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Leading doctor says Thailand shouldn’t open to tourists for another six months


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1 minute ago, fraggleRock said:

Glad I left this horrible, racist, scammers with drunk drivers everywhere..... last week... Philippines is MUCH better...

Are the PI allowing folks in now?  Or you have a PI wife?  If Thailand immigration eventually boots me (I will not be committing an agent-crime with them to stay), I would like the PI as a backup.  They banned 'fixers' there, so immigration is friendly and helpful.

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4 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Thai people can see our Western Covidiots who refuse to wear masks and call this virus a “hoax” all over the news every day. Of course they don’t want those people come here. I hope the borders stay closed as long as possible, and people are only let in after mandatory 14 days quarantine. 

imo, the school systems in the west have failed and so has instilling common sense by parental guidance, it's unfathomable that there are this many brain dead folks about..

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52 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

People need jobs and the Laotians, Malaysians, Myanmar's, and Cambodians are trying to return to where they lived and worked here in Thailand.  To classify them as anything other than foreign workers is a travesty and the way they are treated is shameful. 

How about let Thais do those jobs, for a living-wage (generally 2x the rate), instead of letting rich elites pay foreigners a pittance, while Thais have to travel overseas to do the same jobs the Cambodians/etc are doing in their country?  

Without the "foreign work" relief-valve, better conditions might come to Cambodia, Laos, etc much more quickly.

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9 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

I guess they also missed the fact that the death-rate was unaffected by lockdowns and masks, when you compare "apples to apples" - factoring in climate-type of the country, and the death-rate in the last season (lower last year = more 'near death' who died this year).


"Hoax" is the wrong word though.  The virus was not "fake."  Typical cycle of a resperatory illness is what the data shows, with the death-rate is plummeting, as would be expected.


As with swine-flu, the widspread "testing" in some countries leads to "finding more cases" - but the death-rate continues in the normal pattern, regardless.

Thanks for your post.

This has been fully confirmed in this video > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UvFhIFzaac

An update of the status of Covid-19 in Europe based on the latest figures and putting them in perspective.  Commented by Ivor Cummins - a Voice of Reason in these troubled and confused times.


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11 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Consider what happens to the scientists who work for those, if their analysis comes to the "wrong" conclusion.  No job, no income to support family, blacklisted, etc.  The old USSR comes to mind, but with "Elite Philanthropist Research Bankrollers" as the ruling-party.

Thank you David Icke ????

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4 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

Open the borders today, six months from now or 2 years from now.  The virus is still out in the world waiting to enter the kingdom and will eventually enter to run the natural course of every pandemic since beginning of time.


And there will be no effective vaccine.  They will tell you there is, billions $ will be paid by every country in the world.  But truth is it will not be a vaccine but a hope and a prayer.


On the positive side if I am wrong and an effective vaccine is developed:  We will also have cure for common cold virus, influenza virus and aids virus because they will have learned over last few months to do what was impossible for last 50 years..

How do you know that ? For a common cold , nobody was looking for a vaccine , there wasn't a need for it . Influenza has got vaccine , and it does work in many occasions and also last years has got some helping medication . HIV/AIDS is a completely other type of virus , and while there is medication for it , there is indeed no vaccine for it . Polio is nearly out of this world because vaccine , smallpox is finished because of vaccine , ...


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He is worried the thai gov will mismanage CV 19 like how they manage all the other public safety issues - road safety, air and water pollution, hazardous waste management etc....the list is endless


we all know the Thai gov is praying for that Russian vaccine sooner than later so they won’t to manage living in a CV 19 world...

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2 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

I was in Holland last week, bars pubs clubs etc near normal.. No mask wearing except public transport.. No screening or panic.. Work operating just fine.. 

This situation won't last for long, it hasn't gone away, it's on the move, that's all that's changed.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

In reference to migrant labor he suggested that many of those jobs could be done by Thais for now.

Great plan.  All the prostitutes and tourist swindlers can go and work for construction companies and other manual labour trades that no Thai actually wants to do.


The bonus to this is that it will "save" many of the supposedly poor exploited women forced into prostitution and exploited by evil White men.  (At least that's what the do-gooders say.)

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the interests of big business to make money should not be at the expense of public health concerns.

its in big business interests to give the false impression the suppression of the economy will go on for longer. Small businesses will fold, and sell their assets to big businesses.
Public health will get worse as the economy is suppressed for longer, people cannot take care of themselves well when they have no money.

So what the doc is saying, is that thailand should open now.

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If Thailand was the very last country in the world to have Covid pass through its population it will still have come, and have been at the expense of hundreds of thousands of livelihoods. As I keep saying Thailand cannot in any way avoid covid ad infinitum. 
As the rest of the world recovers Thailand will be the sick man of Asia.

i think that is what the Dr is advocating for

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4 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

you do know that they're catching citizens from Myanmar/Laos almost daily slipping over the border? 

They always did that, and they won't stop doing that. How many do they catch compared to the amount that actually cross these borders illegally? Highly likely not that many, whenever I am near remote border area's I see them crossing illegally very often.

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4 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

If Thailand was the very last country in the world to have Covid pass through its population it will still have come, and have been at the expense of hundreds of thousands of livelihoods. As I keep saying Thailand cannot in any way avoid covid ad infinitum. 
As the rest of the world recovers Thailand will be the sick man of Asia.

i think that is what the Dr is advocating for

Unless of course Thailand already had covid-19 running silently through the country in the months BEFORE the pandemic became world-wide. 

Several reports of thai and farang people that felt sick (cough/fever/weak) in the period end November till February.  As well as reports of covid-19 debris found in sewage systems dating from same period.

Yes, crazy thought that this whole panic circus of lock-down and Zero Tolerance measures might have been unnecessary...

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5 hours ago, Naturesway said:

This is why most of the doctors are just certified business men today 

555555 reminded me of a sketch on TV by the German humorist Gerhard Polt, there is an old lady speaking to her neighbour ;- "Well as a doctor I would say he is below average but as a businessman he is an ace."

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8 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Thai people can see our Western Covidiots who refuse to wear masks and call this virus a “hoax” all over the news every day. Of course they don’t want those people come here. I hope the borders stay closed as long as possible, and people are only let in after mandatory 14 days quarantine. 

All countries are extending regulations as every month goes by only in hope that a working vaccine can be discovered,so governments in all countries are playing there cards similarly which at this rate won’t be any easing of restrictions 

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Just now, lensta said:

Oh not another captain covid. If you are so worried about catching the virus, stay at home with your mask on and leave the sane people of the world to get on with their lives. We are not responsible for you.

I don’t have to stay at home because I’m living in Thailand where we don’t let western idiots in. Duh. 

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