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Hard truths about travelling to Thailand, right now


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1 hour ago, jerolamo said:

Good article, but you miss one specific point to add:

Thailand government doesn't test there own population enough to be able to talk about their own contamination level state.

They can not pretend seriously to be able to speak about something they do not measure.

Much more because some workers went out of Thailand, and at the border, was positive (and they were considerate as negative in Thailand just before to cross the border). So it is a proof that something is wrong there.

In Laos, they show very little cases and  death linked with COVID... but can we said that they do manage COVID the best all over the world ? Are you sure ? We can talk about all countries that have very low level of technology in land and show very little cases and death linked with COVID (and same, doesn't test so much...), can we said that they manage COVID so good ? Or can we said that, they don't test so much and then, sure, they don't have to much cases because of that ? Be logic one minute please...

We can also compare the COVID with other pandemic in world history and look at this story closer... but... do you really want to do that ? After, maybe people no more afraid COVID ? Do they have to ?

Can we speak seriously about all of this story with details and precision ? (or is it forbiden, and why ?)

Laos has tested even less than Thailand...there's your answer. 

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I agree with the OP. A really good concise account of the situation here regarding the pandemic. I think the golden goose was well & truly cooked before the pandemic & the arrival of the virus has only brought the inevitable forward. Opening borders & incoming flights is not going to improve the tourist industry in Thailand in my opinion. The first thing they need to do is to stabilize their currency & revalue the baht ........ this is the most damaging factor of Thailand's plight. It's strength has pushed people to other countries that are far cheaper. Yes, it's a brilliant country to visit for holidays, but has become way too expensive for most. This alone will help to rejuvenate the economy & get back on track without putting the lives of the population at risk. They need to get competitive & not sit back thinking tourism will return because it is not going to happen in my opinion any time soon.

At this point in time I think the government should only concentrate on keeping people safe & inform everyone that the economy will continue to shrink until the pandemic worldwide is under control. The risks are far too great to be worrying about tourism & need to diversify by concentrating more on their exports. They should not be testing their ideas to boost tourism this early as no one knows how to control this virus. It's risking the lives of the general public by exposing them to traffic from countries that are still under lockdown ............ I'm stunned that China is being welcomed as the first visitors back! Unreal as it all started somewhere in China ........... I think it was Wuhan??? ........ The logic here escapes me.

Lastly, I think the immigration laws need to change to allow visitors easier access. If you want tourists to come to Thailand on holiday it must be seen as a destination with easy access visas that welcomes everyone. The criminal fraternity can easily be screened/tracked by electronic measures at all borders & airports with the technology we have today. The paperwork required & documents to prove you are a legitimate retiree or long term visitor are punitive & the number of "hoops" you need to jump through is so difficult, especially for those in their twilight years. If people are welcome here ......... it should be easy, but it's far from it. If you are on retirement for instance, each year the stress on individuals increases each year ........ if your income drops below the threshold due to the exchange rate you must leave. There is no other option ......... retirement here has become very risky. There are too many instances where stress is placed on the individual if they require an visa extension ....... another sad fact. 



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26 minutes ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Laos has tested even less than Thailand...there's your answer. 


9 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

I agree with the OP. A really good concise account of the situation here regarding the pandemic. I think the golden goose was well & truly cooked before the pandemic & the arrival of the virus has only brought the inevitable forward. Opening borders & incoming flights is not going to improve the tourist industry in Thailand in my opinion. The first thing they need to do is to stabilize their currency & revalue the baht ........ this is the most damaging factor of Thailand's plight. It's strength has pushed people to other countries that are far cheaper. Yes, it's a brilliant country to visit for holidays, but has become way too expensive for most. This alone will help to rejuvenate the economy & get back on track without putting the lives of the population at risk. They need to get competitive & not sit back thinking tourism will return because it is not going to happen in my opinion any time soon.

At this point in time I think the government should only concentrate on keeping people safe & inform everyone that the economy will continue to shrink until the pandemic worldwide is under control. The risks are far too great to be worrying about tourism & need to diversify by concentrating more on their exports. They should not be testing their ideas to boost tourism this early as no one knows how to control this virus. It's risking the lives of the general public by exposing them to traffic from countries that are still under lockdown ............ I'm stunned that China is being welcomed as the first visitors back! Unreal as it all started somewhere in China ........... I think it was Wuhan??? ........ The logic here escapes me.

Lastly, I think the immigration laws need to change to allow visitors easier access. If you want tourists to come to Thailand on holiday it must be seen as a destination with easy access visas that welcomes everyone. The criminal fraternity can easily be screened/tracked by electronic measures at all borders & airports with the technology we have today. The paperwork required & documents to prove you are a legitimate retiree or long term visitor are punitive & the number of "hoops" you need to jump through is so difficult, especially for those in their twilight years. If people are welcome here ......... it should be easy, but it's far from it. If you are on retirement for instance, each year the stress on individuals increases each year ........ if your income drops below the threshold due to the exchange rate you must leave. There is no other option ......... retirement here has become very risky. There are too many instances where stress is placed on the individual if they require an visa extension ....... another sad fact. 




27 minutes ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Laos has tested even less than Thailand...there's your answer. 

Is it because in general tests are free elsewhere and the people/hospitals don’t have the funds to pay for a test ?

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21 hours ago, ukrules said:

I have a feeling nothing will change until the population are vaccinated.


and who will accept to be a guinea pig, specially after the beautiful history of failed attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine????

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I think i could be a nice time to go to Thailand now, prices will cheap, beaches will be empty, a good time to visit Phuket, or Phi Phi without the hoards of annoying tourists. Like Thailand 20 years ago.


I'll bet the STV inbox is overflowing, you will be put on a long waiting list. Wait till the winter starts coming. Who wouldn't want to get of the UK, Spain, or the USA now?


They should drop the charter flight part, of have they already? there seems to be regular flights to Thailand:


Tue, 1 Dec
13:25 01:20+2
Air Canada, THAI
23 h 55 m
1 stop
4 h 0 m ICN
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18 hours ago, Blumpie said:

It's important to stop and understand what professionals are saying about a vaccine, and it hasn't changed.

The virus is hardly mutating which is why they are so confident in a vaccine.  WHO and independent scientists all say by the 2nd quarter 2021.  This has not changed for some months now.  What they have in the pipeline all work in theory, they are still testing though.  Much fear mongering and clicks are generated by barfing out half truths, and keeps the prison planet wing nuts touching themselves at night.  


As has been stated, until a vaccine is present and is WIDELY AVAILABLE, life will not be normal.


This year will be a total write-off, and so will next year.  The vaccine will not be widely available next year.  Perhaps the year after.


The hurt has only just begun for tourism earth wide.  And no, kids, it's not just Thailand.  


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Email from my local consulate today:

Unfortunately, the Special Tourist Visa (STV) is not available at this time. Please find below the official information posted on the Royal Thai Embassy, Washington, D.C. website www.thaiembdc.org on current visa eligibility:


“Currently, the following types of visas are NOT permitted to enter Thailand: Tourists visa holders (TR), Transit passengers (TS), Sports visa holders (S), Monks and other religious visa holders (R) and their spouses or children, Volunteers (O), and non-formal students visa holders (such as language schools, diving schools, boxing schools). Due to a high number of infection rate, the APEC card holders and the applicants who are currently in the USA and wish to obtain Special Tourist Visa (STV) do not fall under the categories that could enter Thailand at the moment, please check back regularly for any updates.”


The Embassy can be contacted directly for questions at [email protected].




Royal Thai Honorary Consulate-General

Houston, Texas

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18 hours ago, weedywhaoo said:

I don't agree that quarantine hotels are expensive. I'm staying at Landmark Hotel now. They charge 55 000 baht for 15 nights. This includes airport transfer and 3 Corona tests, thats about 20 000 baht. The food is fantastic, great breakfast, 3 course lunch and dinner, that's about 1000 baht per day. Left is room charge of about 20 000 baht for the period. On top of this there is the hospital staff at place that also costs money.

In my mind it's cheaper to stay at this hotel now than in normal circumstances. 

Would kinda suck if your 'holiday' were only for 14 days though bruv. 

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23 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

That is the belief of many. In fact it may be a prime reason this government is so scared to even remotely release it's Iron fisted grip on the country.  However, we will never truly know the extent to which the virus itself has infected the population as there has been little testing completed on the people here.  If you do not test on a at least random basis and or voluntary basis you will never have an idea. This country believes it's Covid image of defeating and keeping it at bay is more important.  Looks can be deceiving as even a drunk will find out when he ends up with a LB instead of a real princess in his bed.

Better to not lose face keep the numbers low, sort it out later... 

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21 hours ago, Donga said:


UK been allowing everyone back from Spain and other non-safe countries without any testing at the airports. Their contact tracing is poor. Don't believe they temp check anywhere. Wouldn't follow their lead at all.

Germany and Singapore by comparison are allowing people from safe countries, with testing, but without quarantine. This is they way for Thailand to go. Most of the region is now safe.

In Japan, South Korea, Australia, NZ, Malaysia and Singapore, the chances of someone having Covid-19 is now less than one in 20,000 compared to around one in 1,000 average in Europe and higher in the US.

Taiwan, Vietnam one in a mill and China one in 8 mill.

Thailand can open up it's tourism to safe countries (less than 1/20,000, risk prior to testing) with tiny odds of any outbreak, which the Thais know how to manage, as they did before.

Too many people are suffering, bring them in safely.


What is a safe country? I see that phrase a lot, low or controlled/stable numbers has not made the disease any less contagious or deadly, it is the same virus that originated in china... it would only take 5 people from a "safe country" to have no syptoms pass quarintine, go out into the public and spread the virus like wild fire... so it should not matter what country a person comes from the human population is infected with the same thing so how can a country be labeled safe?

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What is a safe country? I see that phrase a lot, low or controlled/stable numbers has not made the disease any less contagious or deadly, it is the same virus that originated in china... it would only take 5 people from a "safe country" to have no syptoms pass quarintine, go out into the public and spread the virus like wild fire... so it should not matter what country a person comes from the human population is infected with the same thing so how can a country be labeled safe?

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15 hours ago, robertson468 said:

I understand your pessimism, but after the Tsamie in Phuket, many Tourists said they would never go back for fear of their life.  Sure enough, the following year, many did not return, but by the 3rd year the Tourists had returned by the plane load and numbers were very much back up again.  Humans either have short memories, or are prepared to over look adverse issues and move on quite quickly

nothing to do with the baht being /over 70 = £1 ?

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1 hour ago, Till22 said:

I’ll keep trying to eventually get there. So again, mind numbing is an understatement’.

Better to just accept 2020 is a write off year & aim for winter 2021 IMHO ????


Edited by meechai
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19 hours ago, philosphrstone said:

How many people have died, worldwide?  A bit over 1 million, right?  There are 7.8 billion souls on Earth, meaning, in the first year of this big scary pandemic that is overwhelming a hospital or two somewhere in the US, about one person in 7800 has died.  Yes, indeed, it turns out Covid-19 is a MINOR risk, especially if you are under the age of 70!  Imagine the draconian stuff that the overzealous bureaucrats of all levels of all governments would be doing if there was a real pandemic!!!  The only country in the world that didn't fall for this hoax was Sweden.  Sensible folks there, and apparently some politicians who are not owned by the CCP!  ????

The numbers are out now, this virus covid19 kills 0.13% of the infected people...exactly the same as the flue every year...and guess what, there was no normal flue this year, so strange!


This is the biggest scam ever...it's a trap and the ones on the top of the chain (the american billionaires) love it.

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1 hour ago, Youlike said:

The numbers are out now, this virus covid19 kills 0.13% of the infected people...exactly the same as the flue every year...and guess what, there was no normal flue this year, so strange!


This is the biggest scam ever...it's a trap and the ones on the top of the chain (the american billionaires) love it.

You really need a better source for your news.  In the US, over 200k are now dead due to CV19.  The seasonal flu takes between 12k and 65k annually.  No comparison.  And hardly a scam.

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3 hours ago, Till22 said:

Mind numbing is an understatement. I am, and have been endeavouring to get to Thailand to see my son-in-law in Hua Hin since May. I’m an Australian currently living in Indonesia. After hearing 2 weeks ago about the 90 day Visas with up to 2 extensions you can imagine ‘I was in like Flynn’. I have all necessary documents, including a hefty insurance policy including being covered for this ‘Covid 19’, not to mention no problem with the 2 weeks quarantine. To submit these documents to the Thai Embassy in Jakarta you have to also provide your flight details and hotel booking. Here’s the catch 22 for want of a better terminology. The information provided also a list of 60 hotels with over 2.000 rooms supposedly available. The larger majority being in and around Bangkok, then there were a couple in Pattaya and Phuket. Sticking to a reasonable budget I began the ring around, or should I say the run around. Didn’t matter which one I called the response was the same. “No Vacancies”. Well, low and behold I found one, just slightly out of my budget, never the less, found one. I provided all information they required, then, they required my flight details. Back on the phone once again.! Talking to the organisers of the chartered flight, explaining the hotel required this for the room booking, they were kind enough to provide me with these details even though I hadn’t submitted any documents to the embassy. After submitting ‘everything’ they needed I was informed by email they required full payment for the room and should I have to cancel if my application was unsuccessful, they retained 50%. In the email they also informed me the room I was booking was ‘not available’ but we have another one.! Instead of 38.000bht it had increased to 52.000bht. Hmmmmm.!! Deciding to file this one in the Too Hard Basket I began aiming for the next scheduled flight at the end of October. Well, you wouldn’t have to be the brightest crayon in the box to work out what the results were there. No Vacancies.!! Ultimately, I’ll keep trying to eventually get there. So again, mind numbing is an understatement’.

seems like a perfect scam just like those ponzi ones. no vacancies? laughing hard here.

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