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Trump denies report that he spoke disparagingly of U.S. war dead


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2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

What did you mean when you posted "the Dems have figured out the only way to beat him is to as low as he goes."

  Was that admitting that the Dems made this story up ?

If not, what did you mean ?

no, it means they usually dont bother with the <deleted>. But trump just lies so much and the US is in crisis because of him that its time to ditch the high road and tell it like it is.


I thought a trump supporter would repect that.

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32 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Even Faux News is now confirming that Trump called fallen soldiers losers and suckers. Just hope this message will get across to the American voters loud and clear, that Trump is an awful human being and a sorry excuse for a man. Vote him out, and then lock him up! 

His core base really doesn't care if it is true. He is leading a cult of personality political movement. His followers are with him no matter what to the bitter end. That's why it's a waste of time engaging with such people.

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4 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:

And tonight we have a nearly 74 year old man claiming on national television he's NEVER had the flu and he's NEVER had a flu vaccination.   Don't know for certain about either claim but I'm calling BS on the  suggestion he's NEVER had the flu.    Heck, he must have roomed with "The Boy in the Bubble".


Influenza is different to the common cold

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On 9/4/2020 at 6:15 PM, LomSak27 said:

Trumps track record when caught, claim it is fake news and lie, works too. Amazing

Trump referred to the 1,800 Marines who died at the pivotal Battle of Belleau Wood as "suckers." The Associated Press later confirmed the report.


They confirmed the report. They could not confirm that the allegation was true.

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Doesn’t surprise me trump ripped off the ambassador not in the least I’ve often wondered about the art in the White House how much of it he’s pilfered allready be kinda funney if he gets charged with theft lol


Said previously, good that trump didn't take a liking to the Ambassador's grand-daughter.





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38 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Said previously, good that trump didn't take a liking to the Ambassador's grand-daughter.



Trump does have a thing for young girls.  Michael Cohen must have been disgusted beyond words when Trump was taking a liking to his 15 yr old daughter.  Perv-in-Chief!!


["When did she get so hot?" Trump asked when he learned the girl he'd been leering at was Cohen's daughter, according to Cohen.]



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4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

The incoming President may want to start taking inventory of the White House now.  When Trump leaves, he may decide to take everything...including that resolute desk. 

he did it already

Trump posts photo alongside Goya products in the Oval Office - Business  Insider

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