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When to expect a new announcement?

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8 minutes ago, JacksSmirkingRevenge said:

Not all, but some.  If you transit in Dubai or Qatar you'll need it.  Even for transit. 

Actually Qatar Airways only requires it for departures from the following countries:


Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines Russia and Sri Lanka

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Cabinet approves long-term tourist visas 90x90x90

on the news lately, these are for new tourist coming into Thailand and willing do 14-day quarantine, i'm curious to know what about the tourist that is already in Thailand, i believed that they will allow tourist that's already here to get 90 days ext and so forth.

Edited by vinci
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2 minutes ago, vinci said:

on the news lately, these are for new tourist coming into Thailand and willing do 14-day quarantine, i'm curious to know what about the tourist that is already here.

You are in the wrong thread, have a look here:


Edited by jackdd
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I don't expect there will be an extension of the amnesty so I finally bit the bullet and went to CW yesterday to apply for my extension. Of course I understand this is not an option for everyone, but in my case I should be eligible for a 1 year extension, and while I went with the expectation of having to return with more papers, it was a bit of a roller coaster, but in the end they were reasonable and accepted my application and I left with the 30 days "under consideration" stamp. 

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16 hours ago, lovesthespicy said:

I would think if its coming it would be today. I can't imagine they wait till next Tuesday and say oh yeah everyone your good to stay dont go home in 3 days! 


Their was a recent statement about not waiting to the last minute to go down to immigration to extend or change visas.. Seems like most embassies are already giving letters. They may just leave it as a get letter and extend for 1900 for 30 day thing. That could be why so many consulates changed their stance on giving letters.

Why can't people return home? Yes, there are a few countries where flights are difficult or non- existent. Anybody from Europe can return. But it may be more of a "don't want to" as many never were genuine tourists. 

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1 hour ago, Letseng said:

Why can't people return home? Yes, there are a few countries where flights are difficult or non- existent. Anybody from Europe can return. But it may be more of a "don't want to" as many never were genuine tourists. 

The plight of long-stay visa holders has, since the announcement that the visa amnesty would end on September 26th next and because of Thailand’s closed borders, raised anxiety levels among hundreds of thousands of foreigners living within the kingdom.

A key segment of this group is multi-entry Non-Immigrant B visa holders who up to the end of March last, regularly left Thailand for business or travel purposes and returned with a 90-day extension.

This has not been possible since then and indeed will not be possible after September 26th in all likelihood as Thailand’s borders remain essentially closed except under approved entry and strict quarantine procedures.



Earlier last week, a top immigration officer in Phuket, Lieutenant Colonel Udom Thongchin, who is the deputy commander on the island, indicated that some news for long-stay foreigners within Thailand is in the offing.

The normally prescient official told the Phuket News newspaper in Phuket that he expects some news from Bangkok prior to September 15th next.

One key concern for many foreigners with Thai wives or who live and work from the kingdom is that because of the Covid 19 crisis, they have been unable to leave the country and both their incomes and savings have been depleted.

This means that many may not be able to satisfy the strict income and deposit requirements which in recent years have been tightened.

Lieutenant Colonel Udom advised such people to hold off on submitting their visa applications to authorities until after September 15th as he expects that there will be some guidance on this from headquarters in Bangkok.




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5 minutes ago, uberfarang said:

Why do you assume "home" is always someone's birth country?

Many were living/working in countries that have closed their borders to their foreign residents. Have you watched the news in 2020?


I have nothing to go back to in my "home" country, I've been living in Japan for a decade, my apartment, bank accounts and all my stuff is there, and still no way to get back in. My most likely chance to get back is via a travel/business bubble between Japan and Thailand. They are definitely not letting anyone from Europe fly into Japan this year so going back to Europe before that would make it even harder.



All foreign nations with the status of residency in Japan are permitted entry into Japan, i.e. if you are holding residency or a re-entry permit. 




As Japan is your home for 10 years, do you have residency or at least a re-entry permit to re-enter?

IF not...  you may have trouble re-entering Japan until it opens up to those without residence status, i.e. tourists.

In your shoes I too would be holding out to re-enter Japan from Thailand rather than Europe. 


If you can show proof of address, bank accounts, bills, vehicle etc... all in Japan then it seems there is reason for your Embassy in Thailand to grant a letter requesting extension based on the fact that you are unable to get to ‘your home’ in Japan. I’m not sure if the Embassy need to see a ‘resident visa status’ though. Have you tried ????







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7 minutes ago, khhainuui said:


Earlier last week, a top immigration officer in Phuket, Lieutenant Colonel Udom Thongchin, who is the deputy commander on the island, indicated that some news for long-stay foreigners within Thailand is in the offing.


It may look like this immigration officer may have been confused what was in the offing by cabinet. The news has come out, but it is for long stay tourists that want to travel to Thailand for a holiday. 90 day ++ visa.  Some limited requirements have been posted in the Thaiger.com but I bet a lot more requirements to follow. This won’t help those stuck here in Thailand to become in status with their visa, but will help those stranded from their families overseas. 

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8 hours ago, Russell17au said:

What about the IO that ignores the Police Order and rejects the extension application that has all the requirements but the IO makes his own rules

Give me some examples please. Not examples where the extra papers they ask for are missing, or where one month transfer or seasoned money can not be showed.

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

There were repeated announcements that there will be no further extensions to amnesty and those currently under visa amnesty have until sept 26th to sort out their affairs - Nothing has changed. 


Why are people expecting further Amnesty ? wishful thinking has somehow been quoted as statements of fact on this forum by poster simply guessing. 

Actually they wanted to make people to not expect it, and they succeeded. People who could leave did it, others payed agent money for visas. For the rest, there may be an amnesty at the last minute.

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8 hours ago, DaftToPutRealName said:


I'd love for you to explain which bit of "prepare more than the regular requirements" which is common sense, since presumably you would not know what extra documents an IO may feel like including from one case or day to another. Does it vary on what he or she had for breakfast? Maybe a fella who looked like you made a pass at his gik or he's still a bit salty from the night before?

Perhaps I'll change my line group request to divining classes. Maybe you can help me read some tarot or we can split the next winning lottery numbers?

He can ask for anything that has to do with or have a relation to your extension. For example. If the requirements say 4 pictures, just bring 12 pictures instead. Just one example, but I think you get the picture.

Not going on with this with you no more. It´s something that everybody knows by know. One who wish to stay in Thailand, better stop complaining and take it as it is. Otherwise there is other places in the world. Like it or not. Thailand have a lot of differences and corruption. If one can´t accept that, one have a lot of problems.

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17 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

Nobody is getting blacklisted unless you have an overstay of more than 3 months.

If one is arrested or prosecuted a single day may be enough for a 5 year blacklisting. The only way to be sure of avoiding that would be get an extension, or keep your head down until one can turn up at the airport with a flight booking and the 500/day fine up to 20,000.

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8 hours ago, BritTim said:

That is not my recollection. Indeed, by the second week of July, I was predicting an extension of the amnesty, or at least an easy way to stay, based on the lack of a clear announcement either way. Now, there is a clear announcement that those on short term permissions to stay must leave by September 26. There is a small chance that the cabinet could reverse themselves, but it is unlikely.

While I also thought a "free" extension was unlikely, it is a bit much to assume, "The Professional Liars and Extortionists are Telling the Truth, THIS Time." 


This was the LAST time:


BANGKOK — Another round of visa amnesty for foreigners residing or stranded in Thailand is unlikely, an immigration spokesman said Friday. The amnesty, extended back in April, will expire at the end of this month.

Spokesman Col. Phakkhaphong Saiubon said there’s a need to “clear out people” as the situation of global pandemic starts to wind down

 - Khaosod English - 2020/07/10


Just 11 days later, the extension of the auto-extension was announced/official.  Then there was this ...
- also in reply to ...


5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Was there ever a statement implying thee would be a follow up and easing of procedures? 


(already posted in this thread here: https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1182560-when-to-expect-a-new-announcement/?do=findComment&comment=15819056 ) - Thai Examiner - 2020/09/06 
... An "easing of the financials" for those with Non-B / Non-O Visa entries.  So, not surprising many waited for "new news."

Edited by JackThompson
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9 hours ago, uberfarang said:

When I asked my embassy in March, they said that such letters didn't exist, that embassies cannot decide who stays in the country, and that it was fake news spread on social media,

That is truly sad - literally gas-lighted you, "Don't believe your own eyes - they do not exist." 

While embassies are not "deciding" anything about our permitted-stay - and could credibly argue they should not have to do this - all they are being asked to do, is provide a generic-letter with your name inserted, which says, "Due to the ongoing situation with covid, please ..."  That's it.  Immigration accepts these.


9 hours ago, Terry B said:

However, hopefully it is not too late to change from an emergency-visa-extension-thingy to a proper-work-visa at this point in time if offered a job? I hope not! I just randomly ended up here in Thailand at the right time on a one month tourist waiver thingy,


So, from an auto-extended "Visa Exempt" entry.  As things stand, you will need an embassy-letter to get another 30 days, because 15 days must be left on your existing permitted-stay to apply for a "change of visa" to a non-immigrant type. 

That is assuming you school will pay the huge immigration-payoff to do that in-country, or your office will assist the school by not requiring the usual (50K+ Baht) payoff to change you to a "Non-B" in-country.  Pre-covid, people "went out for a visa" from the honest-MFA, rather than be extorted by corrupt-immigration.

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8 hours ago, PatrickC said:
8 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

How can someone be "married but not officially" ?

Either you're married or you're not.

Guess it means they've had a ceremony of some kind but have not registered their marriage legally.


If you get to know traditions here, many families consider the ceremony with the monk to be of paramount importance.  

The "legal" bit with the amphoe is just some paper-signing - often with the usual brown-envelope payoff routine, to not reject you over and over on nonsense. 


It's not just immigration doing this - ask you local Thai about the parts of the bureaucracy they have to deal with.

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