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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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4 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

She did win. She won by over 3 million votes. But Trump conspired, coordinated and colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal 2016 election from Hilary! And he Trump tried to do it again in Ukraine by withholding congressionally approved funds for the defense of our vital ally Ukraine in exchange for politically damaging information on Joe Biden. 

Face it. All these riots, protests and looting are caused by Trump!! It will not end if he wins. We can only secure a lasting peace free from racial strife and divisions if we only elect Joe Biden. 


Maybe get familiar with how USA elections work. Winning the popular vote doesn't necessarily mean the candidate won the elections. People may have differing opinions as to whether it's fair or just, but bottom line, it is what it is.


Trump may be responsible for many things, but he did not cause the riots, protests and looting. Doubt if Biden wins we'll "secure a lasting peace free from racial strife and divisions". Things may get better, some, but go away? No.

4 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

He won because he campaigned and brought fully to fruition the end of dictatorships across the world. Libya is now free from Gaddhafi (who was on the path to nuclear weapons until Bush bribes him not to do it) and Syria is free from Assad (who threatened to chemically attack his own citizens under Trumps watch). Barack Obama was the light in the darkness. He was the statement to prove that America isn’t a racist country. Now we need Joe Biden to carry on that torch. To both heal the black and white division and to restore global peace throughout the world. 


Obama got his Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Gaddafi was ousted 2011. Libya been effectively embroiled in a civil war since then. Saying it's an improvement is questionable. Syria is not "free of Assad" - Assad still rules Syria, and even though weakened, there's no credible opposition to replace him. Chemical attacks against Syrian civilians were carried out during Obama's term as well.


It should be possible to oppose Trump without resorting to such nonsense.

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18 minutes ago, polpott said:

Something makes me think that if the poll had shown Trump leading by 12 points, you wouldn't have shown as much disdain for the poll.

I don't give a rats about Trump.

It's a poll of 823 people, let alone the stated affiliations. If I was a Democrat advisor I'd advise the team leaders to ignore it, is meaningless.

And if I was American, I would probably prefer not to vote. They're good at that and with this line up is little wonder ????

4 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

They’re just desperate and grasping for air. Joe Biden has more energy and resolve to heal the race wars caused by Trump. When Biden is elected we’ll finally be able to free our black brothers and sisters from over 400 years of enslavement and oppression. We’ll be able to uplift our brothers and sisters in the LatinX community to finally be fully fledged American citizens !  This is what at stake and Joe Biden can achieve all. We need to Better Build Back





Biden, even if elected, is unlike to heal any race wars. It's a bit bigger than that. Trump, for all his faults, did not "cause" race wars. Poured gasoline on fire, yes - but the issues predate him. Blacks in America are not enslaved, regardless of the nonsense "400 years" bit.


Taken separately, the nonsense, disinformation, alternative facts and over the top statements appearing in various posts might have been acceptable. But the way it's presented is almost as if someone was trying real hard to paint a target for Trump supporters to hit. What gives it away, IMO, is the LatinX bit. A step too far. As said in Tropical Thunder - "Everybody knows you never do a full retard."

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3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

So , a Poll where the majority of people asked were Biden supporters found out that the majority of people would vote for Biden in an election .

  They need to conduct another poll where the majority of polled people are Trump supporters and then see what those results would be 


I seriously doubt figures weren't weighted to compensate for the discrepancy between the two groups.

3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

OK, once again , just for you : Trump meant that they weren't all bad people (Bad people being the Nazis) there were also some good people among them as well 


This is not necessarily what Trump meant, but rather your opinion and version of what Trump meant. That you treat it as fact or as carrying more weight doesn't make it so.

2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Gotta wonder of the Biden supporters here on TV: how many of you live in Thailand, but hail from the west coast states?  And how many simply post from the west coast states?  And while I’m at it, how many live in, or hail from Nancy Pelosi’s district?


Whereas Trump supporters....?

3 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

They’re just desperate and grasping for air. Joe Biden has more energy and resolve to heal the race wars caused by Trump. When Biden is elected we’ll finally be able to free our black brothers and sisters from over 400 years of enslavement and oppression. We’ll be able to uplift our brothers and sisters in the LatinX community to finally be fully fledged American citizens !  This is what at stake and Joe Biden can achieve all. We need to Better Build Back




???????? Deluded much.? 

Perhaps you could explain why creepy Joe hasn't bothered to do this in his previous 48 years in the senate. 

Particularly as he had the perfect opportunity as vice president for 8 years. 


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1 hour ago, Donga said:

What a joke of a poll!
"It gathered responses from 823 likely voters of which 390 identified as Democrats and 351 as Republicans."

I'm surprised Reuters published this and gobsmacked anyone takes it seriously.

Come back with at least 80,000 respondents spread across the country. 


It's normal for polls to be conducted on a relatively small sample. In some ways, it actually contributes to lessening chances of certain issues possibly effecting results. Polls citing support for Trump on this or that use similar methodologies. Differences in various group sizes can be accounted for by several statistical means. One would thought these sort of things were more widely known by now...

1 hour ago, Morch said:


Your opinion is not fact. You do not speak for any "we".

Unless by "we" you meant hardcore-Trump-supporters, then no, then "we" don't universally "know" what you claimed.

You should try taking a look on the Internet, there are lots of examples of creepy Joe, sticking his face and hands over young kids and refusing to let go. The sheer look of terror on some of the kids faces is unnerving to say the least. 

Even the parents faces show a degree of concern, but are too scared to say anything. 

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3 hours ago, earlinclaifornia said:

MSNBC went to a trump event and asked the supporters what they will do if he loses the election. One said they will just go away and another said he will get his gun

Please provide a link to prove your statement.

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On 9/9/2020 at 7:29 PM, Jingthing said:

Thats the good news.

Here's the bad news. 

If Biden wins the popular vote by less than 3 percent he easily loses though 2 is much better odds than 2.

4 percent and its about 50 50.

At 5 percent he almost definitely wins.

What kind of democracy it where you need to win by 5 percent to be sure of winning?

A democracy seeking stability.

  • Confused 1
9 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

The US needs new leadership with fresh new ideas. We cannot go back to the old stale direction of Trump and America First. We need someone who understands the pain of systemic racism. What it means to be white in America and can empathize with the blacks. 

I always feel uncomfortable when I read people say things like "the blacks". It reminds me of Chappelle and the "wh0res uniform" joke - Now I'm definitely not saying you're a racist. But I digress...


Honest question: What do you say to the millions of people of color that support Donald Trump (Hell, over a million of "the blacks" alone voted for him in the last election and more might this time round)? Do you empathize with them?

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14 minutes ago, Nout said:

You should know about Blake's background. Find your own link if you really care.

You make the claim so the onus is on you to back it up. Otherwise its just unsubstantiated opinion.

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14 minutes ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

If you believe the polls, I have ice castles in the sahara desert to sell you! Step right up and get one now, before they are all sold out!

Tell trump to stop complaining about them. The polls were correct for the last election.

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Well, obviously you'd chop off the part of my post addressing the inaccuracies and exaggerations in your original. Can understand that, it's embarrassing.


Allow me to doubt your additional comments being factual or sincere. Given the new level of all too obvious hyperbole, though, I feel reassured of my previous take. Nice, but you'll just have to try harder.

1 hour ago, SABloke said:

I always feel uncomfortable when I read people say things like "the blacks". It reminds me of Chappelle and the "wh0res uniform" joke - Now I'm definitely not saying you're a racist. But I digress...


Honest question: What do you say to the millions of people of color that support Donald Trump (Hell, over a million of "the blacks" alone voted for him in the last election and more might this time round)? Do you empathize with them?

Two words: race traitors!

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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

Yes, even some blacks are stupid.

One thing in noticed is that many of the so called justice-warriors are exhibiting behavior worse than the examples making them unhinged, like name-calling or racism. Careful you don't paint yourself with that brush, it is backfiring against the rioters currently, where Americans now see them as the dreggs of society.  Be mature.

53 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah voting against your own interests crosses all lines.

Only 11 percent of blacks voted for 45 in 2016.

That's a very tiny percentage of blacks.

Indeed among major demographic groups, blacks were the most overwhelmingly anti-45 and still are.

So it's kind of lame to obsess about the outlier black voters. They are not at all representative. 

However, what was accomplished by 45 and his cheeseburger helpers in Moscow is that a way too large a percentage of blacks just didn't vote at all in 2016.

For 45's interests, that's what he's really going for again.

Nobody in their right mind expects blacks to turn towards 45.

As Biden says , unless they vote for him, they arent really Black at all .

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