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Investigation panel pushes for ‘Boss’ case to be reopened


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7 hours ago, mrfill said:

He hit the bike from the rear so if it was travelling at, say 80kph (not unusual) , the closing speed is 90kph which seems about right for the damage.

..i disagree totally..if the Ferrari was travelling in your scenario, at 90kmph, that makes it a 10kmph contact..there would be hardly a mark on his car. The huge impact seen on the car is more like 170+kmph to cause that amount of damage to his car..would be interesting to know if the cars' air bags were deployed!

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On 8/4/2020 at 4:52 PM, bluesofa said:


I thought the figure of 170kph was the one everyone has been quoting for years, not 80kph?


I was expecting to read Prayut had discovered Vorayuth's Ferrari had a flux capacitor fitted, and had gone back in time to clear himself.

Love it 555

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Look at the photo of the dented front end of the Ferrari? ( the impact of the collision) It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell that the driver was going only 60km/hr...or are Ferraris as thin as aluminum foil? DUH 

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On 8/4/2020 at 4:37 PM, rkidlad said:

Did they think they could just drop the charges and people wouldn't kick up too much fuss? Yes, that's exactly what they thought.


Well done to everyone who did kick up a fuss and who rightly condemned this decision. He won't be coming back to Thailand anytime soon, and his family are losing face quicker then they're losing cash for handing out bribes. 


An utter embarrassment for all involved in this cover up. 

Yes, well said and let us hope that eventually they wake up and drag him in front of a judge with integrity. 

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Most modern cars have a wealth of information available to competent collision investigators by analysis of all the computers that control everything, as well as the damage patterns and skid and drag marks on the road. But perhaps those skills don’t exist here or are not used in certain cases.

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Every one knows these people are telling bare faced lies because they have been paid off. They don't even bother to try to make the lies sound plausible, e.g. the story of the cocaine administered by the dentist and the initial attempt to make the family driver take the rap.


It's so sad that Thai people have to put up with such a system where all government officials including police and prosecutors will do anything for money, if the price is right. If you have enough money, you can even pay senior police to let you to kill rank and file policemen on a drunken and doped up fun night out. 

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On 8/4/2020 at 7:41 PM, scorecard said:

So the very very obvious question why wasn't he charged with having cocaine in his system right at the very start?



 Because a Dentist who if he supplied Boss with cocaine for dental treatment, should be charged with drug dealing as,Dentists have not used it for 100 years . 
It would also be illegal for a Dentist to possess cocaine.

Therefore the testimony of the Dentist is untrue and importantly should have been thrown out of court and the Dentist charged with supplying false evidence and attempting to divert justice.


If the Bratt does get charges reopened no doubt he will not return to Los until the statute of limitations runs out. 
Maybe this is a face saving exorcise.

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10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

If he returns to Thailand his quarantine period will be longer than his prison sentence.

Unless of course he forgets his name or who his father is. Then his quarantine  will be 14 milliseconds, not days.


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7 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

 Because a Dentist who if he supplied Boss with cocaine for dental treatment, should be charged with drug dealing as,Dentists have not used it for 100 years . 
It would also be illegal for a Dentist to possess cocaine.

Therefore the testimony of the Dentist is untrue and importantly should have been thrown out of court and the Dentist charged with supplying false evidence and attempting to divert justice.


If the Bratt does get charges reopened no doubt he will not return to Los until the statute of limitations runs out. 
Maybe this is a face saving exorcise.

'Maybe this is a face saving exorcise'   There must be a plan to drive out evil spirits from somewhere.

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Is this just another attempt to skim off more money from the red bull family to certain members of the police force?

I mean how come the speed of the Ferrari wasn't investigated properly at the beginning and now all of a sudden it almost doubles?

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On 8/4/2020 at 1:54 AM, JonnyF said:

I think the members of the investigation committee are looking for a slice of the action.


After all, using their logic everyone else has been paid off, why shouldn't they get a cut?



..yes of course, new evidence means more brown envelopes are required.. case closed

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