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Biden campaign tees up Trump tax issue on eve of first debate

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32 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

which is why vast majority do not say... you guys shame them for their choice instead of convincing them to change. It's all part of the well honed liberal pc righteous spin but it's totally divisive.

The ‘vast majority’ never have supported Trump, not even a majority.


But you prompt a consideration.


Which of the two candidates gathered support from the all important middle ground and swing voters?


Not the one shouting is my bet.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Given the thread is about Trump's taxes, the person that illegally leaked them is in for a very bad time when caught, and I'm confident they will be.

Biden tried to make something out of it during the debate but a complete fizzer.

Indeed, Biden could not land a single punch. He failed on taxes. But what was even more amazing was that he failed on Covid 19.


Trump immediately rattled Biden by pointing out that his performance was terrible during the bird flu pandemic and rammed home the fact that Biden would shut down the country.


Even on Covid 19 Biden was unable to land on Trump. 


Biden failed on every topic. The only time he showed a bit of spirit was to defend his son, only to be told that Hunter Biden was discharged by the military for taking cocaine.


Just. Brutal. He emasculated Biden so much in the end Chris Wallace had to step in to provide some kind of fight, because Biden certainly wasn't.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

Just. Brutal. He emasculated Biden so much in the end Chris Wallace had to step in to provide some kind of fight, because Biden certainly wasn't.

Which shouldn't be allowed. If this candidate, Biden, can't stick up for himself how on Earth can he stand up for the US people?

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15 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Errr, Biden did not maintain his composure. He lashed out at Trump, telling him to "shut up", insulted Trump and called him a "clown" Biden was clearly rattled. Especially when he tried to defend his son and was told by Trump that his son was discharged dishonourably from the military for taking cocaine.


Biden behaved just as rude, more so, as Trump. Yes, he tried desperately not to look at Trump, but clearly Biden was rattled and lost his composure at times.


What's more his stiff attempts to retain his composure made Biden look stiff as a plank. 


But the worst was when Biden clearly couldn't remember the numbers or what he was trying to say and cut himself off mid-sentence.


It really was a pitiful performance by Biden and Trump won clearly and comprehensively.

Judging from Chris Wallace reprimanding Trump and not Biden, we can all make up our mind who didn’t misbehaved and was unpresidential. 

“Mr President. Your campaign agreed that both sides would get their 2 minutes answers. Uninterrupted. Well your side agreed to it. Why don’t you observe what your campaign agreed to as ground rule”. 

By the way, Joe admitted that his son Hunter had drug problem in the debate. He didn’t defend as you insinuate. Have you heard Trump making any self admission? 

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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Which shouldn't be allowed. If this candidate, Biden, can't stick up for himself how on Earth can he stand up for the US people?

Did you watch the 'debate'? The member to whom you replied misinformed

1 hour ago, Logosone said:

Another underhand low-point for Wallace was when he asked Trump to denounce White Supremacists. Trump was absolutely right to point out that the US has an Antifa, a left-wing, not a right-wing problem. Those behind burning the cities were the left and not white supremacists. Why Wallace saw fit to pull that stunt only he will know.

Isn't it because he's a democrat??

13 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Judging from Chris Wallace reprimanding Trump and not Biden, we can all make up our mind who didn’t misbehaved and was unpresidential. 

“Mr President. Your campaign agreed that both sides would get their 2 minutes answers. Uninterrupted. Well your side agreed to it. Why don’t you observe what your campaign agreed to as ground rule”. 

By the way, Joe admitted that his son Hunter had drug problem in the debate. He didn’t defend as you insinuate. Have you heard Trump making any self admission? 

Chris Wallace did reprimand Trump and not Biden, though Biden also interrupted, but to be fair Trump did so more forcefully and a little more often. But from the fact that Wallace for some bizarre reason brought up White Supremacists to Trump, but not Antifa to Biden we could see that Wallace, the known Democrat, was not exactly fully impartial though he tried at times.


If you think calling a president a "clown" or telling him to "shut up man" is presidential I guess we will have to agree to disagree.


And of course Biden did try to defend his son, and quite uncharacteristically with a bit of spirit it was endearing really, Biden tried to allude to the military career, but was swiftly slapped down by Trump disclosing that Hunter Biden was discharged from the military for taking cocaine. It really was brutal. There's just no comeback to that I guess except to admit it.


It would be nice if Biden's supporters could take a cue from Biden and also admit that Trump comprehensively won the debate, but it is very unlikely they will do so, and neither will most mainstream media outlets who bizarrely claim it was a "tie" or "an embarassment" or even more bizarrely that Biden won. 


Truly, we live in the age of fake news. I never believed it, but looks like here again Trump was right.

4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You may not agree with this assessment of this debate that was not a debate, but I think it nails it. So we've got a super troll as U.S. president. We already knew that. The question now is if the American people want four more years of this divisive, toxic garbage.






Exactly. When you've got nothing (like trump) that's just about the only tactic you can resort to. A troll president doing what he does best; trolling.

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21 minutes ago, Opl said:

 America’s prestige has suffered since his election.

Not at all. America's prestige is still sky-high.


The dollar is the total boss in the Forex markets.


Kids from Bangkok to London to Paris to Caracas are watching US TV and dancing to US music.


The biggest companies in the world are still Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook etc.


The most powerful military is still in the US.


People still dress wearing Nike, Jeans and Ralph Lauren.


What country on earth has more prestige than the US? None.


How has American prestige suffered? Because two candidates insult each other? Sensitive much?

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I see it as a draw. Biden stuttered and brought up his dead son again to gain political advantage - i hate that. He's done it in recent ads too. Leave such p[personal tragedies out of politics.


A Trump supporter concerned about propriety.


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11 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Not at all. America's prestige is still sky-high.


The dollar is the total boss in the Forex markets.


Kids from Bangkok to London to Paris to Caracas are watching US TV and dancing to US music.


The biggest companies in the world are still Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook etc.


The most powerful military is still in the US.


People still dress wearing Nike, Jeans and Ralph Lauren.


What country on earth has more prestige than the US? None.


How has American prestige suffered? Because two candidates insult each other? Sensitive much?


America's prestige as superpower (not soft power like K-Pop)  leading the free world ( Democracy) is way above marketing segments.


But your statement - sadly - totally resonates with Trump's strategy as reported by his former fixer, M. Cohen  "  “Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great,” “not to make our country great.”


Elections have consequences. Of course!




26 minutes ago, Morch said:


On the one hand, Trump supporters claim Biden was almost silenced by Trump - then they whine he was interrupting. Go figure. Having watched the 'debate' - Trump was far more abusive, overbearing, and yes - interfering by talking out of turn or over his rival's words. Or, for that matter, over the moderator's. Biden was not saintly, but nowhere near Trump's bullying ways.


As for your claims about "nobody was buying", how would you know?

That's not Trump supporters claiming that Biden was silenced, it's actually Biden's own supporting papers, witness CNN, the anti-Trump news outlet admitting that Biden was silent for much of the debate to the point of almost disappearing. Biden was silenced for much of the debate.


Yes of course Biden insulted Trump, interrupted Trump, that's normal for a presidential debate. That's not a problem. The problem is that Chris Wallace took Trump to task for it but not Biden. Clearly Wallace was partisan.


Sure Trump interrupted but so did Biden.


How do I know? Watch what viewer polls are saying about who won the debate. Forget "expert" commentators from big news outlets, look what the viewers said:



  • Confused 1
5 minutes ago, Opl said:


America's prestige as superpower (not soft power like K-Pop)  leading the free world ( Democracy) is way above marketing segments.


But your statement - sadly - totally resonates with Trump's strategy as reported by his former fixer, M. Cohen  "  “Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great,” “not to make our country great.”

Elections have consequences. Of course!




It's all intertwined of course and American cultural prestige is a direct result of America's military power. 


The world is becoming more fragmented and America is less inclined to be in synch with former allies, however, that did not stop Germany or the UK from wanting to host a Trump visit, it did not stop China from sending its people to make deals with the US.


No, America's prestige is still sky-high. Everyone knows that without America they are worse off. Even China knows it. Hence the kow-towing to Trump's demands in his China deal.

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Another anti-Trump supremacist. Sad how you stoop to these kinds of insults just because you are a sore loser. 


What is an anti-Trump 'supremacist'? How does the 'supremacist' fit in? Or is it just added for flavor?

  • Like 1
59 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You may not agree with this assessment of this debate that was not a debate, but I think it nails it. So we've got a super troll as U.S. president. We already knew that. The question now is if the American people want four more years of this divisive, toxic garbage.






You are correct. I don't agree with it.

We'll see in November if the American people want 4 more years.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Why is the guy asking about his tax returns? Sure this is something for the opposition to do, 


Why shouldn't he? Care to address the context in which this was brought up?

2 hours ago, Logosone said:

Another underhand low-point for Wallace was when he asked Trump to denounce White Supremacists. Trump was absolutely right to point out that the US has an Antifa, a left-wing, not a right-wing problem. Those behind burning the cities were the left and not white supremacists. Why Wallace saw fit to pull that stunt only he will know.


There's a parallel topic running where you can try and spew your nonsense views about Antifa. The gist of it is that USA intelligence agencies do not share your 'assessment' of the threat represented by Antifa. Trump can claim what he like, but he's at odds with relevant USA bodies.


Cities, as in whole cities, were not burned. That's just your usual hyperbole and scaremongering rhetoric.

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1 hour ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

How Biden can refuse to recognize a terror organization that is burning cities even exists boggles the mind.  LOL.  More proof that the Democrats are in with the anarchists.  Geez, what scum.


FBI director says antifa is an ideology, not an organization



Maybe you think Antifa infiltrated the FBI? Or that Wray is "in with the anarchists" as well?


Scum. What a tempting word, there.

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57 minutes ago, Morch said:


It's interesting (and sad) to note that many posters, especially Trump supporters, are invested in rhetoric describing the debate with such terms as 'destroyed', 'brutal' and the like. This set of mind seems to be far more focused on sticking it to the other side, than arguing your side's agenda, policy and merits.

I don't describe it as anything like that. I thought neither won and neither lost. Trump was Trump as expected and Biden was.......................... somewhat subdued. No surprises, no shocks, no enthusiasm. Trump is far more energized at his rallies.

Frankly I expected more and all I got was a waste of 90 minutes of my life.


I do wish one of the questions had been "what is your vision for the future of America"? I really miss Jack Kennedy and his shining city on a hill. That was a man that had a vision of great things and great enthusiasm for his country- "ask not what your country can do for you etc". I doubt we will see such vision again in my lifetime.

28 minutes ago, Logosone said:

The biggest companies in the world are still Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook etc.

Yes, and the leaders of these US companies don't support Trump.  They support Biden.


[A staggering 77% of business leaders polled by Yale say they plan to vote for Joe Biden over Trump in the November election. That's despite Biden's proposals to hike tax rates on both corporations and the high-income households.]

[Eighty-four percent of business leaders surveyed by Yale say the Trump administration's response to the crisis has hurt, not helped, their businesses.]

[On trade, 62% of executives said their businesses suffered from unfair trade practices in China. Yet a greater percentage -- 78% -- say the Trump administration's policies made US-China relations worse.]




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