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Trump plans attack on Biden as U.S. faces coronavirus crisis and protests

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

Major mistake holding the RNC final day on the White House lawn. Go against normal protocul and decorum and also the gathering of 1,500 guests go against his own administration's guidelines on size, mask and social distancing. Reinforce him as a person that tramples on decency and behavior befitting a leader no less a President. His thrash speech will appeal to his bedrock supporters but will turn off the educated whites folks in swing states and the minorities. No wonder 20 GOPs decided not to attend this controversial RNC gig on the WH lawn.  

"turn off the educated whites folks"  wow what about the educated black folks eh Eric?  they don't count?

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9 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

That's a given. Black Americans college educated and non college educated do not support Trump. Roughly 8 out of 10 black voters say that there're uncomfortable with his 2020 re-election run. His 2016 election only able to muster single digit black votes. Will be worse this time. 

That's true. And since Covid-19 disproportionately affected blacks and Latinos in urban centres but not so much rural areas and businessmen in those parts, it is likely the sharpest effect of the Covid 19 voter disaffection will not have an impact on Trump's votes. Because those Black voters would not have voted for Trump anyway.



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Now Trump want Biden take drug test! Hope Biden team want Trump take electroencephalogram test , think both test not show nothing !

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3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:
4 hours ago, webfact said:

"I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon, and I mean very soon, come to an end," Trump told the Republican convention in Cleveland in July 2016.

Great message from Trump. This is what voters want to hear. And end to the crime and violence spree engulfing the nation. Not supporting, excusing, downplaying the violence and beatifying violent career criminals in a desperate bid to be approved by the woke mob. The public do not want to see talking heads boasting of mostly peaceful protests in front of burning car lots and buildings reminiscent of some Apocalypse Now scenes. It reeks of dishonesty.

 Donald Trump, the Law and Order President, does what it says on the box, and I am grateful for it.

I am truly staggered that you have posted the above in support of Trump because all it tells me is that your "Law and Order President" has done nothing at all to solve the crime and violence problem during his term, let alone "very soon"??  In retrospect his message "reeks of dishonesty" and you have not only proved it, but have reminded us of his failure to follow through with his promise..

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Just saw the Trump speech. He specifically attacked:


1. Biden not voting to pursue Ben Laden


2. Biden voting for the war in Iraq

Being in politics for 50 years and accomplishing nothing is an even more damning indictment (unless you consider locking-up a generation of young black men and taking away people's rights in bankruptcy accomplishments).

17 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Being in politics for 50 years and accomplishing nothing is an even more damning indictment (unless you consider locking-up a generation of young black men and taking away people's rights in bankruptcy accomplishments).

You're right, that is one of Biden's key problems, he is seen as part of the old guard in Washington. 


And Biden did vote for war in Yugoslavia, in Syria, in Iraq, but he accomplished very little.


Even the addition of a pretend Lil' Wayne will not electrify left-leaning voters to turn out en masse for the unassertive, vanilla politician who is seen as one of the old guard.



Just now, Logosone said:

Trump did a lot to try and fight the excessive violence which the left, BLM and ANTIFA introduced into the political discourse since the Floyd protests. However, the Washington mayor refused him the use of the police force. The mayor of Portland refused to co-operate with federal troops sent to restore order there. The mayor of Chicago refused Trump's offer to send federal troops.


So Trump tried many times to fight the forces of chaos the left has unleashed, but unsurprisingly the left-leaning Democrat mayors sabotaged his efforts.


Of course once Trump gets re-elected it will be much harder for the mayors to refuse such interventions and Trump will feel emboldened to push trough federal interventions in the Democrat cities.

Sounds like you are just playing the ol Trump blame game?


And may I ask how Trump will be better armed to fight the chaos if he is re-elected?  

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11 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Trump did a lot to try and fight the excessive violence which the left, BLM and ANTIFA introduced into the political discourse since the Floyd protests. However, the Washington mayor refused him the use of the police force. The mayor of Portland refused to co-operate with federal troops sent to restore order there. The mayor of Chicago refused Trump's offer to send federal troops.


So Trump tried many times to fight the forces of chaos the left has unleashed, but unsurprisingly the left-leaning Democrat mayors sabotaged his efforts.


Of course once Trump gets re-elected it will be much harder for the mayors to refuse such interventions and Trump will feel emboldened to push trough federal interventions in the Democrat cities.

He can push through federal interventions now. But he wont. Why not.

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4 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Great message from Trump. This is what voters want to hear. And end to the crime and violence spree engulfing the nation. Not supporting, excusing, downplaying the violence and beatifying violent career criminals in a desperate bid to be approved by the woke mob. The public do not want to see talking heads boasting of mostly peaceful protests in front of burning car lots and buildings reminiscent of some Apocalypse Now scenes. It reeks of dishonesty.

 Donald Trump, the Law and Order President, does what it says on the box, and I am grateful for it.

Why does he promise something what he could have sorted out within the last 3.5 years?

It's like: I promised that to you 4 years ago but I failed. Now I promise it again. Believe me! Yeah, sure. No more questions.

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12 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

Sounds like you are just playing the ol Trump blame game?


And may I ask how Trump will be better armed to fight the chaos if he is re-elected?  

Well, if Trump wanted to send federal troops to Democrat cities to restore order but Democrat mayors refused to allow it who is to blame for the escalation of chaos?


After Trump's re-election that in itself will give him a mandate. And I suspect Trump will have far less reservations about using the federal prerogative to send federal troops if he thinks it necessary. He was very circumspect and careful the last time and did not push the issue, only sending a few small numbers of troops. However, once re-elected he will have less cause to be so circumspect. His mandate will make it harder for Democrat mayors to justify their obstruction of law and order forces. The more the protests go on the more it will become clear it is a real issue that, as Trump says, requires a real response.

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5 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why does he promise something what he could have sorted out within the last 3.5 years?

It's like: I promised that to you 4 years ago but I failed. Now I promise it again. Believe me! Yeah, sure. No more questions.

The mass rioting and destruction only started recently, after the Floyd protests.  It took time for BLM and the extreme left to whip the gullible masses into a frenzy. When Trump tried to respond he was sabotaged by Democrat mayors again and again.


The mayor of Washington refused him the use of police. The mayor of Portland refused to co-operate with federal troops. The mayor of Chicago refused to allow federal troops at all.


Given the climate at the time Trump was careful not to push the issue and only sent a few troops to the very worst affected areas. However, a re-election would give him a clear mandate to address the law and order problem in the US. And since Trump can't be re-elected again he would have no compunction to impose law and order above the mayors' objections this time around.



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6 hours ago, webfact said:

"These guys are rooting for violence. That's what it's all about," Biden said on CNN. "To prove the issue 'be scared of Joe Biden,' they're pointing to what's happening in Donald Trump's America."

 Americans  are scared of you because of  your  radical supporters and your 40 years of being complicit,  part of the Washington establishment,who promised so much and yet your political rhetoric is just what it has been through out your life, as a career politician!


I must confess I have a question  about this statement 

"rooting for violence" I read your speech at  the dem convention,  the two things that stood out for me, is there wasn't anything mentioned about the riots that caused, looting ,deaths,firers, destruction and anarchy in the streets !


 The other,you mentioned in your speech,

 "My father taught us that silence was complicity.  And I could never remain silent or complicit".  

What a hypocrite !


"Democrats' silence on our summer of violence is a tactical blunder"


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The China thing is hilarious since Bolton has revealed that Trump basically asked them for help to get re-elected and got rebuffed. Let's not forget he was praising China when Covid was in the early times. Then when he realized he didn't get his way he's back on the attack. 

Same with the Iraq War thing. Trump was also in support of it, no matter how many times he tries to make it seem like he wasn't. He pretends that things like video and audio do not exist. 

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems you think more police and more soldiers on American streets will make the situation better. Really?

Did anybody over there learn anything from the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.? More soldiers is not the same as making peace!


What did Trump do to make the situation for the American people and especially for the blacks and other minorities better? The job of the president is supposed to be to work for all Americans and to make life better for all American - including those black guys.

America has a big racism problem and Trump and his behavior make that problem bigger. It won't go away by using more police and more federal law enforcement and more soldiers.

It will only get better if the president works to make it better. And that is the opposite of what Trump is doing.

But obviously that helps him in a way: Those are the bad guys, we have to fight them. We need more police, more weapons, etc. 

America, the land of the free. Yeah, sure.

First of all Americans are not like Arabs or Afghans who will fight to the death. Most of the left wing protesters do not know how to fight, have never fought apart from throwing stones at police cars, burning police cars or throwing water bottles at police. These Americans were not invaded by a foreign force. I think it is fair to say they will not fight to the death. A strong and robust response from law enforcement and federal troops would most likely subdue these protests quite quickly and easily. It seems to be working quite well in Belarus where the protesters have become significantly subdued after Putin made clear he was putting together a special force to intervene if it should become necessary.


That is how you deal with such protests. If you just let them run, like the Democrat mayors, you just have to look at recent history and the collapse of the Soviet empire where when the states did not intervene the states collapsed. 


So yes, I do think more soldiers on the streets would quickly dispose of the genie the left has unleashed on the US.


Yes, America is the land of the free, but when that freedom is abused and morphs into violent and wanton destruction, when it is abused, as the left BLM people have abused it, then a corrective measure is needed.


Yes, there is discrimination in the US, there is racism. The fact that this racism persists after hundreds of years, despite riots which we saw back in 1863 already, shows that riots certainly are not the answer. Many presidents have done things to improve the position of blacks, from legislation that made mortgages more accessible to blacks to laws that prevent job discrimination, in fact the average salary of blacks has gone up for many decades. Interestingly when they loot now they don't loot for food but for luxury Gucci gear.


I think it would be naive to expect one president to end racism. And it would be naive to buy this BLM agenda that blacks are terribly disadvantaged in the US. A cursory look at the statistics shows this is not true. More whites than blacks are killed by police. There are plenty of black millionaires and middle class in America. This is not an issue of blacks being disadvantaged. This is an issue of law and order. 


For almost 200 years the race riots have not gone away. For the last 50 years blacks have consistently committed 53% of homicides with only 13% of the population. It's no wonder that police are terrified on the streets. There is much to fear. Look at black on black crime  in Chicago.


Maybe in the 1930s it was possible to argue this was caused by economic disadvantages for blacks. This is not the case now. It has gone on for too long, and the economic situation of blacks is too good for this kind of argument.


What we can see is great criminality. Violent protests. The state has every right to fight back now.


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6 hours ago, fangless said:

If people could actually believe anything that Trump says there would be no need to spend all that time on “fact checks”.

That's the new Trumpers defence line. They don't claim any more that Trump is not lying, they complain he is fact-checked! ????

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