaviour he could fix it.



Seems to be quite a common occurrence on these forums , some guys proudly posting that they are unfaithful to their wife , happy ending massages and everything ,  short times .............then wonder why their wifes dont like em anymore 

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10 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Menopause. Deal with it, it will go away eventually, and if you live long enough. Seriously, if that is the problem, HRT may be the answer. Get a hormone check for her and go from there. 

 I'm a guy what do I know about such things . I have heard of the HRT thing though .I liked to get a women's opinion on that! 

Edited by riclag
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I would do the following (be it a spouse, relative,  friend,  colleague or what not): give same space. Not much you can do if the other person is about to or has exploded. Walk away a bit, ignore them if you must. When they have cooled down get a talk going. Say what you feel without pointing any fingers (no accusations), 'I feel I... I think I....' . Let her talk, what does she feel etc

 Let her finish. Try to see if you can at least see each others point. A conversation without blame (you... And you...), trying to simply open up. If talking about feelings and desires etc  doesn't help and neither does giving each other some space.. then you may need to ask yourself out loud why you are in this relationship if it brings you and her no happiness.  If she still can't or won't find common ground and smooth things out, then it may be better to part ways. You may wish to talk with your kids though, what do they feel (If they are old enough to articulate such emotions). 


In short: conversation is key (so thar mutual respect and goals needs to be there or restored, if those remain absent...).


Best of luck. 

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14 hours ago, lust said:

Maybe you should sit down and ask her the same question? How the hell would any of us know what’s going on in your lives?

Same situation with me. However she would never discuss what was wrong, so couldn't be fixed.


My advice to the OP-

Hide as much money as you can. Dispose of any accounts and assets that she knows about. Prepare an alternative abode to hide in should it become necessary. Don't spend any money on anything you can't carry away. Decide what happens to the kids when it all goes wrong. Don't believe anything she says- my wife lied about everything, and bribery doesn't make any difference.

In my case I was fully committed and unable to do the above in time, but I did get her out of the bedroom I used and bolted my door while sleeping.

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I said to my wife,there's a man on ThaiVisa who is complaining about his wife

been angry and bad tempered............she said he wants to look at himself first,

and he does seem to be blaming her for everything,does he give her any help

around the house,with the kids,give her compliments,show her some love.

Well,  we all (should) know how skilled these ladies are at turning the situation around to where

you are in the wrong .     Not saying that the man is always perfect,  but for generalizations...... i have

found that the "effort level" of the female slowly goes downhill.   Luckily i have a bus ticket waiting

for them about halfway before they reach the bottom   ????

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