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Trump says sending federal agents to more U.S. cities to fight violent crime


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Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler goes to antifas frontlines, gets tear gassed when his peaceful protesters start fires at the federal courthouse then retreats like a baby with his 5 man security detail into a building while being assaulted by rioters ????????????



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47 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

I cannot see any profile information posted about your background so I can only judge from your writing that you are not aware of US History. It is replete with injustices, some of which were corrected over time some are still being fought against today. I and others see the income/wealth gap as having grown to unsustainable levelscand the resulting justified frustration/anger is exactly why some i n the working middle class, mistakenly, hoped that The Donald would address. Had they read and comprehended his personal history they might have realized his incompetence.

So income/wealth gap is your "justified" complaint? It's always the "He's earning more than me" trough envy, isn't it? At least you're honest.


However, every administration has attempted to reduce income inequality. The Community Reinvestment (CRA) was originally enacted under President Jimmy Carter in 1977 in an effort to encourage banks to halt the practice of lending discrimination. In 1995 the Clinton Administration issued regulations that added numerical guidelines, urged lending flexibility, and instructed bank examiners to evaluate a bank's responsiveness to community activists.


Guess what happened? Banks no longer stuck to hard lending criteria and people received mortgages who could never repay them. As a result we all suffered. Because governments bent over backward to make housing more available to low-income people.


So basically US administrations in history have bent over so far backwards to help low-income people that their policies led to a world-wide financial crisis. We should be very careful with the encouraging of envy politics.


It's not justified anyway, there'll always be people  who earn more. If money is so important to you just get rich. Bezos and Zuckerberg showed how it's done.



Edited by Logosone
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12 minutes ago, Logosone said:

So income/wealth gap is your "justified" complaint? It's always the "He's earning more than me" trough envy, isn't it? At least you're honest.


However, every administration has attempted to reduce income inequality. The Community Reinvestment (CRA) was originally enacted under President Jimmy Carter in 1977 in an effort to encourage banks to halt the practice of lending discrimination. In 1995 the Clinton Administration issued regulations that added numerical guidelines, urged lending flexibility, and instructed bank examiners to evaluate a bank's responsiveness to community activists.


Guess what happened? Banks no longer stuck to hard lending criteria and people received mortgages who could never repay them. As a result we all suffered. Because governments bent over backward to make housing more available to low-income people.


So basically US administrations in history have bent over so far backwards to help low-income people that their policies led to a world-wide financial crisis. We should be very careful with the encouraging of envy politics.


It's not justified anyway, there'll always be people  who earn more. If money is so important to you just get rich. Bezos and Zuckerberg showed how it's done.



Good to learn there is no growing income/wealth gap in the USA. Sorry, but you see, some of us are concerned with the American society as a whole. My income has little to do with the statistical facts. I understand some focus only on themselves, more's the pity. Thanks, but the fact is I did OK as a member of the working middle class. But then, we are not here to focus on my own financial status, are we?


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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Oh yeah, that "ANTIFA" boogeyman again.  You've been asked before to present evidence of ANTIFA involvement; have you presented it yet?

Like five times.


“The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city. Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it.  



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After gorging on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for nine hours, rather than governing the nation, Trump likely watched the movie Bushwick, and came up with this plan to invade US cities with unidentified soldiers of some sort. 


Many of us know who the best person to lock up is, at this point. Certainly not the soccer moms. 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 minute ago, wwest5829 said:

Good to learn there is no growing income/wealth gap in the USA. Sorry, but you see, some of us are concerned with the American society as a whole. My income has little to do with the statistical facts. I understand some focus only on themselves, more's the pity. Thanks, but the fact is I did OK as a member of the working middle class. But then, we are not here to focus on my own financial status, are we?


Per-capita disposable income in the US was $45,646 as of October 2019. The working class in the US has never had it so good. All the cars on the roads, sales of ipods, iphones and mac tablets and laptops rather show how the US is very wealth across the board.


Of course you're only focusing on yourself, as you said, you're a member of the working class, so the income redistribution you clamour for would of course benefit you and the likes of you.


Nevermind if ANTIFA burn down the cities, it's okay, because there aren't free macs and tablets for life for everyone.


Per-capita disposable income in the US was $45,646 in 2019. Do you even understand how well off Americans are?


That's the problem isn't it, that's what creates all the envy of the have-nots. That's why they want to trash society, because they have no prospect of enjoying the prosperity they see others enjoy who've actually worked hard for it.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

Per-capita disposable income in the US was $45,646 as of October 2019. The working class in the US has never had it so good. All the cars on the roads, sales of ipods, iphones and mac tablets and laptops rather show how the US is very wealth across the board.


Of course you're only focusing on yourself, as you said, you're a member of the working class, so the income redistribution you clamour for would of course benefit you and the likes of you.


Nevermind if ANTIFA burn down the cities, it's okay, because there aren't free macs and tablets for life for everyone.


Per-capita disposable income in the US was $45,646 in 2019. Do you even understand how well off Americans are?


That's the problem isn't it, that's what creates all the envy of the have-nots. That's why they want to trash society, because they have no prospect of enjoying the prosperity they see others enjoy who've actually worked hard for it.

555 I came from blue collar as a member of the working middle class. Can’t be counted there anymore as I am retired. Good luck to you and your ilk denying the reality. Relax, your safe until that critical point is reached when the citizens take to the streets.

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10 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Good to learn there is no growing income/wealth gap in the USA. Sorry, but you see, some of us are concerned with the American society as a whole. My income has little to do with the statistical facts. I understand some focus only on themselves, more's the pity. Thanks, but the fact is I did OK as a member of the working middle class. But then, we are not here to focus on my own financial status, are we?


Feast your eyes on the growing income virtually ALL Americans have enjoyed over the last 66 years. Wonderful news isn't it? But no, the incredible and growing wealth virtually all Americans have enjoyed is not enough, the leftists want more and more, and if they don't get it they will trash our cities.



Income growth.jpg

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Feast your eyes on the growing income virtually ALL Americans have enjoyed over the last 66 years. Wonderful news isn't it? But no, the incredible and growing wealth virtually all Americans have enjoyed is not enough, the leftists want more and more, and if they don't get it they will trash our cities.



Income growth.jpg

Damn those leftists. What a sad day if they get there way and have a more equitable society ... as enjoyed by some other developed countries. OK, I have read enough to understand your thinking. Dismissed ...

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:


Lol, oh dear, will you be disappointed. See, the DHS agents did not detain people "without due cause". They very much had probable cause to suspect they were about to damage, or had damaged, federal property. 


They don't need probable cause under Oregon laws, under federal law is enough.


"Pettibone alleges that he was put into a cell and read his Miranda rights, but was not told why he was arrested".


Sounds like Rosenblum is very much talking about arrests.


And then "And the State of Oregon has enacted laws that make it a crime to detain a person without authority", as you see here Rosenblum totally fails to grasp that Oregon laws  are irrelevant, that the DHS is there on federal law authority. But then Rosenblum probably knows this, and this whole action is just political theatre.



Once again, nobody was ‘arrested’.


The court filing clearly explains ‘Detention’, not ‘arrest’ and removal from the public.


If you have any knowledge of laws that permit the detention of people in the US without use of the powers of arrest and/or a court order, get in touch with the respondents to the Oregon AG’s court filing.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Once again, nobody was ‘arrested’.


The court filing clearly explains ‘Detention’, not ‘arrest’ and removal from the public.


If you have any knowledge of laws that permit the detention of people in the US without use of the powers of arrest and/or a court order, get in touch with the respondents to the Oregon AG’s court filing.

Detention is the process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person by removing their freedom or liberty at that time. This can be due to (pending) criminal charges preferred against the individual pursuant to a prosecution or to protect a person or property.




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10 hours ago, jimmybcool said:

This is a political mistake.  It doesn't matter that in some cities action is needed due to incompetence by local leadership such as Chicago, Portland and other places.  Media will spin it all as "facism" and turn it against the president.


I feel for the decent people in the cities impacted.  But they should have been more active in electing real leaders not morons like Lori Lightfoot or Ted Wheeler.  Perhaps in the upcoming election they will remember which party was in control that allowed their cities to burn.





"I feel for the decent people in the cities impacted"


They,those people in some of these inner cities never envision far left radicals policies of allowing rioting,burning down buildings  and murdering cops.


They were and are victimized  by the far left decades long policies! 



Save a human save all lives ! These people in the cities can't be ignored 




Edited by riclag
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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Again, read the court filing.


And yes I know what detention is, so I suggest you also read the Constitution, especially the bit about not being deprived of liberty.

You must be joking, the Constitution also says about the right to bear arms, look at the sh_t that has caused...No scalping Indians, no newly ashore farangs wanting to shoot anything that moves now....????

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'Trump ‘Chaos & Violence’ Scare Ad Is Actually Just An Old Picture Of Ukraine'


"The photo shows a crowd of helmeted protesters, gathered around a downed police officer desperately clutching his nightstick. A caption below, written in ALL CAPS to maximize the effect, warns of “CHAOS & VIOLENCE.”

It is shock advertising at its most routine, designed to stoke fear and provoke a retreat to the safe and familiar when it popped up on Facebook on Tuesday and, as with so many whoppers of the Trump era, it’s also a lie.

This image that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign desperately wants you to believe is of anarchy in a “Democrat-run” U.S. city is ... actually a photo from 2014 of a pro-democracy protest in Ukraine."

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48 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Once again, nobody was ‘arrested’.


The court filing clearly explains ‘Detention’, not ‘arrest’ and removal from the public.


If you have any knowledge of laws that permit the detention of people in the US without use of the powers of arrest and/or a court order, get in touch with the respondents to the Oregon AG’s court filing.

Are you seriously that unaware of the world? 


Are you seriously suggesting the DHS do not have powers of arrest? 


On what planet would this be? Certainly not earth.

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19 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:


'Trump ‘Chaos & Violence’ Scare Ad Is Actually Just An Old Picture Of Ukraine'


"The photo shows a crowd of helmeted protesters, gathered around a downed police officer desperately clutching his nightstick. A caption below, written in ALL CAPS to maximize the effect, warns of “CHAOS & VIOLENCE.”

It is shock advertising at its most routine, designed to stoke fear and provoke a retreat to the safe and familiar when it popped up on Facebook on Tuesday and, as with so many whoppers of the Trump era, it’s also a lie.

This image that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign desperately wants you to believe is of anarchy in a “Democrat-run” U.S. city is ... actually a photo from 2014 of a pro-democracy protest in Ukraine."

Is it not a good comparison? Where does it say it was taken in the US? I assume he is comparing the US to what could happen and has happened elsewhere.  Perhaps it's you who desperately wants to believe something.  He used caps in a meme?  Well, there goes the election!


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13 minutes ago, rabas said:

Is it not a good comparison? Where does it say it was taken in the US? I assume he is comparing the US to what could happen and has happened elsewhere.

Just when I thought the excuses couldn't get any lamer you come along and totally prove me wrong. Well done!

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31 minutes ago, rabas said:

Thank you. I know the Constitution and in a tour de force of understanding, I know how all the pieces fit together. Neither the Constitution nor law can be taken piecemeal or applied bit by bit as many on your side often try to do. Your rights give you no right to violate mine. One thing I know for certain is that nothing in the Constitution give you or anyone the right to riot, burn down, and destroy other peoples protected property, or to harm or kill innocent people.

  Well said but does the constitution apply in his case! Sometimes its like blowin in the wind tryin to lecture people who haven't grew up with the constitution,Its is under attack by the far left radicals  who are hell bent on destroying America and its founders ideas

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14 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Burning down police buildings and deserting cities is an act of practizing the First Amendment rights? Really?

The assault on US democrazy comes from violent BLM-fanatics and Antifa-lowlifes. How should the authorities handle those terrorists? Abolish the police forces and send more social workers? 


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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You justify the behavior of Federal Officers on the basis of the behavior of private citizens who you repeatedly refer to as criminals.


Let’s make a list of countries that used paramilitary forces against their own citizens and look at what it lead to.

Paramilitary?? If they were paramilitary all of these terrorists would be dead. 

Trump is showing great restraint

Edited by Canuck1966
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8 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

It's not his firsthand account.  The poster is not in Portland.  He got his info from friends on the phone.  Makes it second hand.  I can understand your confusion.



It does raise some questions, though, regarding some of the insights offered by Trump supporters on these topics. It's almost as if some of you guys are out there, whether with law enforcement personnel or among the protestors. Only you're not.

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5 hours ago, Logosone said:

Lol, your empty air rather misses the point namely that  40 U.S. Code 1315 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 gives the department’s secretary the power to deputize other federal agents to assist the Federal Protective Service in protecting federal property, such as the courthouse in Portland.




Again, you need to understand a bit more of the law, than you do, Chomper Higgott.

Does "protecting Federal Property" include using unidentifiable paramilitaries to snatch people off the streets,  and throwing them into unmarked vehicles, and then "detaining them"? Does "protecting Federal Property" involve widespread use of "sub lethal munitions", random use of CS gas, pepper spray at point blank range and beating people with batons?


I'll stick my head out, and suggest it doesn't, no matter what the enthusiasts for brutal treatment of protesters and demonstrators demand.


I will also state, quite categorically and based on considerable experience, that the easiest way to escalate an angry crowd into a rioting crowd, and to completely lose control, is to set loose a body of trigger happy, ill trained and gung ho paramilitaries in an attempt to disperse that crowd.


This federal intervention has made a difficult situation infinitely worse. You reap what you sow, and the Trump administration is sowing the seeds of a long term mistrust, antipathy too and disregard for federal authority.

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1 minute ago, herfiehandbag said:

Does "protecting Federal Property" include using unidentifiable paramilitaries to snatch people off the streets,  and throwing them into unmarked vehicles, and then "detaining them"? Does "protecting Federal Property" involve widespread use of "sub lethal munitions", random use of CS gas, pepper spray at point blank range and beating people with batons?


I'll stick my head out, and suggest it doesn't, no matter what the enthusiasts for brutal treatment of protesters and demonstrators demand.


I will also state, quite categorically and based on considerable experience, that the easiest way to escalate an angry crowd into a rioting crowd, and to completely lose control, is to set loose a body of trigger happy, ill trained and gung ho paramilitaries in an attempt to disperse that crowd.


This federal intervention has made a difficult situation infinitely worse. You reap what you sow, and the Trump administration is sowing the seeds of a long term mistrust, antipathy too and disregard for federal authority.

They were all identifiable. Stop watching fake news,n

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