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Thailand to Finalize Entry Plan for Foreign Visitors by October


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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Every day the same drivel, we're opening up, we're not open, we're opening up... not anytime soon...

every office has a different story... gets the same story and stop making yourselves look stupid.

They don't need to look stupid, they are stupid, the soldiers dancing to General Cha Chas tune. :cheesy:

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19 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

This is big.  I can foresee literally tens of tourists entering under this scheme.

Tens of tourist lining up, maybe 15 at the most would be a good guess. That pretty much sums up this thread/ all new final plan, might as well close it!!!????

Wait for the new final plan tomorrow.

Edited by RANGER55
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all of these re-open plans drastically overestimate the desire of tourists to travel right now


and that there is this pressure built up from people who are begging to come here if only the spigot were opened.


I was at kata beach last week and heard from the staff at the 1 of 3 restaurants open that many hotels were planning to re-open for october based on tourists coming back then....

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They are lucky, that Mr. Squarehead is already 71 and seems to have lost a lot of his former power...


If it goes on like that, it needs only one charismatic person to focus the Thai on fighting for their wellbeing and the current system and a certain institution are swept away by a huge Tsunami.



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We're leaving together,
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, Thailand who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame  (or is there?)
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown


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1 hour ago, natway09 said:

So why are all you guys grizzling about the Government restrictions not going to the Phillippines 

where 2,700 cases & 70 deaths yesterday.

Please start giving this Government some consideration for trying to keep you safe.

If you are caught offshore I feel for you but that is no reason to bash because you got caught on the wrong side of the fence

Silly reply. Thailand needs courageous leadership. They don't have it. The army are major cowards. ANY person from ANY nation should be welcome starting tomorrow, if they are willing to subject themselves to a 14 day quarantine and pay excessive fees for that two week sentence. There is no downside or risk, and only upside for the nation. No groveling from a local consulate should be required. That is utter nonsense. A covid free letter and a booking at an approved hotel. Period. Starting tomorrow. 

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11 hours ago, SVC Porter said:

Here we go again!

What else to expect from Lo(F)S - Land of Failed Strategies ... :thumbsup:

Edited by ttrd
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2 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

Self quarranting at your destination home or hotel and track and trace would be a start. 

no, stop the story time, COVID now is no more a pandemic situation.

It is a politic mixed with business situation and the only one thing to be spread there is the fear to sale something by force.


The solution is to care about justice in countries around the world to detect and show cases of corruption from big international pharma monopoly companies.

And judge responsibles of that two side.


Then open border and care about life and work of people really without trust anymore the one who are in conflict interest as it is not legal.

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4 hours ago, natway09 said:

I disagree.

I know 5 or 6 people on retirement here with apartments they own or long term lease that will gladly spend 14 days in a quarantine hotel to come back where it is safe & authorities are taking the virus seriously to protect both us & the Thai populus at large (unlike some countries where the $$$$$$ is King & peoples health does not count).

They will then enjoy their 4 or 5 months holiday & spend some monies along the way


you missed a lot of real information there.


You should start to consider to read some news papers who are not the property of big business people.

They catch you by the propaganda and they will sale you some vaccine and more easy. They will also recover a kind of economic bubble from corruption by the fact to let you use money you didn't win to much and get money back from your fees a lot. Then they will make every government social laws very low because of that situation.

This COVID pandemic is now at the end, it is finish as we can no more call it a pandemic right now, because infected population is asymptomatic as many other virus existing. The people die proportion is lower now than 0.5% and touch only very fragile people and very old one (in the same time).


Do you want to kill economy for this kind of season flu statistic virus been ? Don't you see how much will die because of poverty and because of killing the freedom and social system ?

please... inform yourself better, don't read the propaganda news papers, there is a lot, i know...

Edited by jerolamo
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4 hours ago, RedReding said:

Honestly think they will have to give priority to people who have a house lease and let them do the 14 days quarantine at their home. No one will ever accept to pay for a 14 days quarantine in a hotel when they already have a rent to be paid or are the owner of a house/condo in the country. Makes zero sense.


I share you thoughts exactly.   Here in the UK when we had to quarantine for 14 days, we did it at home. The authorities check from time to time and come down hard on those who are not at home when they should be.


Thailand could do the same for those of us who have property in Thailand. There are 2 reasons why they will not do this :


1.  They are civil servants. Senior civil servants do not move away from their desk/ office.  Their work is to pass papers around.  They can be judged on their efficiency by the number of papers in their out tray at the end of the day.  If somethings needs to be done outside the office, they a have a low ranking civil servant to do the job.  Obviously the low ranking civil servant would not have the authority to check on farang in their houses/condos,  and the senior civil servants will never go out in the sun. Obviously any checking must be done between the hours of 8.30 and 16.30.


2. They are incapable of finding the farang's house.  They cannot read a map. I say this with all seriousness as I have worked with them and have noted this failing on many occasions.  This is why nobody knows if houses are being built on forestry land (for example).   They do not want to admit to their ignorance in the basic skill of map reading. 

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6 hours ago, connda said:

Your parents are vulnerable to the seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory infections as well.  Did you worry about infecting them with a cold, or flu, or pneumonia before March 2020?  My guess is no. 
What's different other than governments world-wide rolling out "experts" to tell you that Covid may not kill you but granny and gramps are sure to die if you don't social distance and wear a mask 24/7, all the while allow Big Tech giant unregulated permission to censor any other "experts" who don't support the WHO/CDC "Covid is going to get you all" narrative.

By the way.  Before anyone climbs on board to call me a heartless monster who wants to kill granny and grandpa - I am Grandpa! 
Free society is being torn down and replaced with literal totalitarianism, and economies and the economic lives of billions are being destroyed for what is no worse that a seasonal flu.  And folk just obey their "leaders" and go along with the trip into the abyss.




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1 minute ago, GeorgeCross said:




sure, you said the true.

Some international private society very influential business (huge money... as huge as the full money use for a little country has) corrupt all the "no democracy" government and paid a lot to do propaganda (it is not new, we know that with many proof before this COVID situation), and they use all the situation they find to increase the money plan for themselves and auction owners.

There is absolutely nothing in relation with health and care about population, but a way to sale something by force and to decrease power of societies and by this way, democracies.

The experts you were talking about, all of them, have conflict interest business plan with this story. That is the definitive proof of the zero integrity level from them.

And this should definitely fix the problem by: what is doing the justice right now ? Why are they not in trail, the "experts" paid by international companies to be commercial in real facts, and all corrupted people and boss on top, but it should also by the trail of this no law, free market crazy world and the result of this bonobo culture.

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9 minutes ago, Sharp said:

As already said Covid-19 is a lower mortality rate than FLU% which HAS a vaccine!!


Let that sink in people''' 

The vaccine against the season flu, there in French, we got the proof that it was again a big error to practice, because instead of fix problem, it increase some other, and don't resolve many of the initial targeted one (the most scandalous one was for the Polio, they had to stop one of them because people who didn't have the Polio got it... big fail ! But they don't speak to much about that in your news paper, for sure... you are the client, without you, no business plan to sale <deleted>).

And you should look at studies around that who are to publish in the same news paper printed from property of big business boos companies.

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13 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

The vaccine against the season flu, there in French, we got the proof that it was again a big error to practice, because instead of fix problem, it increase some other, and don't resolve many of the initial targeted one (the most scandalous one was for the Polio, they had to stop one of them because people who didn't have the Polio got it... big fail ! But they don't speak to much about that in your news paper, for sure... you are the client, without you, no business plan to sale <deleted>).

And you should look at studies around that who are to publish in the same news paper printed from property of big business boos companies.

Although I feel English isnt your first language I get the jist and I concur regarding the polo vaccine and do a little searching and you'll find who was responsible its the same people who are pushing the vaccine BS now.

50\60% possible success rate with a vaccine.......My own immune system 90+% ....

I'll take my chances!!!!

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59 minutes ago, jerolamo said:


".............Because now, scientist expert of virology see that this virus has mutated many times and his 10 times or more lower int term of power........"


And that my friends is why there will never be a viable vaccine for a covid type virus.  We learned this in 8th grade biology.


".............COVID-19 pandemic is actually finish. It is a mafia pandemic right now and a panic propaganda to spread fear to make money."


Truth.  It is now about how to make the most money off the situation and how not to loose credibility for trusting "experts" that were so wrong.



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7 minutes ago, Sharp said:

Although I feel English isnt your first language I get the jist and I concur regarding the polo vaccine and do a little searching and you'll find who was responsible its the same people who are pushing the vaccine BS now.

50\60% possible success rate with a vaccine.......My own immune system 90+% ....

I'll take my chances!!!!

yes, sorry for my nasty English level. I do accept and would be very happy you correct me as i can learn better from correction (really i will never be offended to learn something for free).

Most of us french people have a very low knowledge with any languages, that's a fact. I read usually only technical English, and i speak English only in Thailand with my Thai wife (who learn English alone in Thailand... with a lower level than mine... yes... it is possible! and it is very funny too) and at work sometimes so... in fact i do translate word by word from my tongue language expressions... a kind of French-English one with the best south of French accent you will be incredibly surprised how is it so fantastic).

Some can obtain good level when their families can paid for them to go in foreign countries (better England to learn good i think than USA) when young to learn something better.

I shame to not be better and to not be from a rich family and to not be rich myself as a kind of tradition, but... i'm limited and i can accept to try to be humble and recognize my level instead of deny my little situation. Thank you friend. Be safe, don't read big boss news papers...

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With the utterly reliable and competent government at helm, a tourist can comfortably fly into Thailand on a 12h flight wearing a mask, knowing that the rules will change about 20 times mid-air and the chances of ending up in a Thai quarantine gulag are about 50-50.

Edited by DrTuner
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