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Six U.S. mayors urge Congress to block Trump federal deployment

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2 hours ago, scammed said:

it strikes me as a collaboration between the democrats and the blm,

the blm instills fear and unhappiness through the riots in the US public and that benefit

whomever arent president,

this is why democrats dont want a return to law and order, but instead are actively

preventing law enforcement to act


Please show here Democrats are 'actively preventing law enforcement to act". Democrat city administrators don't agree with trump administration's use of federal forces, considered counterproductive, not that they trying to actually prevent law enforcement.

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8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Tell that to the people living in Minneapolis. That's the problem. Most the comments on this site are from people overseas who are completely unaware of what is happening. 


Meanwhile on local sites like city data you hear from people in the locations being discussed and its alarming. 



A report dated early June below. Has any credible source/s from local law enforcement identified the ongoing participants causing the damage? Were they criminals or politically motivated by the likes of Antifa or?


The city of Minneapolis says the looting and property damage that following the death of George Floyd in police custody has caused least $55 million in destruction so far.


https://apnews.com/d45e7d7ecc7c9d7dffa1fbec960846fb#:~:text=MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The city,million in destruction so far.

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59 minutes ago, scammed said:

The link has a paywall block. I assume they are talking to redirecting more money toward social services, education and mental health agencies as police often are required take on the roles due to lack of resources i.e. insufficient funding for the responsible agencies, not actually defunding policing activity. if there are a few democrats who have an aggressive agenda to actually defund policing core activities it will never get enacted - in reality a nonsensical stance to gain a bit of attention.




Can now access your link. In summary concerning Dems political platform on law enforcement>>>


 In the end, though, the group’s recommendations to the Biden campaign and the D.N.C.’s platform committee will not include reducing money for law enforcement, according to people familiar with its plans.

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8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The link has a paywall block. I assume they are talking to redirecting more money toward social services, education and mental health agencies as police often are required take on the roles due to lack of resources i.e. insufficient funding for the responsible agencies, not actually defunding policing activity. if there are a few democrats who have an aggressive agenda to actually defund policing core activities it will never get enacted - in reality a nonsensical stance to gain a bit of attention.

acording to the article, its not 'a few' but near consensus,

rumors has it 97% of democrats are in unanimous sensus, the debate is over


nterviews with superdelegates and members of a Biden-Sanders task force found near-unanimous sentiment for redirecting money away from policing, with positions beyond what Joseph R. Biden Jr. has proposed.

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10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I assume they are talking to redirecting more money toward social services, education and mental health agencies as police often are required take on the roles due to lack of resources i.e. insufficient funding for the responsible agencies, not actually defunding policing activity.

Your assumption is wrong. Scammed is spot on. Here is a brief snippet, funny it is not behind a paywall for me.


"I’ve been advocating the abolition of the police for years. Regardless of your view on police power — whether you want to get rid of the police or simply to make them less violent — here’s an immediate demand we can all make: Cut the number of police in half and cut their budget in half. Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people. "



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1 minute ago, TopDeadSenter said:


Your assumption is wrong. Scammed is spot on. Here is a brief snippet, funny it is not behind a paywall for me.


"I’ve been advocating the abolition of the police for years. Regardless of your view on police power — whether you want to get rid of the police or simply to make them less violent — here’s an immediate demand we can all make: Cut the number of police in half and cut their budget in half. Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people. "



Your post above represents a minority POV, not the Dems actual law enforcement policy platform for the election as below. if it's OK to misrepresent actual Dems policy as a matter of opinion, as does trump, so be it, but to repeat...


In the end, though, the group’s recommendations to the Biden campaign and the D.N.C.’s platform committee will not include reducing money for law enforcement, according to people familiar with its plans.

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7 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

<SNIP> funny it is not behind a paywall for me <SNIP>

refer my post #37

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Taking money from the police department and giving it to all the social programs in the black community for the people that aren’t working will possibly reduce the number of deaths from policeman killing potentially violent black criminals.

But the side effect may be a huge escalation of black on black killing because the police will not have the resources to protect, defend, and prosecute violent offenders. 
But there might be increase in resources, added to the already available unused resources, to improve their education and job skills.

But I think they are saying they want reparations (free money), more than increased in programs aimed at improving their education and work skills.

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:59 PM, stevenl said:

According to the local authorities, who I would trust a lot more than Trump cs and anonymous tvf posters, the feds have done the opposite, only made dying down protests lively again.

In a way I hope they succeed in banning federal police and seeing their cities burn. While it would be tragic for the citizens of those cities, it would prove what happens when law and order is abandoned for political reasons and would focus the minds of the voters on what they want in the future.


Although that probably won't happen, I will not be surprised if the working middle class abandons such cities and move to states that do enforce law and order.

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On 7/29/2020 at 12:29 PM, simple1 said:

Your post above represents a minority POV, not the Dems actual law enforcement policy platform for the election as below. if it's OK to misrepresent actual Dems policy as a matter of opinion, as does trump, so be it, but to repeat...


In the end, though, the group’s recommendations to the Biden campaign and the D.N.C.’s platform committee will not include reducing money for law enforcement, according to people familiar with its plans.

Irrelevant if the city authorities prevent the police from enforcing law and order ( or denying them non lethal means of protecting themselves ) for political reasons, as has apparently happened in some cases.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

At least you're starting to acknowledge that cities are burning, good on you.


No. There are fires, which wasn't denied. Whole cities burning? Only in Trump supporters scaremongering fantasies. Regardless, rather doubt you missed the context in which the post was made - replying to a comment as to what may happen.

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Off-topic posts and replies removed.  It's a discussion forum.  Memes are not generally a part of a discussion.

3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I'll tell you why. The whole Trump movement relies on fear. Fear of Mexicans. Fear of Muslims. Fear of blacks. Fear of cities burning. Fear of goddam liberals. Fear of their own shadow.

It's negative politics at it's finest and the oldest trick in the political book; get the working man to blame the immigrants/blacks/muslims for all the problems in their life even though the country is run by billionaires and corporations. Yet people can't see it or are simply too blind to want to see it. They just continue to fight among themselves for the scraps, blaming other people who in turn are fighting for even fewer scraps, meanwhile the billionaires and corporations sit back and laugh about how much they are still getting away with it and how no one is blaming them.

It's a helluva con that Trump supporters keep falling for time and time again.



https://www.artemis.bm/news/riots-could-turn-2020-into-a-capital-event-pcs-designates-riots-as-a-catastrophe/Update, Jun 3rd: 


The riots have now been designated as a catastrophe in more than 20 U.S. states by PCS


Just take a second to ponder that info, Nothing to see here folks, it's just Trump making stuff up again. The dems are pathetic.

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On 8/1/2020 at 4:15 PM, Morch said:


Essentially, you're hoping for cities to burn and people you've never known or met to suffer, so that it would, maybe, score a political point. Nothing to do with "law and order".



Still with the personal attacks I see.


Did you miss "In a way"? I suppose you did, but it was at the beginning of my post.


22 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I'll tell you why. The whole Trump movement relies on fear. Fear of Mexicans. Fear of Muslims. Fear of blacks. Fear of cities burning. Fear of goddam liberals. Fear of their own shadow.

It's negative politics at it's finest and the oldest trick in the political book; get the working man to blame the immigrants/blacks/muslims for all the problems in their life even though the country is run by billionaires and corporations. Yet people can't see it or are simply too blind to want to see it. They just continue to fight among themselves for the scraps, blaming other people who in turn are fighting for even fewer scraps, meanwhile the billionaires and corporations sit back and laugh about how much they are still getting away with it and how no one is blaming them.

It's a helluva con that Trump supporters keep falling for time and time again.


Judging from the posts on TVF, a lot of people "fear" Trump, and his re election.

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