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State of emergency set to be extended through October


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17 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What part of Thailand's extended SoE has created the biggest personal problem for the noisome farang squatters herein?


What exactly is the problem that has become so unbearable for others here?


For me, I can still go shopping, buy food, run my kids to school, dine out, drink beer with my mates, go to beach or a National Park, stay in a hotel, access unlimited high-speed internet and enjoy uncensored social media video chat with family and friends back home, bring money into the country, buy a condo, order stuff online, etc., etc..

Glad this country serves your needs so perfectly ...some of us currently stuck outside of thailand would like to return to our families, mates, condos and all the lovely same ways you exploit being a guest of the Kingdom

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19 hours ago, mr mr said:

this is going to get so messy. who made these decisions in the first place to get our world into this absolute cluster f. 


let it rip already for the sake of humanity. we cannot take much more of this. the dire consequences being ignored are staggering to say the least. 



Blame Wuhan Virus Bioweapons 

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18 hours ago, pookondee said:

Yet people are still speculating with these imaginary time limits and scenarios.

How does anyone know? 


It could wind up very quickly.

Australia is looking like its well on the path to an end of it all.


Do you expect places like Australia will just sit on their heels for years on end,

ruining the economy?


watching suicides go through the roof..

 just for the หell of it?..

And if Covid free in the next month or so?


It seemed the Aus prime minister was snapping out of it for a moment,

but it seems he has crawled back into his box again.

maybe told to "belt it" from international power entities? 


Anyway, the doom and gloom negativity and BS on here and other places is just incredible. 

I really dont understand what people get out of it.


Yes, we have "sad sacks" in Australia who have never been on a plane, so of course they are jealous of anyone who actually has A LIFE!!

They wouldnt mind if the world is locked down for xx years.

doesnt effect them!


But even people who were actually once travellers themselves, saying no travel for 6months..1, 2 years?????


I've even read idiots on here claiming there will be no international travel for 5 years.


How anyone can come to these conclusions is beyond me.


Heres my prediction:


There will be mass rioting everywhere in the world if this BS is allowed to go on for another 3 months....


The people who crave an actual life will be out lynching these fools and cowards who want to keep everything locked down forever..


All for the sake of a slightly worse than average flu.


Was reading a post from a Swedish Doctor based in a major hospital there. He says the number of cases are reducing very steadily, his hospital rarely even sees a case any more. He is of the opinion that they are very close to herd immunity, and that other countries like the US where the case numbers were very high are probably close as well. In fact notice how the media now cites case numbers rather than deaths in many locales to try and keep the fear up. Cases are irrelevant as based on unreliable testing and that the recovery rate is close to 100%.


However he suspects isolated lock down countries like Australia and New Zealand have very little herd immunity and that they will have to stay locked down for years if an effective vaccine doesn't appear. The vaccine Australia has already put a $250 million deposit (ka-ching) down on is hoping to attain 50% effectiveness. If so expect that doctor will be right. As to Thailand not sure where they would sit, however would expect they will go with a Chinese vaccine, lets see if compulsory.

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20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Oddly enough I hear France is about to lock up tight again.

Who gives a poop about Belgium?

No lockdown in France, Restaurants and bars are closed for 2 weeks as from september 26th in the Marseille area and in Guadeloupe.
In Paris restaurants and bars will close at 10pm


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19 hours ago, pookondee said:

Yet people are still speculating with these imaginary time limits and scenarios.

How does anyone know? 


It could wind up very quickly.

Australia is looking like its well on the path to an end of it all.


Do you expect places like Australia will just sit on their heels for years on end,

ruining the economy?


watching suicides go through the roof..

 just for the หell of it?..

And if Covid free in the next month or so?


It seemed the Aus prime minister was snapping out of it for a moment,

but it seems he has crawled back into his box again.

maybe told to "belt it" from international power entities? 


Anyway, the doom and gloom negativity and BS on here and other places is just incredible. 

I really dont understand what people get out of it.


Yes, we have "sad sacks" in Australia who have never been on a plane, so of course they are jealous of anyone who actually has A LIFE!!

They wouldnt mind if the world is locked down for xx years.

doesnt effect them!


But even people who were actually once travellers themselves, saying no travel for 6months..1, 2 years?????


I've even read idiots on here claiming there will be no international travel for 5 years.


How anyone can come to these conclusions is beyond me.


Heres my prediction:


There will be mass rioting everywhere in the world if this BS is allowed to go on for another 3 months....


The people who crave an actual life will be out lynching these fools and cowards who want to keep everything locked down forever..


All for the sake of a slightly worse than average flu.


This Weeks Wishful Thinking Award Winner ............      ( i have the confetti ready )

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20 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Belgium, now 1 week, was  2 weeks.


Thats's 2.


There are loads but they call it self quarantine.

You are asked to go home & stay there for 2 weeks not collected under armed guard then driven to a residence & kept there for 2 weeks under guard like here

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5 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

This is a far bigger crisis though.

The Asian financial crisis depreciated the currency by around 60% and cost the government more than 25% of the foreign reserves.

Are you trying to say that the covid crisis will result in a more significant impact on the economy.

Are we to believe that the post covid £ will be worth more than double what it is today?

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8 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

What a mess.........  I've had so many good times in Thailand over the years and to see it all come to this is so sad for everyone.......... F^%$# Pongos........  

The British Army's lack of hygiene has got nothing at all to do with Thailand, there's been gungy pongo's since King Alfred's squabble with William the <deleted>!!!



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3 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

That's the thing. Countries can and do emerge from the rubble, so to speak. The longer the country remains closed, the longer this process will take and the harder it will be. 

You are quite right and history has shown how resilient Thailand can be. There is a bit more to it though than being closed, economic recovery is also dependent on how much debt has been accrued during the crisis. The Thai government has been much maligned over their control on the purse strings but other countries have dug a financial hole that will take generations to get over. The effect on the Thai economy pales into insignificance compared to some of the oil producers like Iraq that are almost totally dependent on one revenue source.

Only time will tell how recovery gets implemented but I should imagine that countries around the world that were heavily dependent on tourism, or any other hard hit sector, will have learned a lesson and be reluctant to put things back as they were.

Diversity will take on a whole new meaning.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

It made me go to Thai immigration for two extensions when I still have a perfectly valid Non-O (until April 2021).

It made me put 400k in a dodgy Thai bank, when I wanted that money in my UK bank.

It made me cut short one holiday in Siem Reap (March), cancelled another holiday to Phnom Penh (April), and probably missed two holidays I would have had in Vietnam. 


But on the plus side ........

It's reduced my mortgage rate from 6.25% to 4.75%.

Reduced my kids university fees from 16k to 12k, and my other kids Junior school 'extras' from 8k to 6k.

Gave me enough money (saved from no holidays) to buy a real motorcycle at a bargain price (Thai sellers are desperate).

And made my sideline girl very affordable, as she claims I'm her only customer left (apart from a guy in Oz who sends her money for 'phone sex'.

tell her ill have phone sex with him and you'll save a few more quid. 

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7 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

The type of control that you are referring to is in your head. 

Emergency = Control of the virus.  Still, perhaps you're partly right. ???? 

That is your opinion in my head no different than your opinion being in your head. It is just a opinion there is no facts etc what is factual is at times people respond and think their opinion is actual fact and still to the end with that theory. 


See they continue with this Emergency the Virus gives them the excuse when it might just be to keep things in order declare a lockdown, and to keep the protest in check of course that is just a theory in my head which is really no different than yours except you just don't want to believe it?

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On 9/24/2020 at 6:00 PM, CGW said:

The "controla virus" agenda looks like it will be dragging on for a while yet. ???? ????


Obviously the statistics just released by CDC mean nothing (apart from close to a 100% survival rate!) Taken from report:-

for different age groups, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html


Think it is more about permanent damage to the respiratory system, should it be contracted in a 2nd or 3rd wave, with more serious death and health figures which seem to be happening in the UK etc....

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6 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

Some people say any vaccine is only 50% to 60% effective so we can not say a vaccine is the Golden cure many hope it to be.

I haven't read that, in fact I've read higher percentages, but who knows and it's not my expertise. 


I'm keeping positive that it will be much better than 50-60% effective. And I tend to believe that the virus experts are well capable of inventing a strongly effective vaccine. 

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22 hours ago, EricTh said:

Just close it for 5 years until all the virus have died.


 Sadly , I have to agree with you .

   Keep farangs  visitors @ bay ...

  I have a Tha wife , and two children ..


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On 9/24/2020 at 7:49 PM, teacherclaire said:

Psst. If you don't test people, you'll have 0 percent. And a few positive patients might not even be mentioned, it destroys the good looking result.


MTGA. Make Thailand Great Again. Get rid off the soldier who plays politician. 



That's right... they are now using Myanmar as an excuse. Good enough for the PM to hold on to his sweeping dictatorial powers for another month at least.

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