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Trump's physician denies president had a stroke in November

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Maybe some doctor should explain to us why Trump is not able to finish most sentences. He was able to do that a couple of years ago. What's the medical problem? Or is he just getting old and senile? 

1 minute ago, Poet said:

Wonderful. If Trump has dementia that should mean that Biden will DEFINITELY win when they debate. The Democrats should insist that all 3 debates are held as soon as possible. Don't let Trump wriggle out of it!

Trump will just talk over Biden. It's the vice presidential debates I'm looking forward to. Pence vs Harris. Poor Mike he's probably quaking in his shoes as we speak. Lamb to the slaughter.

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It seems Pence is now suffering memory loss, in reference to when Trump was rushed into the Walter Reed Hospital, Pence says ‘he doesn’t recall if he was asked to standby to take over if Trump needed surgery’.


Being asked to be ready to stand in for the President while he’s just been rushed into hospital doesn’t sound like the kind of thing anyone would have difficulty recalling.



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3 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I can only agree to disagree.

"Joe Biden's agenda is made in China. My agenda is Made in the USA"


Oh come on, that's pure genius. There is genius in simplicity!


Maybe you need to watch it again.



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38 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Hahahahaha, that is the most ridiculous stupid propaganda I have ever seen. I mean so stupid it beggars belief. A man sounds different when he's making a speech in a football stadium than when he's in an interview. Oh wow, what a significant and superb analysis. I am totally convinced now that Trump had a stroke, is senile....good work, good work.


Wow, what a load of horse manure.


Face it, Trump is among the most eloquent, verbally agile and intelligent presidents the US have ever had. Maybe not the silver tongue that was Obama, but compare him to Bush, Carter, or Biden and Trump is obviously among the most verbally gifted politicians the US has ever had. Magnificently fit for his age, especially mentally.



You may want to tell ivanka who doesnt think her father is quite so eloquent.




He appears to be considerably weaker, disjointed, stressed, reckless, mistake prone, and hobbled, than he was even a year ago. It is my belief that he is seriously ill. And not just mentally. 


He will be able to get plenty of rest in a few short months. Nothing to do at home. No new deals at the failing Trump Organization. Hard to sell a radioactive name. 

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44 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Rambling and incoherent with huge amount of lies thrown in the mix. You approve that low bar. 



And Biden claiming that Trump is responsible for the street protests is the epitome of truth of course?


Look, to expect politicians to be truthful is like expecting stock markets to only go up. Or women to look better as they age. It just won't happen.


However, in terms of coherence that RNC speech, which I saw, was extremely coherent and full of specific detail. Unlike Biden's generic platitudes.


He did seem a touch tired, but then his close brother and best friend just died. And what he is facing are challenges no other president has faced, the once in a hundred years China virus, domestic terrorism from Antifa and marxists who burn city after city, not exactly a relaxing holiday camp to be president.


But I take strong issue with the leftist lie that Trump had a stroke or is mentally incompetent, that's just lies. His RNC speech was very coherent. Good speech.

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31 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Talk about eloquent, Ivanka Trump was like a radiant Superhero from a DC comic, clearly if there ever is a female president it will be Ivanka Trump not that fake pretend Lil' Wayne. 


What she was saying however was that Trump was always up front and you always knew where he stood. That is the case. It is better to have someone who is real and gets things done than a silver tongue like Obama who accomplished nothing. Trump never hides his opinion, that's a good thing. People may not like it, but they know where they stand with Trump.

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6 hours ago, Poet said:

Sadly, I have personal experience of helping people who have suffered mini strokes.

Thank goodness you joined TVF just in time to help us deal with this thread.



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Just now, bendejo said:

Thank goodness you joined TVF just in time to help us deal with this thread.

Thank you, I appreciate the support.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The president remains healthy and I have no concerns about his ability to maintain the rigorous schedule ahead of him.

Yep, once November vote is done he’ll be able to relax and focus 100% on golf. He can make it till then. 

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4 hours ago, johnray said:

I agree with U.S. President Donald Trump.  He did not have a stroke.

Absolutely, he said so himself.

But he did not say he did not have a heart attack, so what can we take take from that?  He also did not say he is HIV negative.  However, after one of his 'exams' he did say "everything came back positive."  Uh-oh.


I went out for coffee today.  While I was out I did not steal from a blind beggar.  Nope, not me.  There is no reason to accuse me of such a thing.



7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Yep, once November vote is done he’ll be able to relax and focus 100% on golf. He can make it till then. 

"Yep"?  I don't know that word.

I suspect that Trump, a non-smoker and non-boozer, may, despite his daily Macdonald's hamburger, have a system low enough in bad cholesterol and high in good cholesterol to "make it" till January 20 at the very least.

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17 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Fred Trump lived to the age of 94. Clearly Trump inherited superb genes.


In light of the longevity we can expect of Trump, and his robust health, perhaps we should consider amending the constitution to allow Trump to serve a bit longer? Like Putin did.

Fred Trump struggles with Alzheimer. Beginning to make sense for Donald’s wandering behavior. 

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45 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Talk about eloquent, Ivanka Trump was like a radiant Superhero from a DC comic, clearly if there ever is a female president it will be Ivanka Trump not that fake pretend Lil' Wayne. 


What she was saying however was that Trump was always up front and you always knew where he stood. That is the case. It is better to have someone who is real and gets things done than a silver tongue like Obama who accomplished nothing. Trump never hides his opinion, that's a good thing. People may not like it, but they know where they stand with Trump.

How can anyone know where they stand with his 20,000 lies.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Fred Trump struggles with Alzheimer. Beginning to make sense for Donald’s wandering behavior. 

Fred Trump was already 88 by then.  The younger the family member was at the time of their diagnosis, the higher the risk for the sibling so Trump should be allright.



2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

How can anyone know where they stand with his 20,000 lies.

Well, when Biden lies through his teeth that Trump is responsible for the riots you know where he stands, don't you?

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8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

What city after city is burning.


no one reported he had a stroke, it was trump that opened that can of worms by saying he hadnt.


We all know that he is mentally incompetent, even his family says that.

No. What we are seeing is a clear smear campaign by Democrats to insinuate the president is sick when he is not.


The Trump campaign also called for CNN to fire Lockhart, saying he, too, had spread the rumor. Lockhart, who was White House press secretary under President Bill Clinton, had asked on Twitter on Monday night whether Trump had had “a stroke which he is hiding from the American public,” but he denied reporting any kind of stroke as fact.


Also Matt Drudge’s site led with a story by The Hill reporting the president’s morning tweet, running the headline “TRUMP DENIES MINI-STROKE SENT HIM TO HOSPITAL.” Trump later lashed out at Drudge, claiming that Drudge himself reported the president had had a stroke.




Clearly a smear campaign by the Democrats. It's election time and the Democrats think they have to resort to dirty tricks.

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