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Evicted owner of pitbull dogs tries to jump out of ambulance


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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pitbulls are illegal in 12 countries for a good reason- they are killers and should be illegal everywhere.

What a ridiculously naive and generic statement. 12 out of a total of 195 countries isn't exactly proof of anything!  

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

How about a bit of compassion?


Sure it was a very poor decision to keep 7 dogs in a condo but she's just lost her dogs and her home, been shamed on social media and is now homeless and suicidal. I think we can do a bit better than kicking her when she's down. 

Thankyou for adding this, I was going to add something similar, but you put it so well before me. 

I agree with your sentiments.

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51 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

But you did say'' Every dog is a killer buy nature"

They are. It's a matter of size. Small dogs can't cause much harm to adults, but still can harm children and toddlers A pincher is a nasty dog because it feels threatened and inferior due to its small size so it'll lush at anything and anyone

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30 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

How about a bit of compassion?


Sure it was a very poor decision to keep 7 dogs in a condo but she's just lost her dogs and her home, been shamed on social media and is now homeless and suicidal. I think we can do a bit better than kicking her when she's down. 

agree Jonny,  but she's only got herself to blame as why on earth would someone want to give themselves the mess of 7 large dogs in a condo.  She needs help alright. 

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41 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

How about a bit of compassion?


Sure it was a very poor decision to keep 7 dogs in a condo but she's just lost her dogs and her home, been shamed on social media and is now homeless and suicidal. I think we can do a bit better than kicking her when she's down. 


I rather feel for the neighbors who had to put up with it. Been covered on Thai media and social media for a while now. Neighbors accounts were more troubling, with the woman more antagonistic and ignoring their discomfort and fears. Management of building seemed pretty useless through all this.

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42 minutes ago, rtco said:
7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pitbulls are illegal in 12 countries for a good reason- they are killers and should be illegal everywhere.

What a ridiculously naive and generic statement. 12 out of a total of 195 countries isn't exactly proof of anything!

True, but it is indicative that there is a problem with either these dogs or the people who are unable to control them.

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1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

But you did say'' Every dog is a killer buy nature"

Of course every dog is a killer by nature... they eat meat, in nature there are no shopping malls. And even if there were, dogs can't handle cash.


Cats are also killers by nature. So is salmon. And spiders. And ant eaters. And ladybugs. And almost every bird.

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3 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

Of course every dog is a killer by nature... they eat meat, in nature there are no shopping malls. And even if there were, dogs can't handle cash.


Cats are also killers by nature. So is salmon. And spiders. And ant eaters. And ladybugs. And almost every bird.


OK, now I'm scared.

About them Pitboons, though...they look more handy at killing stuff than hummingbirds.

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8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pitbulls are illegal in 12 countries for a good reason- they are killers and should be illegal everywhere.

This list includes details of the attacks. Some eye opening reading, many victims toddlers and some just days or weeks old. Rottweilers responsible for quite a number of deaths too.

List of fatal dog attacks in the United States

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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Of course every dog is a killer by nature... they eat meat, in nature there are no shopping malls. And even if there were, dogs can't handle cash.


Cats are also killers by nature. So is salmon. And spiders. And ant eaters. And ladybugs. And almost every bird.

Don't forget people other than vegetarians 

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12 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Pitbulls are illegal in 12 countries for a good reason- they are killers and should be illegal everywhere.

Cr@p ,It's the owners that are the Problem.

It all depends How one Looks after the Growing Pup/Dog If one treats them Right and Teach the dog the Right way  No problems . I had So called Vicious Pig hunting dogs Up to 14 at one time in Aus.

Great Dane cross Bull Mastiff/Bull Mastiff cross WolfHound /Bulldog cross Boxer/Red nose Pitbull /Argentine Dogo They would Attack and Kill Anything If One Told them . They were like Baby Kittens at home playing with the Kids /Grandkids in a Bouncer  We Never had a Problem. 

I wouldn't trust and Own  a Doberman /German Shepherd/Rothweiler.

Then For size  The little Terrier /chiwawa and some small Pocket dogs are far more Dangerous .

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6 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Your statistics don't support or undermine any claim either...


Your statistic lacks in 2 ways:

1 - pit bull is not a breed, is a name used for a group of dogs with similar appearances. The media calls almost every dog a pit bull, but that doesnt make it a pitbull. If my labrador bites you, you will need to see my paperwork to determine if it is really a labrador or a mixed breed, no way to determine otherwise. 

2 - many people who are often getting into trouble, look for dogs that have a certain aggressive look. The "pit bull" fits that look, so the most "<deleted>ty dog owners" pick these dogs. Do you blame the dogs or the owners in that case when it goes wrong? Its similar to saying that guns with custom attachments and decorations are more lethal than "off the shelve" guns. Actually they are just as lethal, but the people buying the attachments do it to look cool and are more likely to actually use the gun (for a robbery, for a gang war, whatever). Would you now ban decorations on the guns, or would you prefer a stop to selling guns to criminals? 


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8 hours ago, Oldie said:

Pit Bulls are able to kill persons. Enough reason that they should not be allowed. 

People Are Able to Kill/Horses/Cattle/Pigs /Goats /Camels/ they are All able to Kill a Person . 

So what now, Ban Everything? Ban People Too? Grow up . 

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