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‘Commander pressured forensics team to reduce Boss speed estimate’


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2 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

and if the ferrari was only doing 79 mph and the motorbike was pottering along at 60 mph, there would not have been much impact - cedrtainly not enough to cause death

Have you experience of being dragged for 'hundreds of metres' whilst under a car?

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I wwould have been dissapoining if the underlying corruption and graft wasn't displayed in this enquiry.


A car doing 100kph when hitting a stationary object wants to continue traveling several metres.

170kph or 79kph, you are basically a statistic.

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Scrambling to save their collective ars*s... what a farce !

I hope they all think the Red Buls**t heir was worth all the trouble.

..well you wouldn't leave the country if you were doing less than 80kmph..oh that's right, there is a Land Traffic Regulation for minimum speed of 80kmph to be maintained..no wonder he panicked and bought an air-ticket.

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10 hours ago, Hayduke said:


Ah…the plot…sickens.


The fact that this mysterious “Commander" remains unidentified suggests:


1.  He’s too connected to confront.

2. He’s been given a set amount of time to come up with a suitable bribe.

3. He doesn’t exist. There is no “Commander”…like the Watch-man's dead friend...its all 



This whole show could play out for a very long time, The only certainty being that it will only go away when he ‘right’ person…receives the ‘right’ amount of money.


Amazing Thailand...you couldn't make this stuff up.



..one has to stand up to them..after all he took an oath specifically for that..he should honour it with his life.

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OK, now we know at least, where ONE of those many envelopes went. Put all those involved under tremendous pressure until they spill the beans - this lying and cheating has to stop.

These crooks are giving Thailand this very bad image she enjoyed for the last decades; grow up and get professional. And yes, the internet is also accessed outside Thailand so, whatever is written and published from, in and about Thailand, can be accessed in Lima/Peru or Adamstown/Pitcairn island! OK, now we know at least, where ONE of those many envelopes went. Put all those involved under tremendous pressure until they spill the beans - this lying and cheating has to stop.

These crooks are giving Thailand this very bad image she enjoyed for the last decades; grow up and get professional. And yes, the internet is also accessed outside Thailand so, whatever is written and published from, in and about Thailand, can be accessed in Lima/Peru or Adamstown/Pitcairn island! 

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10 hours ago, ChipButty said:

This is getting embarrassing now, the little towrag Boss should admit the truth from where ever he is and stop this circus so many people have their neck on the line it's time to throw the towel in and be a man

His overpowering sense of entitlement will prevent that. 

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14 hours ago, johng said:

Sure he feels really safe after the "accident" suffered by another witness just recently.

you mean the accident that is independently being investigated by the interested structure and party that is accidentally connected to the party exerting pressure ?

Edited by KKr
missed a layer or two
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4 hours ago, dallen52 said:

I wwould have been dissapoining if the underlying corruption and graft wasn't displayed in this enquiry.


A car doing 100kph when hitting a stationary object wants to continue traveling several metres.

170kph or 79kph, you are basically a statistic.


resolve the dangerous driving case first, then investigate the corruption surrounding the investigation, or lack of it, of the case. or sweep it all under the carpet.

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OK, listen to me. If the car had hit a stationary or slow moving bike at 177 kph the bike should have been dust. Even if the bike was moving forward at a normal road speed and the combined speed therefore reduced I still can't imagine this result at all. The car can not have been travelling at 177 kph. Impossible. 


My car was ploughed into by a motorcycle taxi head on. I was stationary (or less than 10 kph). The bike was flying (at time of impact maybe reduced to 40 or 50bkph). 


The bike slotted into my wing just like this, still standing and wedged in after the impact. The driver is fine now, by the way, thank god. 


I dont think I need to say any more. 

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15 hours ago, statman78 said:

I wish I had the book and movie rights to this story.  I could make a fortune. It is much more interesting and exciting than many of the current movies and tv programs.

The thing you fail to remember is someone was killed. You seem to think this is a big joke for your amusement.

RIP to the officer who died and sympathy to the family.

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The case is now compromised with conflicts of interests and questionable evidence, no other option - the case must be dropped and the ‘boss’ exonerated of all charges.  I hope he sues the government and police for deformation, falsifying evidence etc... and show them for the corrupt sewer rats they are...go ‘boss’.

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16 hours ago, ChipButty said:

This is getting embarrassing now, the little towrag Boss should admit the truth from where ever he is and stop this circus so many people have their neck on the line it's time to throw the towel in and be a man

Not the Thai way. 


No-one will take responsibility. The lies and obfuscation will continue. 


It's an obvious farce to anyone with an IQ over 80.

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19 hours ago, statman78 said:

I wish I had the book and movie rights to this story.  I could make a fortune. It is much more interesting and exciting than many of the current movies and tv programs.

Anyone has the right to write a book or make a movie about this story. Best do it after you leave though.

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9 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

Not toerag, towrag.  But "Boss" qualifies for both.


Originally a British Royal Naval term. This was a long piece of rope, either frayed at the end, or with a bit of rag tied to the end of it, permanently fixed to a ship, which was dangled into the sea, and therefore, towed, next to the wooden plank with a hole in it which was secured over the edge of the ship, used as a toilet. After the sailor had finished his ablutions, he lifted the rope out of the water, and then wiped his rear-end clean with the wet, frayed end of the rope, and when he finished wiping, the soiled end of the rope was dropped back into the sea to clean itself as it was towed along by the ship.

Well now, I'm not sure which is the worse insult. Thanks for the nautical lesson.

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20 hours ago, johng said:

Sure he feels really safe after the "accident" suffered by another witness just recently.

Thais are related to Dolphins, don't you know, they have inbuilt sonar in their brains that enables them to detect speeds of vehicles, however this has not been passed in to law yet, but is regarded as strong evidence depending on the person giving the evidences status. 

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Doesnt  really  matter who is governing the country, the outcome would already  have been the same, Thais are so  corrupt  even at the lowest most basic  level in everyday life. Its the "pick and choose"   justice  system.

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13 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

and if the ferrari was only doing 79 mph and the motorbike was pottering along at 60 mph, there would not have been much impact - cedrtainly not enough to cause death

What!  You seriously believe that???  I sure as he11 wouldn't want to come off at 60mph!

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