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TAT: Thai tourism is "seriously wounded" - 2020 needs the "5 R's"


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18 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

How about. 

1. Remove 1st covid19 test

2. Remove fit to fly certificate 

3. Remove the requirement to get the Embassy to sign the fit to fly certificate 

4. Remove the US%100k insurance requirement

5. Remove compulsory quarantine 

All well and good but within a few months 100s of thousands infected and dying in a country with virtually no healthcare system....not the best idea

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

In fact Thapanee Kiatphaibool said Thailand would be lucky to get 7 million visitors. 


And more than 6 million of those had already come and gone in the first three months of the year before the pandemic and its economic effect took hold during the lockdown of the country. 

I think that is one of the more realistic and honest statements I have read.  Someone is finally admitting Thailand will be lucky to get 1 million tourists between now and the end of 2020.

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9 hours ago, robsamui said:

This is a disaster entirely of their own making and, with the predictable utter lack of foresight (a quality unheard of in Thailand) they have been brainlessly sowing the seeds of their own downfall for more than a decade.  ... (more)

Now THAT was an enjoyable read -- and IMO, quite accurate.

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19 hours ago, alyx said:

seriously wounded? Isn't it an understatement?

Watching TAT constantly under estimate the problem reminds me of The Black Knight 'Tis but a scratch'. They have constantly shrugged off the seriousness of the Issue. Fighting on and spouting BS even when we all know tourism is dead and will remain so for a long long time.







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18 hours ago, AndresSP said:

They really need to stop trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic with this whole domestic tourism rhetoric - you cannot create something out of nothing.  


What they need is to immediately start working on changing public opinion on the dangers of COVID, "dirty farangs" and towards the inevitable reopening in Q4. 

well actually they can the same way banks just print money without gold to back it...

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9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:


To predict only  10% (your 36-46%) debt in GDP with the total loss of ALL tourism, exports down 20% ish and falling , car sales down 34%, unemployment and furloughed staff = to near 6,000,000 thais, is quite simply fanciful.


The 'elected' powers that be have already said they would be ok to rise it to 60% of GDP !!! So bang goes your 10% !



Of course you would assume these figures came from me and your financial expertise would be much more credible.


Even if it did go to 60% it is still short of IMF benchmark. I cannot for the life of me understand why you would want to believe the "elected powers" when they are continually vilified, but obviously it suits you.

Whatever they do the xenophobes on here will condemn it.


Government Debt to GDP in Thailand is expected to reach 46.00 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Thailand Government Debt to GDP is projected to trend around 44.50 percent in 2021 and 44.00 percent in 2022, according to our econometric models.

https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/government-debt-to-gdp#:~:text=Government Debt to GDP in Thailand is expected to reach,macro models and analysts expectations.

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18 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

Why do the Thai people in authority keep saying everything we already know? its like a stuck record thats getting really boring.

It would be the height of arrogance to think the government is addressing you rather than the Thai population, what you think is irrelevant.

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19 hours ago, rtco said:

There's another R that has been forgotten ... Replace the shambles that is supposed to be governing this country 

I wonder who that can be. Attention! Quick march! Left, right, left right! About turn!

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On 8/21/2020 at 11:52 AM, ezzra said:

The understatement of the year, people at TAT are getting paid to state the obvious and come up with catchy slogans to woo non existent imaginary tourist...

I am upset with you: you are not fair to TAT. 

Do you even know what TAT stands for ? : Tell A Tale 

Hence you should praise them for their efforts in doing so  ????

(Sorry 555)


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13 hours ago, Powellie said:

Someone stated above that if there are travel restrictions placed, no one would come. The problem is far worse than that. I have already checked with my travel agent and insurance company. They both say - If the airline is flying into Thailand and the hotel is open, you will not be able to cancel your holiday without severe financial penalties. My wife and I have a trip booked for the 17 November. I doubt if it will happen. At least I can move the date for sometime next year. If I’m forced to stay in one location and have my movement restricted, our holiday will be ruined.

And there will be many others in the same situation as you, and others that will have lost their money altogether as some airlines operate a no refunds policy (unofficially!)


Taking everything into account, if I was looking for a holiday destination, Thailand would stand out as one of the most unlikely "exotic" Asian destinations to visit - more like a punishment! 

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16 hours ago, jerolamo said:

yeah, i think the pandemic panic for this COVID-19 flu will be a record in human history on how it was possible for leadership of many countries to imagine things they really didn't knew about and how they was (are) flooded by crooks big pharma enterprises to make money without care the population health and politics leaders reputation and self control. This should reveal there real level (or interest maybe for some of them by the world).


And also how "journalist" industry didn't make there own job (but, in this so controlled powerful business world, may it be possible to them to work the way there own boss interest is looking at ?) and promote the commercial propaganda (maybe for many of them, without understand nothing really).


In my own country we see how much a terrible corruption campaign from big pharma enterprise gave money to "expert" to promote an expensive medic and for minister to forbid officially a cheaper and efficient one ! (and it is a kind of "democratic" country) This killed half of people who was able to be secure at cheap price. They let some old one to die... some of them they give something to kill... really, it is official.


It will be very soon a big international shame difficult to hide about business power versus real leadership knowledgeable in charge.

Agree with you strongly , and I believe we will be in the majority on this, a lot of panic , business over health and truly criminal actions by Govt not to forget the corrupt misinformation from the Media, let's hope the people have the powers to remove their incompetent elected when the time comes, we shall not forget.

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Well this is another nail in the coffin, SKY News is running this every few hours as one of there major headlines - I bet the TAT are going apes**t!  Basically asking how can they contain coronavirus but not road deaths, what makes me laugh is the government official says they have a 10 YEAR plan!!!



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Sorry buy domestic tourism isn't going to do it. Locals are in the same boat no money because hardly any jobs, the government is giving them money yo spend so how much extra really is being spent by the tourist and lastly if you take it out your right pocket and put it in your left does that actually create more revenue for Thailand saying that it's already in their pocket. I've tried that and funnily enough I still had the same amount when I checked.

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If they want to put the tourist recovery plan in action, they may want to ask the media to stop showing the reports that were shown on SKYnews, they, I have no doubt will find some way of blaming someone else.


Here is the link:





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On 8/21/2020 at 5:07 PM, hotchilli said:

5 million subsidised packages on offer with an up-take of only 666,000 taken, the ministers agreed to increase the offers to 10 million in the hope that might increase travel?

The Thai logic is mind-blowing.

From what I understand, a significant amount of paperwork, and jumping over hurdles, both on the part of the traveler and the resort owner.


If you are serious guys, make it easy. And if not, just admit this is a sham, a game, and you have little interest in aiding the masses. 

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On 8/21/2020 at 5:47 PM, eeworldwide said:

Why do the Thai people in authority keep saying everything we already know? its like a stuck record thats getting really boring.

Look on the bright side.

This is first time in probably 35 years a Thai tourist authority have told the truth, and not otherwise:

-straight out lied

-fudged the figures to make it look good

-pulled figures completely out their rectums



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