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Red Bull "Boss" latest: Police claim cocaine was from dental treatment and suspect drank AFTER hit and run incident


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1 hour ago, Spock said:

As someone with a Thai friend 7 years into a 13 year jail term for a relatively minor offence, I find this preferential treatment of the Red Bull heir sickening and a total indictment of the Thai legal system. It is a disgrace.

I have a Thai friend whose daughter was  convicted and sentenced to 3yrs in jail because her "husband" got caught selling some motorcycle parts (allegedly stolen oarts). She had absolutely nothing to do with it....wouldn't know one bit from another. This was conveyed to the court but made no difference. She was deemed to be guilty by association.

He got 7yrs.

Unbelievable !

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8 hours ago, Tagged said:

All this, while poor people getting 15 years jail for picking mushrooms in natioal parks at the wrong day!


The assumption being that they were somehow involved with illegal burning to facilitate the picking..............15 years does seems well over the top though.

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5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

I wish people would stop with this urban myth- they were found to have been involved in illegal logging.


As for 'Boss' will Thaigeezers reach 100 different threads of outrage. A few blood vessels must be bursting over something that is unlikely to affect any of their lives. This is how it works in Thailand- get over it.

Then you can google "prison for picking mushroom thailand@


moderators deleted my post with a screenshot of the google search I did containing resoults showing Bangkok post. 

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No problem what so ever. Clearly the young man is well within all civil laws.

a simple mistake, could happen to anyone. Thankfully the high standards of the judicial system and the law enforcement personnel are diligently working to insure justice is served.




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time to take a firehose to tonglor station,i dont get coke when i see my dentist ive never heard such a lot of <deleted> in my life sounds like a kid lying his way out of something .its so bad its a joke,it was him mummy,this is pathetic.sack and jail the lot of em generalisssimo you have your special powers.remember!

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Either Thai people are the dumbest people on earth or the Thai government "think" that they are... it is stretching belief that they would come out with this. i wont bother breaking it down as to why this is such BS because its so flimsy and so obvious it would be an insult to anyone with more then 2 braincells functioning.. 


Very scary that these are the people that have your safety in their hands...


The world is watching,, "boycott Red Bull" is growing...

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YOU CAN'T KID A KIDA. So just who are the authorities after all this time trying to KID now. Every single person that makes a statement in support of this complete & utter farce, just makes themselves look even more ridiculous & are probably part of  the gravy train. Thai villagers get twelve years for picking mushrooms, yet DUI & homicide of a police officer, if your'e rich enough you can get away scot free. TIT go figure.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

There is no such crime as fleeing from the scene of an accident in Thailand, as far as I know. If you are caught the charges are the same whether you stayed or you left the scene of an accident. If anybody knows differently, let us know, and if there is a law it is never enforced. This new stuff that they're coming up with, what can one say, they're just making it up as they're going along and they just get people to go along with the plan at whatever cost. 

Land Traffic Act 2522 (1979)

Section 78 (2000B / one-month imprisonment)

[Any person who drives a vehicle and causes damage to other person or other person’s property, be it his fault or not, shall stop the vehicle and give appropriate assistance, and immediately report to the competent officer who is on duty near to the scene, and leave the information of his full name, address and the vehicle registration number with the injured person.

In the event that the driver escapes or does not report himself to the competent officer at the scene of the accident, it shall be presumed that he is the offender and the competent officer shall have the power to seize the vehicle driven by the driver who has escaped or has failed to report the accident until the case receives the final judgment or the driver is found.

If the owner does not make his presence to the competent officer within six months from the day of the accident, it shall be regarded that the vehicle is associated with a criminal activity, and it shall become the property of the state.]

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I am embarrassed on behalf of the Thai Police. They are obviously not embarrassed. But they should be. This whole case seems to be an example of corruption of the most blatant type. Where is the "Anti-Corruption" or "Internal Affairs" police department (s)? Why are police not being arrested for corruption?  Truly disgraceful. 

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1 hour ago, kentrot said:

An alleged 300,000.000 Baht BRIBE has nothing to do with who says what.

I guess as the saying goes .. every man has a price.


Unfortunately the policeman who was killed also has a pricetag  for "BOSS" to get out of jail free ????

New price list to be approved next week.

Assault : 1000.00 Baht.

Speeding::1500.00 Baht

Insert here whatever you think appropriate.....

Murder/ manslaughter: 300000000




Purchase of witnesses: whatever it takes

METHOD OF PAYMENT: Large Brown envelopes or small brown boxes

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Interesting, Khaosod English has a report on this with an element I haven't seen in the various other news reports here -- a response from the Thai dentists association to the police claim about dental cocaine.




Dental Council president Pojjanart Poomprakorbsri told the media the use of cocaine in dental operations was abolished a century ago. Police said the drug was administered to  Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya by a dentist just before the fatal crash in 2012, but declined to identify the person by name.

“It’s still difficult for us to launch an investigation since police have not disclosed who was [Vorayuth’s] dentist,” Pojjanart said. “We’re willing to give information to the police if requested.”

He added, “Cocaine was used to induce anesthesia in dental treatments in the past, but it has adverse effects on blood pressure.”





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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Interesting, Khaosod English has a report on this with an element I haven't seen in the various other news reports here -- a response from the Thai dentists association to the police claim about dental cocaine.





No need to analyse too much,, BS is obvious, corruption is obvious. There needs to be an anti corruption department that has true power and its members need to be incorruptible,, not easy but Hong Kong achieved it, they have a very powerful organisation the ICAC (independent commission against corruption). At one time Hong Kong was like the wild west. they are are a very strict organisation with zero tolerance on corruption and enormous power that extends beyond even the police (who are of course also monitored).. corruption destroys society on many levels and Thailand needs an ICAC of their own asap.

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