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Britain nears abandoning Brexit trade deal hope - The Telegraph

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3 hours ago, nauseus said:

To think that the EU represents the 'status quo' is delusional - look how it has mutated since 1975. Think it won't mutate further? 


With reference to referenda rules, why change them for the one you just lost? There was no referendum at all before we joined the EEC, anyway.




I have certainly changed since 1975.  The EU has too.  I would hope it would continue to evolve and improve. 


I said well before the vote that a 50% plus one was not good, and have been proved right- the divisions grow ever wider, somehting a decisive vite for Brexit would have stopped before it started 


52/48 was not by any stretch decisive, especially given the demographic breakdown of how people voted with the older one was the more likely one was to have voted OUT, but the younger one was the more likely one is to be still with us.



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28 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

I have certainly changed since 1975.  The EU has too.  I would hope it would continue to evolve and improve. 


I said well before the vote that a 50% plus one was not good, and have been proved right- the divisions grow ever wider, somehting a decisive vite for Brexit would have stopped before it started 


52/48 was not by any stretch decisive, especially given the demographic breakdown of how people voted with the older one was the more likely one was to have voted OUT, but the younger one was the more likely one is to be still with us.



I said mutated. Have you mutated too?


52/48 was far more democratic and decisive than not being given a vote at all before we joined (and we all know why that was).

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14 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

I have certainly changed since 1975.  The EU has too.  I would hope it would continue to evolve and improve. 


I said well before the vote that a 50% plus one was not good, and have been proved right- the divisions grow ever wider, somehting a decisive vite for Brexit would have stopped before it started 


52/48 was not by any stretch decisive, especially given the demographic breakdown of how people voted with the older one was the more likely one was to have voted OUT, but the younger one was the more likely one is to be still with us.



clutching at straws,would you still be singing the same song if the boot was on the other foot and project fear copped 52% of the vote?sour grapes you lost get over it.

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

If someone suggests that a members roll model is Oswald Moseley the fascist leader and yet you don't consider that derogatory, are you serious. 


And yet you are front and center making personal attacks on any public figure you happen to disagree with.

Or indeed any source you disagree with.

29 minutes ago, kingdong said:

clutching at straws,would you still be singing the same song if the boot was on the other foot and project fear copped 52% of the vote?sour grapes you lost get over it.

Yes we did. We lost. Now please get on with it.

Also I understand it may be taking you a while but can you please publish the list of things that the EU has done which damaged the UK?

Thanks in advance. 

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Phulublub said:

I don;t recall beingngiven a vote on the choices of how we left.  I wanted to, but was denied that opportunity.  Instead, the House of commons made a complete dog's reakfast of it.  Quite a number of Brexiteers were saying we would "take back control" from the unlected beuarocrats of Brussels, presumbaly to place it in the shambles at Westminster; well that started well.


But on democracy, I see that some think it is fine for Farage (who is so enamoured of and confident in an independent UK being out of Europe that he has applied for dual citizenship for himself and is family) to stand again and again and again as an MP despite losing numerous times, but it is not OK for us to express our opinion and vote on how/when/whether we should leave the EU as we have already had our say (even though "we" had "our say" in 1974, so that should have been that if we are never again to be allowed to vote on the matter. 


Double standards??



you keep slagging off nigel but he took britain out the eu and deposed cameron as pm,why the obsession?

2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

And where is Farage now? Hanging around hotel carparks and beaches still trying to make himself relevant.

Oh how the mighty have fallen eh? 

There was once talk of a peerage. Or even the UK's ambassador to the USA.

And now? No-one seems to want to know him.

How odd. 

Ferage only reason for getting into Politics was to get the UK out of the EU , he succeeded in doing that and no longer is involved in Politics 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Yes we did. We lost. Now please get on with it.

Also I understand it may be taking you a while but can you please publish the list of things that the EU has done which damaged the UK?

Thanks in advance. 

you lost,i,ll stop going on about when the europhile petites and project fear stop harping on about 37% and big red buses.damage to the uk?how about the over two million economic migrants from eu failed economies leading to shortages in housing,and overstretching the nhs,schools etc,the glut of available labour has led to the gig economy,zero hour contracts,bogus self employment,all leading to a drastic lowering of living standards for indigenous citizens,you were whingeing in a previous post of how firms should be financially penalised for taking on foreign workers,can,t be done under eu rules so just accept defeat gracefully and think yourself lucky that if the los decide to tell you to sling your hook you will have country to retun too.

Just now, CorpusChristie said:

Ferage only reason for getting into Politics was to get the UK out of the EU , he succeeded in doing that and no longer is involved in Politics 

He is no longer involved in politics because no-one will touch him with a barge pole.

Surely he should be standing for election to the House of commons at the earliest opportunity in order that he can hold the government to account over Brexit? Wait. Whats that? He does not want to be seen being defeated for the eighth time ( yes thats the 8th time) of standing for election to parliament and being rejected by the public. 

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

He is no longer involved in politics because no-one will touch him with a barge pole.


Do you think that he should reform his Brexit party and continue campaigning for the UK to leave the EU ?

11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

And where is Farage now? Hanging around hotel carparks and beaches still trying to make himself relevant.

Oh how the mighty have fallen eh? 

There was once talk of a peerage. Or even the UK's ambassador to the USA.

And now? No-one seems to want to know him.

How odd. 

not really,its the head in the sand syndrome where people don,t want to face up to unpleasant future events,so don rose tinted specs and keep trying to convince themselves all in the garden is rosy.enoch powell acted in a similar way in britain in the 60s all he said came true.

11 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Do you think that he should reform his Brexit party and continue campaigning for the UK to leave the EU ?


He is simply not relevant any more.

His goal was to leave the EU. We are doing that. Ergo he campaigned himself out of a job.

Plenty of others will find themselves out of work because of Brexit. What makes Farage special that we should worry about him?

  • Thanks 2
15 minutes ago, kingdong said:

not really,its the head in the sand syndrome where people don,t want to face up to unpleasant future events,so don rose tinted specs and keep trying to convince themselves all in the garden is rosy.enoch powell acted in a similar way in britain in the 60s all he said came true.


Rivers of blood on the streets? 

Wow. You are letting your slip show there sir ????

3 hours ago, vogie said:

If someone suggests that a members roll model is Oswald Moseley the fascist leader and yet you don't consider that derogatory, are you serious. 


What is a roll model? The words suggest a flexible icon, with a tendency to please, perhaps inflatable. Vera Lynn bobbing on the waves might be Nigel's preference.

Of course he's being derogatory about Nigel, but as pointed out, it isn't personal, it's a political view.


  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, bannork said:

What is a roll model? The words suggest a flexible icon, with a tendency to please, perhaps inflatable. Vera Lynn bobbing on the waves might be Nigel's preference.

Of course he's being derogatory about Nigel, but as pointed out, it isn't personal, it's a political view.


No. I stand by what I said. The discourse of Farage has more in common with Mosley than it does with Churchill. 

Churchill never felt the need to stand on the beaches of the south coast and dog whistle about immigrants. 

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

And yet you are front and center making personal attacks on any public figure you happen to disagree with.

Or indeed any source you disagree with.

Show me a personal attack I have made?

53 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

My what a rant. Please calm down.

Now who is responsible for the lack of affordable housing? Oh yes thats Westminster because they want to keep the domestic housing market artificially high.

Who is responsible for the waiting lists at the NHS? Oh yes thats Westminster because of their chronic under funding of the NHS.

Schools? Underfunding by Westminster.

Zero hours contracts? Nothing in the EU rules which prevented legislation to curb zero hours contracts.

Bogus self employed? Oh yes thats because in order to get the UK unemployment figures down many unemployed people  were encouraged to register as self employed. They still receive benefits but no longer appear on the list as unemployed. 

Yes now we have left the EU I sensibly suggested that firms should be penalised for failing to train their own workers. Do YOU disagree with that?


I have accepted defeat. Brexit cannot come soon enough for me. Because then Scotland can be rid of this shower of clowns you call a parliament.

A ss for  my current location. Yes I understand that you may be frustrated at your inability to enjoy the same lifestyle that I do but rest assured. I still pay tax in the UK and I will comment on UK matters as and when I want.    

were still in the eu thanks to the antics of remain,so your remark re penalising firms who employ foreign workers is cobblers.people are encouraged to register as self employed 1 so their employers don,t have to pay them minimum wage,2 if the applicant dosen,t accept the terms of self employment he isn,t taken on.why should a firm waste time and money training up a brit when he or she can take on an already trained worker from the eu,your words from a previous post.so stop contradicting yourself calm down and go and sup a bottle of 6 month out of leo in a deserted bar,and if you go out in the midday sun remember to wear a big hat.

5 minutes ago, vogie said:

Show me a personal attack I have made?

Oh please Vogie. 

Given what you have said about Nicola Sturgeon? Or Jeremy Corbyn? Or indeed liking posts which call remainers traitors.


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5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Oh please Vogie. 

Given what you have said about Nicola Sturgeon? Or Jeremy Corbyn? Or indeed liking posts which call remainers traitors.


Thought so, you cannot. Sometimes when you're in a hole it is best to stop digging. 

I am putting you on ignore for lying.

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:


Rivers of blood on the streets? 

Wow. You are letting your slip show there sir ????

america today britain tomorrow,convenient memory loss regarding brixton,toxteth,broadwater farm race riots? rivers of blood,pc blakelock must have bled a fair bit when rioters murdered him and tried to cut his head off.

2 minutes ago, kingdong said:

were still in the eu thanks to the antics of remain,so your remark re penalising firms who employ foreign workers is cobblers.people are encouraged to register as self employed 1 so their employers don,t have to pay them minimum wage,2 if the applicant dosen,t accept the terms of self employment he isn,t taken on.why should a firm waste time and money training up a brit when he or she can take on an already trained worker from the eu,your words from a previous post.so stop contradicting yourself calm down and go and sup a bottle of 6 month out of leo in a deserted bar,and if you go out in the midday sun remember to wear a big hat.

Must have touched a raw one here.

So we are still in the EU despite on many occasions you declaring "We have left get over it"?

So you disagree with the idea of training up Brits to do the jobs the EU nationals were doing for us. Interesting.

I suspect walking into a deserted bar and drinking a 6 month out of date Leo would probably be heaven compared to where you are now in Brexit Britain.

However I do not frequent deserted bars. The bars I drink in at the weekends are quite busy. Also I do not drink Leo. A San Miguel light or a Heineken is my preferred beer.  Of course that is only until me and my friends decide to go onto the Scotch. Which is usually 12 year old Glenfiddich although we have upon occasion found other Scotch.

I will of course raise a glass to you this weekend my Brexit voting friend. Although we may differ on the subject of Brexit because I do not wish to see the UK economy harmed, we would probably agree on many other subjects. 

Oh and the weather over here is great by the way.   

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12 minutes ago, kingdong said:

america today britain tomorrow,convenient memory loss regarding brixton,toxteth,broadwater farm race riots? rivers of blood,pc blakelock must have bled a fair bit when rioters murdered him and tried to cut his head off.

So what are you suggesting we do?

54 minutes ago, kingdong said:

america today britain tomorrow,convenient memory loss regarding brixton,toxteth,broadwater farm race riots? rivers of blood,pc blakelock must have bled a fair bit when rioters murdered him and tried to cut his head off.

What do the UK offspring of West Indian immigrants have to do with Brexit?


1 hour ago, tebee said:

But the problem is, either through malfeasance and or incompetence we are heading towards no deal. 


This wasn't what was promised = although some of you will cheer this, it's not something you would wish for if you understood it.



Interested to hear why you consider it to be a Euler diagram

2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Interested to hear why you consider it to be a Euler diagram

as far as I remember I think the following is reasonably correct;


all Venn diagrams are also Eulerdiagrams.

some Eulerdiagrams are also Venn diagrams


in this particular case with somewhat "fuzzy" description of the sets

I think it would be appropriate to stick with Euler rather than Venn


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