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How the tide shifted in Red Bull heir case


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21 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Ive not moved away from anything, was the speed mentioned in this latest article ?

“Meanwhile, former Bangkok deputy governor and trained engineer SamartRatchapolsittecalculated the Ferrari was travelling at 126km/h. Both calculations far exceed the 79km/h estimate by university lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Saiprasit Kerdniyom, which was included in the investigation report”

Yes, it was. But you didn’t answer my question; have you moved away from your he was traveling at 77kph theory? Are you now looking for another way to defend the Red Bull rat’s abhorrent actions? 

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     He'll never serve a day in jail or do an hour of community service but it is encouraging that all the bad, bad publicity has been raked up once again and some who may have forgotten the story or were too young now know freshly what a despicable turd he is and what a sordid, embarrassing mess the whole investigation was.  Not justice but not nothing.  

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44 minutes ago, Arkady said:


The original blood samples that were taken from him a day or two after the accident showed two chemicals that are produced when cocaine interacts with alcohol.  The forensic report was mentioned briefly in the media at the time and then suppressed and not including as evidence for charges. But an activist dug it up and published it recently. Turns out it was a true report that is on the record and could be used to charge him with possession of cocaine (in his bloodstream).  However, the statute of limitations will expire in two years.

ahhh fair enough.


Actual allegations have nothing to do with policeman than ran into his Ferrari.

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4 hours ago, tonray said:

He seems quite happy to splash the cash overseas for the  past 8 years....nothing will happen. He will actually likely live a better life away in some posh resort rather than tooling about the streets of Thailand

He isn't bothered one bit, quite happy living the good life overseas like all the other self-exiled.

No worries about finances as they will be transferred by the family to keep him in the lap of luxury.

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"Intense public pressure"

Just a thought:

Maybe such pressure should be formalized through a formation of a Citizens Public Safety Committee or such of persons that have no connection to any government agency, National Police or political party and has the power of subpoena. Such committee should have immunity from defamation laws so as not to be compromised, ie., for publishing facts.

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5 hours ago, Don Mega said:

What evidence do they have for the cocaine allegations ?

If one had read all the pertinent information since the terrible occurrence including the latest over the last couple of weeks you would not be asking such a stupid question 

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For intense public pressure read "because the International Press got hold of this story and keep on running with it". The Thai Government now has International egg on it's face and no amount of brown envelopes can get rid of that. If the International Press gets fed up with the Red Bull story it will fade from the news in Thailand to.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The tide appears to have turned against Red Bull heir Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya, who just a month ago looked set to walk free from all legal responsibility for a fatal 2012 hit-and-run incident.

All I see is more 'pigs' pushing their snouts in the trough.

I'm betting he has enough money to pay everyone off.

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I am very surprised at the resurrection of this case, surely the people who have no doubt been greatly enriched would have been able to close it down. The family influence and the money that they have no doubt distributed should have closed it ages ago, unless,.... others have taken an interest.

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

"Intense public pressure"

Just a thought:

Maybe such pressure should be formalized through a formation of a Citizens Public Safety Committee or such of persons that have no connection to any government agency, National Police or political party and has the power of subpoena. Such committee should have immunity from defamation laws so as not to be compromised, ie., for publishing facts.

A lovely thought, but alas the powers to be and influential would never let it become reality.

The tail wagging the dog would never do.

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"Police now are trying to bring two pertinent charges against Vorayuth"

The cops don't really want  to charge him.....but are so embarrassed (ok, not at all embarrassed), but trying to look genuine.

About as genuine as a 2bob watch....they'll always be gangsters 

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33 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

They're not wasting time. They're bargaining for their share of the cut.

It's turning into a feeding frenzy. I understand a retired Chief of police (Somyot Poomponmuang) of Koh Tao murders fame has joined in the hunt to try another way of increasing his unusual wealth.

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

“Meanwhile, former Bangkok deputy governor and trained engineer SamartRatchapolsittecalculated the Ferrari was travelling at 126km/h. Both calculations far exceed the 79km/h estimate by university lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Saiprasit Kerdniyom, which was included in the investigation report”

Yes, it was. But you didn’t answer my question; have you moved away from your he was traveling at 77kph theory? Are you now looking for another way to defend the Red Bull rat’s abhorrent actions? 

As I pointed out eisewhere, both ferrari and bike were travelling in the same direction so  if Boss was clocking 177 kph and the cop was exceeding the speed limit (I know that sounds impossible - sarcasm)  the impact velocity would be much less than some people here are thinking of.

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Are you now looking for another way to defend the Red Bull rat’s abhorrent actions? 


You still haven't worked out that 90% of his posts on the forum are just troll posts, dropping some bait here and there?

Edited by Susco
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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

“Meanwhile, former Bangkok deputy governor and trained engineer SamartRatchapolsittecalculated the Ferrari was travelling at 126km/h. Both calculations far exceed the 79km/h estimate by university lecturer Assoc Prof Dr Saiprasit Kerdniyom, which was included in the investigation report”

Yes, it was. But you didn’t answer my question; have you moved away from your he was traveling at 77kph theory? Are you now looking for another way to defend the Red Bull rat’s abhorrent actions? 

Got  link to my post where I said he was driving 77km/h ?


But to answer your question, absolutely was that Ferrari not traveling at the previously touted 170km/h+ speed.

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16 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Got  link to my post where I said he was driving 77km/h ?


But to answer your question, absolutely was that Ferrari not traveling at the previously touted 170km/h+ speed.

So you don’t think he was going 77? What speed was he traveling at? Please do tell. 

You started defending the Red Bull rat and you’re too proud to go back. What a hill to die on. 

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Outside the expats on this forum, nobody outside of thailand knows about the íncident'.

it is time this changes. as for me, boycot r.b. worldwide, 'dirty' drink anyway. Even Salzburg soccerteam bears its name. Shame.

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How did the cocaine abuse only “recently come to light”?!

I’m pretty sure reading about him having been high on cocaine already back in 2012 shortly after the whole thing went down! 

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49 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

So you don’t think he was going 77? What speed was he traveling at? Please do tell. 

You started defending the Red Bull rat and you’re too proud to go back. What a hill to die on. 

Have I ever stated what his speed was ?


My position is the fact the damage to the vehicle is not representative of an accident at the originally claimed 170+km/h.


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