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Paris imposes face mask order for outdoor markets, River Seine strollers


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Paris imposes face mask order for outdoor markets, River Seine strollers

By Richard Lough



FILE PHOTO: Women wearing protective masks walk in the Palais Royal as France reinforces mask-wearing as part of efforts to curb a resurgence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) across the country, in Paris, France August 6, 2020. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes


PARIS (Reuters) - Parisians and holidaymakers strolling along the banks of the River Seine or browsing open-air markets in Paris must wear a face mask from Monday after authorities imposed new measures to curb a rise in coronavirus infections.


The order, which applies to people aged 11 and over, covers busy outdoor areas in the French capital, although tourist sites such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and Champs-Elysees boulevard were not listed.


Data showed the virus had begun circulating more widely in Paris and its lower-income suburbs since mid-July.


The rate of positive tests in the greater Paris region now stood at 2.4% compared with a national average of 1.6%, it said.


After tough lockdown measures slowed infection rates, many European countries are now watching new clusters flare up after easing restrictions to try to limit the economic damage and alleviate public frustration.


France has made it compulsory to wear a face mask in closed public spaces such as shops and banks since July 21, and Paris joins a growing list of cities ordering people to wear masks in busy zones outdoors, including Toulouse, Lille and Biarritz.


Those breaching the order face a fine of 135 euros. The penalty rises to six months in prison for anyone violating it more than three times in the space of a month. The Paris order will last a month.


The number of people in France infected with coronavirus rose by 2,288 on Friday, a new post-lockdown high.


(Reporting by Richard Lough; Editing by Angus MacSwan and Christina Fincher)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2020-08-09
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10 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


I maintain that the current large covid-19 incidence rates are largely due most people not wearing the correct type of mask. Most people should be wearing respirator style masks for self-protection. Most are actually wearing cheap, paper medical/surgical masks that where designed protect others, but not necessarily the wearer. You never see the various types of mask discussed anywhere except the one I found in a WHO pdf file. Also not seen is authorities requiring masks to check which type of mask people are wearing because the respirator type mask, unless it has an exhale filter (most don't) will not stop anything from being exhaled by the wearer. This is, IMHO, a critical and potentially deadly difference between the two types of masks.


Also, many people are not wearing even the cheap, paper medical/surgical masks correctly by not covering the nose. I'd bet that 50% or so of mask wearers do so only grudgingly as the comment by englishhoak, above,  suggests. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at any of this given the level of education and critical thinking the world seems to have deteriorated to.




This is what I meant by stupid useless rules that are obviously half baked.  Of course there is a huge difference between a face rag and a stage 3 filter system with a proper seal, I have used plenty of most types and all manner of PPE because in my work over the years ive been required to and trained to know the difference. What works mostly all depends on the micron size and type of filter required  for what environment and most importantly the seal quality, a simple lab technician, construction or bodyshop worker knows this basic stuff and also know face bags/coverings people are to wear are useless. Now im semi retired I have a full beard so even a stage 3 is ineffective so for me its either shave or use a full mask and filter system, as im not in a risk category im not doing either for a non lethal virus. If anyone bothered to learn anything about masks or ever used a proper exhale filter or unit in a polluted or gaseous/dusty toxic environment they would understand and think again about using a nosebag, but most here do not nor care.. they just blindly follow the rules mostly out of ignorance or to feel like they are helping and to be in the herd group think, obviously silly rules are only there for social control reasons so I will not comply.  . . As you say critical thinking is sparce these days. ...




9 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Do you think to "phone the missis" is the only use of a "smartphone"? Perhaps, you should educate yourself on the various uses of them, especially as an internet access device and a plethora of other uses as well. To not be aware of the uses and to make a comment as you have is a good example of "willful ignorance", IMHO. Admittedly, you did confess to being a "neanderthal", yes? You know what happened to them don't you? Incidentally, do you carry even a "dumb" phone while out or do you absolutely refuse to adjust to the 21st century. 


Incidentally, I don't carry a "smartphone" either, (I carry a "dumb" one) but I am more or less fully aware of their potential - I just don't want it when I'm out since I'm on the internet virtually around the clock on my laptop in my apartment.


I do fear the time when a "smartphone" would be required to function in society, which seems to be creeping up on us. Hopefully, I won't be around to experience that.



That time is just around the corner my friend. 5 years away at best imo for most countries.  I was in India in 2016 when they cancelled most of the currency and switched over to QR code payments, it has not gone back since and a smartphone is almost a necessity there already to be able to function properly.  I mostly only carry a dumb phone when I go out, I like to minimise my reliance on tech and having grown up without so find it no trouble at all. 


5 hours ago, Sujo said:

Thats certainly a great leap from just having to wear a mask. Enjoy your life in the bunker without it.

I dont have to live in a bunker, I just legally dont comply with silly rules and adapted life accordingly some time ago so I dont have to and sure glad I did. besides ive been all over the world more than a few times and enjoyed it all when everywhere was still an adventure, fun and affordable, ive no big regrets in my life I hope you dont in yours.  Live your life in ignorance and compliance by all means, but thats not for me.


This is for those out there thinking your nosebag wearing make a real difference.  



Edited by Scott
Photo edited out
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14 hours ago, englishoak said:

In case you hadnt noticed, life isnt going on precisely because of this stupid hysteria, it is however conditioning people like drones to obey through fear and social pressure.  


You wear a nosebag if you wish, im not. 








 And you know this because you are up todate on all the conspiracy theories .. 

Today their were over 1000 deaths in India . The death toll from Whan cronoviris is rising .  personally i would wear a gimp mask. If i thought it would stop one death!.  


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39 minutes ago, bellboy said:

 And you know this because you are up todate on all the conspiracy theories .. 

Today their were over 1000 deaths in India . The death toll from Whan cronoviris is rising .  personally i would wear a gimp mask. If i thought it would stop one death!.  


I'm wearing a fairly self-protective respirator style mask and not a "gimp mask" because the only death I'm genuinely concerned about is my death. Please reference TVF comment HERE [ link] and heed if you haven't already.


If I contracted the virus, I would self-quarantine alone until I either recovered or died in my apartment so the mask would not even be an issue unless I decided to go to a hospital (probably by walking (or more likely, cycling) and anti-social distancing to Bumrungrad IH at/near Soi 3).



Edited by MaxYakov
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what this covid crisis has made clear, is the extent to which popular "common sense" has been poisoned by social media.


I read a lot of french Facebook posts, and as many other nationalities, many are proud to not follow the recommendations.


I guess they feel powerless in their lives and the nonsense theories give them "proof" that the official story is a lie, and rebelling against the rules gives them a feeling of autonomy or freedom.

I was reading about the unabomber's philosophy just some days ago and there are interesting parallels.


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