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Cambodia has been selected as world’s best hospitality country


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17 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Been to Cambodia many times, I  have said in previous comments Cambodia and Vietnam are beating Thailand hands down on the tourism front. Thailand needs to reaccess their approach to tourism from the small business person through to the Government if they want to keep tourism as an important industry for the country.

ur seriously joking>>i lived there in 2008/09 and travel often as have a Khmer gf living with me here in Phuket>
Cambodia offers nothing close to what Thailand offers tourists other than Angkor wat ( 100% worth seeing once)  an overbuilt dirty capital city and a few provincial places.
Beyond that, yep, cheap beer, cigs, easily obtained visas and work as second rate english teachers and cheap western food for the backpacker crowds.
PLUS of course Kampot where all the yuppies are now seemingly traveling to now that the Chinese have overtaken Shianoukvile.

Islands have already been ruined as well.


Edited by zzzzz
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