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Foreign tourism reopening: Key operator slams government for inconsistency, lack of communication even damaging tourism


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People often ask me what it is like to own and run a business in Thailand and what is the most important piece of advice to give them. That advice was given to me more than 15 years ago by a very influential Thai business man. It was simple, "never rely on the Gov't, they will not help you, we business people must find our own path to resolve the problems we face". His words are as true today as they were 15 years ago. My second piece of advice, read "Who Moved My Cheese".

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For a looooong time tourism people want tourists but immigration not so much. The Thai government wants tourists' money but not tourists. Not hard to understand why they signal you to come with one hand and stop you from coming with the other. Dyspepsia. haha  Sorry I just like the word.

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19 hours ago, ChipButty said:

I find that excuse a bit lame because of the Vegetarian Festival. they would have been in quarantine would they not?

150 Chinese people loose in a festival of thousands? Who would know. They would just blend in as a few tourists, nobody would care.

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4 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Every department coming up with their own senseless unworkable plan just to show that they are worth their monthly salary and how productive they are.???????? Everyday another plan however none of them works..

No plans ect ect ect will work until restrictions,regulations & travel costs are eased and that ain’t going to happen anywhere in the world until a working vaccine is available, so bunker down for a long time yet,end of story

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The Left Hand not knowing what the Right Hand is doing is everyday practice in Thailand where every Government Dep't, be it National or Local thinks they are 'special' and 'clever' and know better than all others and besides, they are not interested in communicating with each other as it may mean 'Loss of Face' if anyone knows better or has a better plan than them.


This Guy has little hope of seeing a strong co-ordinated response from anyone as the Brainless of Bangkok look down on everyone and would not soil their shoes by visiting Ground Zero and talk to 'Serfs', who just may have a sensible idea or two of their own and make them look more Brainless than they already are !

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I begin to think that the biggest questions is rather about how many tourists – apart from usual snowbirds, and stranded non-O visa-holders abroad – that wish to travel right now, than the question of reopening...????

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

Torphong said that the 8th October non-arrival debacle showed the hopelessness in the lack of coordination...


Fact is, and as far as the Thai authorities are concerned, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Heck, they don't even know how many fingers they have between them!


Correction: They don't even know what fingers are, or what they look like.


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5 hours ago, Brickbat said:

Enjoying the Quietness this virus has created. Nice , slow, easy life without the loud ,trampling ,damaging tourists. 

There’s alot of expats  trying to get back in to enjoy the same very “guest of Kingdom” exploitation you seem to enjoy.  We can agree on keeping the backpackers away forcawhile

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4 hours ago, fred110 said:

The W.H.O. finally admitted that lockdowns cause more harm and death than the virus. Time to open everything.

Thai government will do whatever to save face no matter what W.H.O says

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4 hours ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

Sorry  never  been to Phuket

If that  pic  of a street   and the  Kebab  sign is a  main street  in Phuket

I  am amazed  why  they have tourists  anyway

Looks like a  third  world  slum ...sorry  yuk    in  any  large city  there are  slums  sadly  true  ....   but a tourist  place to look like  a slum area  ?......Really  

One place I would  not want to visit if  in Thailand 

Good  Luck  Phuket

Went there in 2014. Was not impressed, I thought I was back in Australia. Hordes of Aussies in bars watching AFL and NRL

on the big screen tvs. They could have done that back home. 

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4 hours ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

Sorry  never  been to Phuket

If that  pic  of a street   and the  Kebab  sign is a  main street  in Phuket

I  am amazed  why  they have tourists  anyway

Looks like a  third  world  slum ...sorry  yuk    in  any  large city  there are  slums  sadly  true  ....   but a tourist  place to look like  a slum area  ?......Really  

One place I would  not want to visit if  in Thailand 

Good  Luck  Phuket

To each his own - I find pictures of the sterilized luxury tourist areas in Dubai totally off-putting.

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6 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Especially the ones in the cabinet offices.............

>Saying the thai gov is being stupid wrt situation

No. They are behaving intelligently in accordance with the plan to bankrupt small businesses so that big businesses with savings enough to last thru this forced economic depression can take over the market. Governments have been correctly doing this periodically for thousands of years so I don't know why you or others tend to towards this ' government is stupid ' myth, other than you are <censored>

Edited by djuiiy
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5 hours ago, 0815 said:

How is it possible that other countries simply reopened for tourists without "special visas", "special plans" or "special bubbles" ?
And they even get bookings and visitors !

If only a few hundred tourists can come to begin with, Thailand is trying to get only the wealthiest tourists. Other countries seem happy to welcome any who can afford to go. 

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2 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

150 Chinese people loose in a festival of thousands? Who would know. They would just blend in as a few tourists, nobody would care.

It was never about the 150 Chinese tourists actually being on the island. It was about the fear and panic it would have created among the expected festival visitors. The government has done a fine job of painting all foreigners as dangerous, so if there had been 150 Chinese tourists on the island no visitors would have dared go there. Even if the tourists were properly quarantined. 

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4 hours ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

Sorry  never  been to Phuket

If that  pic  of a street   and the  Kebab  sign is a  main street  in Phuket

I  am amazed  why  they have tourists  anyway

Looks like a  third  world  slum ...sorry  yuk    in  any  large city  there are  slums  sadly  true  ....   but a tourist  place to look like  a slum area  ?......Really  

One place I would  not want to visit if  in Thailand 

Good  Luck  Phuket

Yes, trillions of baht a year for decades and decades and govt fat cats milked it to the last drop without reinvestment and now the milk has dried up what is left is what you see , tired looking shabby run down resort towns.




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