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Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, saying his life was likely in danger


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A voice of sanity:



I was a cop for 33 years. Why didn’t Kenosha police question an armed vigilante in a riot-torn city?

Any person walking about with a loaded AR-15 needs to be stopped and detained.


Criticizing cops is not something I make a habit of doing, but having been one for 33 years it’s almost inconceivable to me that armed vigilantes wandering a riot-torn city did not get the slightest bit of scrutiny until people were dead.





Voice of insanity:



My officers did nothing wrong in allowing teen gunman to walk away after allegedly killing 2 protesters, Kenosha police chief says

‘There was nothing to suggest this individual was involved in any criminal behavior,’ Chief Dan Miskinis said Friday of the circumstances his officers faced.


Kenosha police Chief Daniel Miskinis on Friday tried to rationalize why his officers allowed a teenage gunman to walk away from the scene after authorities have said he killed two people with an assault rifle — a situation that led to heavy criticism of the department.


Cellphone videos show that, in the moments after the Tuesday night shooting, Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, walked toward police while carrying a rifle, with his hands up — as if to surrender — as people nearby shouted to alert officers that he was the shooter.

But officers didn’t stop him, and Rittenhouse kept walking.




Uhh.... how about... a baby faced kid carrying an assault rifle in a state where minors are forbidden to do so... And one who comes walking out of a shots fired/riot type situation with his hands raised above his head in surrender style while people nearby shout... he's the shooter???


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has revealed her fear that the US is 'descending into a race war' as violence across the country continues and the FBI probes a potential network of domestic terrorists who may be traveling to protest hotspots. 



Race war. LOL.  Way to gobble up the media lies during an election cycle.  Notice that all the 'racism' news is from about 6-8 Democratic cities that are trying to gaslight the general public.  Outside of those ghettos, life is the same as always.  We have coffee in the morning with our multi-racial friends outside of our million dollar homes and shake our head at the idiots like Bowser and Deblasio and the idiot mayors of Portland and Chicago.  ????




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16 hours ago, Mansell said:

Some minor....he’s being charged as an adult. 

He is a minor in the mind of the right wingers!

On the othet hand, Trayvon Martin was a dangerous thug!

...both were/ are 17, one was carrying a riffle, one was carrying Skittls!

I wonder what makes Martin a thug and "Riffle Kid" a hero?


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16 hours ago, Smigel said:

Check out Ben shapiro on you tube. 

Completely dismantles the lefty narrative with video evidence and eye witness reports. 

I usually try to gain some insight into the trail of events before posting, maybe you should give it a try. 




Ben Shapiro?!


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8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Interesting article...   Unfortunately, under the circumstances, the article doesn't even seem to broach one of the first questions I would have wanted to have answered and ask the racist guy they clearly interviewed -- which is how exactly did the two of them end up being together in Kenosha? 


Did Rittenhouse respond to some kind of an online call-out by militia type groups? Did they end up together just by chance?  Something else... It would seem more than just an odd coincidence that rifle boy happened to end up with this particular type of character.


Try to piece together some of the clues, it's really not that difficult to comprehend. 

Cities and some suburbs in America have now endured over 90 days of Anarchy, looting, Arson and extreme violence. I think you call it "peaceful protesting". 

Understandably, civilised people with even a modicum of sanity, have had enough of seeing their livelihoods, neighbourhoods and country, being washed down the toilet, by brain dead anarchists and criminals. 

Across America civilians in their hundreds of thousands are arming themselves and forming groups or " militia" to protect said businesses and property. 

Which is what Kyle Rittenhouse was doing on the night his life turned upside down, because 3 criminal scum were determined to cause him either injury or death. 

There, fixed it for ya. 

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11 minutes ago, Smigel said:

Interesting that you laugh at Ben Shapiro, an intelligent commentator if ever there was one. 

I'm guessing your champions of political discourse are called Chris cuomo, Don lemon and Rachel Maddow. 


Yeah...right on the money, pal! 

Ben Shapiro...Jesus!


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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They shouldn't have attacked an armed man then. Rather falls into the "self inflicted" category IMO.

Brave men attacking someone who just shot and killed a man. They were trying to prevent him doing more.


if they wanted to kill him the guy with the handgun would have just shot him, and should have.

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I'm looking forward to the Militia members who were with the kid to be charged as accomplices to First Degree Murder. I know that, for example, when there is a drive-by shooting, those in the car are also charged as if they were the triggerman. 

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Just been watching a documentary on the civil rights movement and the riots of 1968, that followed the deaths of Dr ML King and Robert Kennedy.  Why has nothing changed in over 50 years? Have the US learnt nothing.  The documentary shows Police over reaction and brutality in graphic detail. Judging by some of the views and comments on this post, some people's minds are so closed to reform and what is really at the heart of the US 'race disease', that I think nothing ever will change in that wounded country. 

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6 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

Just been watching a documentary on the civil rights movement and the riots of 1968, that followed the deaths of Dr ML King and Robert Kennedy.  Why has nothing changed in over 50 years? Have the US learnt nothing.  The documentary shows Police over reaction and brutality in graphic detail. Judging by some of the views and comments on this post, some people's minds are so closed to reform and what is really at the heart of the US 'race disease', that I think nothing ever will change in that wounded country. 

Seems rather different from today .

I dont see the police attacking peaceful protestors , actually the police are letting violent destructive rioters carry on without intervening .

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5 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Seems rather different from today .

I dont see the police attacking peaceful protestors , actually the police are letting violent destructive rioters carry on without intervening .

America has had a two-term black president and a self-identified black woman on a major party presidential ticket right now...but to some, "nothing has changed."


Can anyone give a list of all the many black prime ministers, presidents, and chancellors our "woke" European peers have had...oh wait.

Edited by Pattaya Spotter
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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Seems rather different from today .

I dont see the police attacking peaceful protestors , actually the police are letting violent destructive rioters carry on without intervening .

Of course they have. That you refuse to watch doesnt change the fact that they have attacked peaceful protester, and even journalists.

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1 minute ago, Sujo said:

Of course they have. That you refuse to watch doesnt change the fact that they have attacked peaceful protester, and even journalists.

Show me some evidence of the police attacking law abiding peaceful protestors , law abiding as in not causing an obstruction or anything , standing there peacefully in a public park holding a placard 

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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Barnes himself is right leaning BUT is also a civil rights advocate and being from Winconsin, a legal expert in their law.


I'm sure the Trump, right-wing, pro guns, pro militia media and online world is going to be working overtime for months to come in an effort to portray this killer kid as some kind of hero...  Because to them, of course, he is... 


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36 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Show me some evidence of the police attacking law abiding peaceful protestors , law abiding as in not causing an obstruction or anything , standing there peacefully in a public park holding a placard 



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11 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

They didnt follow the Polices instructions .

They were told to move away and they didnt, so they forcefully got removed 

And what about the clip with Ari Velshi at the end of the first video? The police pulled up in cars and just started gassing and shooting. 

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34 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I'm sure the Trump, right-wing, pro guns, pro militia media and online world is going to be working overtime for months to come in an effort to portray this killer kid as some kind of hero...  Because to them, of course, he is... 


Please don't think I've changed my mind on the legitimacy of all this. I mean, a 17 year old wandering around with an AR-15 in a highly charged environment was just asking for trouble and I'm sure you're correct, he will be seen as the poster child for 'right-wing, pro guns, pro militia media' but purely from a legal stand-point, it looks like Wisconsuin statutes have him pretty much covered. 

Again, I don't think this is any way correct but the law is the law even if it's particularly odeous. Stand your ground/self-defence laws all stem from the US's obsession with guns and a 2nd ammendment dating back hundreds of years and most certainly are viewed as crazy by any other civilised country. But that's what the US is all about and why this boy (because that's what he is), is likely to get off with shooting 3 people and killing two.  

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

Show me some evidence of the police attacking law abiding peaceful protestors , law abiding as in not causing an obstruction or anything , standing there peacefully in a public park holding a placard 

Try the bible photo op by the church. They were peacefully in the park. 


Search journalists assaulted at protests.


up to you if you want to know or not. There are plenty.

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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

He was getting chased around town by rioters 

With an AR-15 strapped to his back. 

Two wrongs don't make a right and neither parties are innocent in this. Him for being there in the first place with a deadly weapon strapped on and those that were looting and rioting. Point though is no 17 year old is mature enough to be in this situation in the first place and the road all of this is going down is going to see many, many more instances like this before it comes to an end.

High emotions and guns don't go well together. 

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1 minute ago, johnnybangkok said:

With an AR-15 strapped to his back. 

Two wrongs don't make a right and neither parties are innocent in this. Him for being there in the first place with a deadly weapon strapped on and those that were looting and rioting. Point though is no 17 year old is mature enough to be in this situation in the first place and the road all of this is going down is going to see many, many more instances like this before it comes to an end.

High emotions and guns don't go well together. 

I disagree, he acted remarkably restrained and mature when he was being chased down the road and being shot at .

  He only open fired when he was being physically assaulted and his life was in danger 

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