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Dentists sniff at cops’ cocaine story in ‘Boss’ case


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5 hours ago, Pilotman said:

And that is a surprise why? Of course it's all BS, we know it, they know it, everyone knows it.  It's like a young child telling a lie that is transparently untrue, but keeps on telling it, because they so want it to be true. 

It is, in one word, SHAMEFUL!

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25 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Imagine if the driver was a low income farang , high on cocaine , drunken, speeding , crashing into a thai police officer, fleeing the accident, leaving the victim in the middle of the road behind,  etc  ? Same outcome ????

Yes for sure if he paid the same as this guy. They don't discriminate one bit as long as they get the money. There was an article about a Brit guy killing someone with an expensive car and that story died down quite fast too. Its not about skin color but about money.

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5 hours ago, MartinL said:

Is there such an offence as 'attempting to pervert the course of justice' in Thailand? 


If there is, in this case alone it seems that half the senior cops in Thailand are due a gaol sentence.

The Thai version,which is in itself an offence is termed ' PROMOTING the cause of justice' and backed up by CCA and lese majeste laws ???? 

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please, no more.. this is really painful and so embarrassing to read days after days with stories that come from ..how to say.. alternative reality??? Aliens and demons poisoning the remaining of our human brain

Edited by catch104
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''A dentist later claimed to have administered the drug to Vorayuth during treatment five days before the hit-and-run incident.''


And the dentist will have a deadly accident soon followed by an accident involving the second witness who claimed Ferrari was not speeding ,,...




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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Imagine if the driver was a low income farang , high on cocaine , drunken, speeding , crashing into a thai police officer, fleeing the accident, leaving the victim in the middle of the road behind,  etc  ? Same outcome ????

life imprisonment... provided of course that he is still alive for his trial!

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When you go to Chang watanna to renew your visa or whatever there is a big notice on the wall addressed to members of the RTP. I would suggest that ALL police officers be forced to recite this notice with a clear conscience.

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2 hours ago, P Funk said:

The dentist has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do... and then lose his license.

Not so, this dentist went to the police 7 years ago to explain what happened and he treated him 5 days before the accident

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, Pol Lt-General Sattawat Hiranburana, who is leading a police probe into the case, reported that investigators claimed doctors at both hospitals said Vorayuth’s test results may have been contaminated by antibiotics, causing false positives. They thus decided not to charge Vorayuth with a drugs offence.

The bull-s**t is just getting so deep it's hard to see over it.

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...Once upon a time there was a little Red Bull who drove a big grey Ferrari...blah blah blah...and he got frightened and ran away to Dreamland and lived happily ever after...The End...

???? ????   ????  ????Dreamland????

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

A dentist later claimed to have administered the drug to Vorayuth during treatment five days before the hit-and-run incident.

Time to take away this dentist's medical license and to start asking him where he got the cocaine from. He admits to having had cocaine and selling it?

I am sure he got enough money to tell his story, not he can "pay" for it with his license and some time in jail. 

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Really   fascinating stuff  I am Australian  my country and people  would   not  stand  for 1 minute  of the things  these High ranking rat bags  get up to .......How  could it  have gotten  this  bad?

Who is to blame really  is it China  or just the power  of money in  Thailand  

My  visits to  be with my wife  I have seen  corruption many times  even getting married  the  clerk wanted 3000 baht to rush  paper work  thru  ...unbelievable  .....

Really  who is to  blame for Thailand  like it is today   ???


I am at a loss  the  real people are beautiful   kind respectful  Ok like everywhere  there  are scum bags  drug addicts  criminals  but  it sees most of the big  criminals  are the ones making all the decisions and  the Gov  of Thailand .

I hope one day to see the people take  back their  country  and  a  real  democracy  develop  without the  influence  of communist China


Good  luck  Thailand  

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