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Thailand's sex workers petition to decriminalise prostitution


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3 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

It's criminal to not decriminalize. A victimless crime... is not a crime. 

Hardly a victimless crime. Most if not all sex workers are either forced into it by traffickers or suffering mental illness. A woman doesn't have to sell her body to make money here. And the ones that have children are teaching them that being a whore is okay. A lot of prostitutes are forced into depraved acts, beaten and killed every year. Spreading diseases isn't victimless either. Of course a lot of officials either partake in the trade, or are benefitting by it, so there's money to be made. The only ones that would okay a petition are the ones that are buying women, and contributing to this act. How many children are created by sex from a prostitute? Where are the fathers? Back home in a foreign land contributing nothing to the development of the child. Of course, here there are millions of fatherless children because of the amount of cheating that goes on, and the fact that the sperm donors aren't held accountable for their actions, and the women think that their men will be there for them after the baby is born. A tad off topic,but the result the same. Hardly a victimless crime, prostitution.




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10 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

Title is "Thailand's sex workers petition to decriminalise prostitution"

and picture is a photo of a East European dancer (aka "Russian dancer")

near the "Russian bar" XO Club, on Pattaya Walking Street.


Russian dancers clearly have nothing to do with the article...

So they don't do the horizontal bop? Even with Ruskies?

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12 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Hey, totally irrelevant! Nobody enforce those rules and laws anyway. Why would they think that a new law would be different? :cheesy::cheesy:

The attached quote from the article would suggest you are wrong re the laws being enforced - 

'More than 24,000 people were arrested, prosecuted and fined for sex work-related offences in Thailand last year, according to the Royal Thai Police.'

The problem is the law is enforced selectively and gives others the leverage and power to force the sex workers to comply with their wishes.

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27 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

1) Only ever met one woman in Thailand forced into it (by her parents).

Mental illness appears to be a problem most women suffer.

According to you 66% of your wives had it, presumably they weren't prostitutes.


2) Almost every man in Thailand then, or did your much younger wife not marry you because you had a lot of money?

I'm guessing you haven't met more than a  hundred out of the thousands of prostitutes, and actually got the truth from them? Mental illness is suffered by millions of women, and men, around the world. It isn't a problem suffered by most women, nor men. Two of my wives have (had)  it, and I'm not into prostitutes. My wife married me for the same reasons others around the world do. I'm fit, healthy, loving, caring, generous , a good father, and have money coming in. The last one is the most important here I know, from what I can see.

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The whole thing is a bad situation really, and i don't know which is worse - the girls who end up on the game, or the people who come here just for sex (sad).  Always found it interesting when co workers turned up with new 'girlfriends' saying, "she is not a bar girl".  Then when she starts talking - BANG - the low standard of Thai language says something else.  Then of course then they are often on their phones to other 'boyfriends' at the same time...interesting.  

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