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Red shirt movement is still on, says ex-MP


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5 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

More than a bit of exaggeration and embellishment in this post. Reads like a post from a person that wasn't here during the Thaksin years or one of the obsessives on here that can't admit the military is far worse in power than Thaksin ever was.


To disseminate:

The war on drugs was praised in the birthday speech of the country's revered person, whom we can't discuss here. It was overwhelmingly popular among the public as Thailand was awash with drugs at the time. It instantly improved the situation and did a lot to stop the scourge of yaba at the time.


The Southern conflict was exacerbated by the hardliner conservatives not under Thaksin's control. In particular the old guard like Prem and his acolytes (he's from Songkhla incidently) and let's not forget, as they are now, the military does not operate under orders from elected governments. Tak Bai and other incidents that inflamed the situation down there happened under the military, and nobody has been held accountable.


Chalerm and Samak are not generals, so please don't name them as such. 


Activists going missing? I can name one high profile person that went missing during Thaksin's time. There are dozens that have gone missing under this regime. Human rights is far worse now, that's not even comparible.


The red brigade? A direct response to the Yellow Shirt movement that was formed by a jilted media mogul after Thaksin removed his mate Viroj from the CEO position at KTB for poor performance and forgiving Sondti's personal loans of over 1 billion Baht.


It's like a Thai soap opera, but if you don't speak the language, read local media or understand the culture you'll get lost in unfounded accusations, uninformed opinion and the obsessive nonsense spouted by a few lost old men on here.


You should try script writing for the CCP; BLM; Antifa; the South African regime; and all those others who gloss over all the bad things they have done, are doing and will do!


Yeah for Thaksin the innocent; man of the people!


Oh, and all those millions of Thais who protested against the attempted Thaksin whitewash and immunity, do speak the language, do read local media, do understand the culture and don't get conned like you and some others seem to. 

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


He never liked foreigners. Wasn't it him who mandated that foreigners wouldn't be paid interest on their bank accounts in Thailand? I remember someone posting the comment that he didn't like foreigners because most could see straight through him! 

Thaksin had delusions of changing Thailand into a Singapore and him being the highest of all. His killing the drug people charade was a very black scary time. I was living in a semi Chinese Thai community in the north with my wife and kid at my mother in laws place and one day his black perps sat in a chair front of my place and smirked at me. Sent shivers for how cold these guys were. Many of people were murdered in that little town. The guys would interrogate by beating up, then murder and then take the drugs and the drug money. I don't actually think things would be better for us if he was still in control, but you never know as it can't be any worse than the Xenophobic regime in control now.

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3 hours ago, tomauasia said:

He was Thailand's moat successful PM and loved by most..He was setup because the ultimate power was jealous. The power gave back nothing but wise words. THEY got richer and the poor got poorer. He stole sweet FA. Prayut and his band of watch collectors are milking it. At the peoples loss of life. You farangs who don't speak Thai and know sweet FA about the workings of the country. Amusing 


They didn't have to set him up. His greed and lust for power, couple with his egotistical narcissism, and belief he was above all laws and untouchable played right into their hands. He soon found out that he wasn't. 

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The biggest problem is that Thais again and again vote for greedy corrupt politicians. And then the same voters are somehow surprised that they have a government full of greedy corrupt politicians.

The system is wonderfully described in this book: Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja : Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy

Who else can they Vote for?  That's All the've got .Greedy corrupt Pollies. 

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18 hours ago, thequietman said:

He was a billionaire, and still he wanted More! Could have been the best prime minister Thailand ever had, but he had billions of baht and he still wanted More!

Sister came to power, who had billions of baht, and again, she wanted More! Tried to change the law to get brother back who was a billionaire and still wanted More, and then the army stepped in.


The rest is history.


Without the sheer greed, they would both be living in Thailand, and very likely, still runnin the place, even now.


But, they were both billionaires and they wanted ....... More. ????

Of course they wanted more, why? 

Because more is better than anything else.. 


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6 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

It's probably something Prayut and Co don't want to hear but the fact is Thaksin is still loved and revered by millions in the rural areas if comments I have heard are anything to go by.  He was betrayed,  stabbed in the back and treated very badly so they say.  Is there going to be a Red shirt awakening? 

Prayut and co hate the truth

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46 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Who else can they Vote for?  That's All the've got .Greedy corrupt Pollies. 


As far as I know many people could run for political positions. But it seems if the candidates have no money to spend then most voters don't want them...

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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

Yes, but when does it become enough?


You can't take it with you when you pop ur clogs. ????

To those under discussion, there is never enough... 

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:


As far as I know many people could run for political positions. But it seems if the candidates have no money to spend then most voters don't want them...

That's what I said There's No one else . 

You can't count people who are Wannabees .  :jap:

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


They didn't have to set him up. His greed and lust for power, couple with his egotistical narcissism, and belief he was above all laws and untouchable played right into their hands. He soon found out that he wasn't. 

When Thaksin was in power, Thailand was called a police state,(he was once a policeman). He was into total dominance, bought up MPs ( the whole of the NAP, nearly 80 MPs). Media who didn't support were punished with no government agency allowed to use their services.

The red shirts had a 101 legitimate grievances but their obsequiousness to the Thaksin clan fatally corrupted their cause 

Now it's all change, it started with Thanathorn and Future Forward, now the students. They don't have the stigma of being Thaksin's stooges. 

But do they have the numbers to make a significant difference to Thai politics?



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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Thailand was always awash with drugs.

What changed is that now the police does not execute people anymore and later pretend the victims were drug dealers.

Of course the police also killed drug dealers. But it was the perfect pretext for them to kill whoever they wanted to kill.

Just as I said.

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Thailand was always awash with drugs.

What changed is that now the police does not execute people anymore and later pretend the victims were drug dealers.

Of course the police also killed drug dealers. But it was the perfect pretext for them to kill whoever they wanted to kill.

'What changed is that now the police does not execute people anymore and later pretend the victims were drug dealers.' Really?

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Regardless of everyone's opinion on this matter, it is somehow fascinating to observe to this day there are still very strongly opiniated pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin people, it is undeniable the man really left a "mark" on the Kingdom.


I like to look at things from a more pragmatic point of view;


What has he done/accomplished/achieved for the Kingdom in the past and what WOULD/could he possibly do for the Kingdom if say, he was allowed back in one day?


Edited by GigsGigs
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12 hours ago, RobertH said:

All Thai governments have been corrupt, but some much more so than others. Chuan Leekpai was a lawyer with a very small bank account when he became Prime Minister, both times. And when he left office, he wasn't any richer than when he arrived.

His brother, Raluek Leekpai, allegedly embezzled billions of Baht from a Thai bank and did a runner to Taiwan.


Statute of limitations expired and he came back.


Funny old game, eh?

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8 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You should try script writing for the CCP; BLM; Antifa; the South African regime; and all those others who gloss over all the bad things they have done, are doing and will do!


Yeah for Thaksin the innocent; man of the people!


Oh, and all those millions of Thais who protested against the attempted Thaksin whitewash and immunity, do speak the language, do read local media, do understand the culture and don't get conned like you and some others seem to. 

The point was they (and you apparently) were conned by Sonthi's media machine and his politicisation of the Monarchy.


Do try to read and comprehend my posts properly in future. Thanks.

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18 hours ago, naryan said:

I was coming to Thailand when he was the prime minister, Thai people were free & happy they had more money. Foreigners were welcome visa's were easy to get, no charges at the ATM the the baht was at a good rate of exchange, the police only stopped people for not wearing helmets.

He could speak English and he new Thailand needed help from the west & Foreigners were respected!

Actually the crack down on visas started when Taksin was PM. 


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14 hours ago, chilli42 said:

He cleverly duped all those rural voters to support him so perhaps he is a clever politician.  That said changing once group of rapacious elites for another is not what this country needs

He didn't dupe anyone, he bought votes!

He had guys at the voting polls paying people to vote for him. 

Everyone in the village had beer and whiskey that night!

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12 hours ago, SoilSpoil said:

No, Thaksin sold his company to Temasak for 73bn, avoiding paying capital gains tax, and all this just days after he changed the laws on foreign ownership in telecom companies. A real hero of the working man.

ahh dont forget the land deal he arranged for his wife!

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On 7/27/2020 at 7:16 AM, nobodysfriend said:

Corruption and the fact that they became too popular and , with that , too dangerous , lead to their exile .

Still remember the last days of the Thaksin regime ... it was not peaceful ... at that time I thought the coup was good to bring peace to the deeply divided country ... But , now , six years later , it really is time for real and true democratic elections , without eliminating popular political parties just because they get too many votes in the eyes of the ones in power ...

How does that old truism go, "Power Corupts and absolute power corupts absolutely "

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17 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


But, but, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Doesn't change that the Shins were greedy corrupt thieves does it? 

But, but, but...


It doesn't change that the Shinawatra's party were elected (won) what was it? Five elections "on the trot", elections in which incidentally it didn't take months to count the votes, interpret the votes, and declare a winner, who just happened to be the incumbent Prime Minister, who appointed himself after leading a coup!


It doesn't change that the Shinawatras didn't simply arrange for the disbandment and removal from office of their opponents on a series of charges (which give a whole new meaning to "trumped up"!) in order to claim that they had won those elections.


It doesn't change that the military saw fit to engineer unrest prior to and during the last three of those elections, in order to step in "for the state of the nation", twice by good old fashioned military coups, and once by rounding up all the party leaders and holding them incommunicado in a barracks, until such a time as it "was agreed" that the party which had actually lost the election would form a government. On the occasion of the last of those elections not only was voting suppressed, with what can only be described as the active participation of the military (funny that last time round they were that keen that everyone could vote that they marched their troops to the voting stations to ensure that they all cast their vote!); but the incomplete results (which it is suspected rather favoured the Shinawatras) were never released.


The most important thing it doesn't change, is that the Shinawatra's party repeatedly were chosen by the Thai people to form their government. That choice has repeatedly been denied. That is a fact which has not changed.

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21 hours ago, grumpy 4680 said:

     I believe all the alleged crimes of the Thaksin's, have been blown out of all proportions, by this corrupt military, to make their case for a coup more acceptable.

     Thaksin's sister created a rice scheme to help the farmers, it was the crooked Thais themselves that screwed it up by making false claims, none of those were ever prosecuted, she never made profit from the scheme, but again this corrupt government let the Thaksin's to take the blame.

     And the Thaksin's never wasted Tax money on tanks, sub's, and luxury jets,as toys for the boy's



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12 hours ago, GigsGigs said:

Regardless of everyone's opinion on this matter, it is somehow fascinating to observe to this day there are still very strongly opiniated pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin people, it is undeniable the man really left a "mark" on the Kingdom.


I like to look at things from a more pragmatic point of view;


What has he done/accomplished/achieved for the Kingdom in the past and what WOULD/could he possibly do for the Kingdom if say, he was allowed back in one day?


He allowed the Thai electorate to experience that they could choose who governed them. They could elect the government they wanted not the one selected by the establishment. 


They experienced, and took part in, democracy; flawed, with many failures, arguably a poor selection of candidates; but democracy none the less. That it was crushed by the military at the behest of "the establishment" doesn't change that. He let a cat out of a bag, and it won't go back in.

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